#pragma once #include #include "../dxvk/dxvk_shader.h" #include "dxbc_chunk_shex.h" namespace dxvk { /** * \brief DXBC to SPIR-V compiler * * */ class DxbcCompiler { public: DxbcCompiler(DxbcProgramVersion version); ~DxbcCompiler(); /** * \brief Processes a single instruction * \param [in] ins The instruction */ void processInstruction(DxbcInstruction ins); /** * \brief Creates actual shader object * * Combines all information gatherd during the * shader compilation into one shader object. */ Rc finalize(); private: DxbcProgramVersion m_version; DxvkSpirvIdCounter m_counter; std::unordered_set m_capabilities; DxvkSpirvCodeBuffer m_spirvCapabilities; DxvkSpirvCodeBuffer m_spirvProgramCode; VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage() const; void enableCapability(spv::Capability cap); }; }