#pragma once #include "../dxvk/dxvk_include.h" #include "dxgi_include.h" namespace dxvk { class DxgiAdapter; class DxvkAdapter; class DxvkBuffer; class DxvkDevice; class DxvkImage; /** * \brief Format information */ enum class DxgiFormatFlag { Typeless = 0, }; using DxgiFormatFlags = Flags<DxgiFormatFlag>; /** * \brief Format info * * Stores a Vulkan image format for a given * DXGI format and some additional information * on how resources with the particular format * are supposed to be used. */ struct DxgiFormatInfo { VkFormat format; VkImageAspectFlags aspect; VkComponentMapping swizzle; DxgiFormatFlags flags; }; /** * \brief Format lookup mode * * When looking up an image format, additional information * might be needed on how the image is going to be used. * This is used to properly map typeless formats and color * formats to depth formats if they are used on depth images. */ enum class DxgiFormatMode : uint32_t { Any = 0, Color = 1, Depth = 2, }; } /** * \brief Private DXGI adapter interface * * The implementation of \c IDXGIAdapter holds a * \ref DxvkAdapter which can be retrieved using * this interface. */ MIDL_INTERFACE("907bf281-ea3c-43b4-a8e4-9f231107b4ff") IDXGIAdapterPrivate : public IDXGIAdapter1 { static const GUID guid; virtual dxvk::Rc<dxvk::DxvkAdapter> STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDXVKAdapter() = 0; /** * \brief Maps a DXGI format to a compatible Vulkan format * * For color formats, the returned Vulkan format has the * same memory layout as the DXGI format so that it can * be mapped and copied to buffers. For depth-stencil * formats, this is not guaranteed. * \param [in] format The DXGI format * \param [in] mode Format lookup mode * \returns Vulkan format pair */ virtual dxvk::DxgiFormatInfo STDMETHODCALLTYPE LookupFormat( DXGI_FORMAT format, dxvk::DxgiFormatMode mode) = 0; }; /** * \brief Private DXGI device interface * * The implementation of \c IDXGIDevice stores a * \ref DxvkDevice which can be retrieved using * this interface. */ MIDL_INTERFACE("7a622cf6-627a-46b2-b52f-360ef3da831c") IDXGIDevicePrivate : public IDXGIDevice2 { static const GUID guid; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetDeviceLayer( IUnknown* layer) = 0; virtual dxvk::Rc<dxvk::DxvkDevice> STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDXVKDevice() = 0; }; /** * \brief Swap chain back buffer interface * * Allows the swap chain and presenter to query * the underlying image while it is embedded in * a texture object specified by the client API. */ MIDL_INTERFACE("5679becd-8547-4d93-96a1-e61a1ce7ef37") IDXGIPresentBackBuffer : public IUnknown { static const GUID guid; virtual dxvk::Rc<dxvk::DxvkImage> GetDXVKImage() = 0; }; /** * \brief Private presentation device interface * * Allows a swap chain to communicate with the device * in order to flush pending commands or create the * back buffer interface. */ MIDL_INTERFACE("79352328-16f2-4f81-9746-9c2e2ccd43cf") IDXGIPresentDevicePrivate : public IUnknown { static const GUID guid; /** * \brief Creates a swap chain back buffer * * \returns \c S_OK on success */ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateSwapChainBackBuffer( const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* pSwapChainDesc, IDXGIPresentBackBuffer** ppBackBuffer) = 0; /** * \brief Flushes the immediate context * * Used by the swap chain's \c Present method to * ensure that all rendering commands get dispatched * before presenting the swap chain's back buffer. * \returns \c S_OK on success */ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FlushRenderingCommands() = 0; /** * \brief Underlying DXVK device * * \param [in] riid Device type * \param [in] ppDevice device * \returns DXVK device handle */ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDevice( REFGUID riid, void** ppDevice) = 0; }; #ifdef _MSC_VER struct __declspec(uuid("907bf281-ea3c-43b4-a8e4-9f231107b4ff")) IDXGIAdapterPrivate; struct __declspec(uuid("7a622cf6-627a-46b2-b52f-360ef3da831c")) IDXGIDevicePrivate; struct __declspec(uuid("5679becd-8547-4d93-96a1-e61a1ce7ef37")) IDXGIPresentBackBuffer; struct __declspec(uuid("79352328-16f2-4f81-9746-9c2e2ccd43cf")) IDXGIPresentDevicePrivate; #else DXVK_DEFINE_GUID(IDXGIAdapterPrivate); DXVK_DEFINE_GUID(IDXGIDevicePrivate); DXVK_DEFINE_GUID(IDXGIPresentBackBuffer); DXVK_DEFINE_GUID(IDXGIPresentDevicePrivate); #endif