#include "dxbc_options.h" namespace dxvk { DxbcOptions::DxbcOptions(const Rc& device) { const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties devProps = device->adapter()->deviceProperties(); const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures devFeatures = device->features(); // Apply driver-specific workarounds const DxvkGpuVendor vendor = static_cast(devProps.vendorID); if (vendor == DxvkGpuVendor::Nvidia && (devProps.driverVersion < VK_MAKE_VERSION(396, 18, 0) || getEnvVar(L"__GL_NextGenCompiler") != "0")) { // Older versions of the driver expect the // coordinate vector to have an extra component this->addExtraDrefCoordComponent = true; // From vkd3d: NMin/NMax/NClamp may crash the driver. this->useSimpleMinMaxClamp = true; } // Enable certain features if they are supported by the device this->useStorageImageReadWithoutFormat = devFeatures.shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat; } }