#include "dxbc_analysis.h" namespace dxvk { DxbcAnalyzer::DxbcAnalyzer( const DxbcModuleInfo& moduleInfo, const DxbcProgramInfo& programInfo, const Rc& isgn, const Rc& osgn, DxbcAnalysisInfo& analysis) : m_isgn (isgn), m_osgn (osgn), m_analysis(&analysis) { // Get number of clipping and culling planes from the // input and output signatures. We will need this to // declare the shader input and output interfaces. m_analysis->clipCullIn = getClipCullInfo(m_isgn); m_analysis->clipCullOut = getClipCullInfo(m_osgn); } DxbcAnalyzer::~DxbcAnalyzer() { } void DxbcAnalyzer::processInstruction(const DxbcShaderInstruction& ins) { switch (ins.opClass) { case DxbcInstClass::Atomic: { const uint32_t operandId = ins.dstCount - 1; if (ins.dst[operandId].type == DxbcOperandType::UnorderedAccessView) { const uint32_t registerId = ins.dst[operandId].idx[0].offset; m_analysis->uavInfos[registerId].accessAtomicOp = true; } } break; case DxbcInstClass::TextureSample: case DxbcInstClass::VectorDeriv: { m_analysis->usesDerivatives = true; } break; case DxbcInstClass::ControlFlow: { if (ins.op == DxbcOpcode::Discard) m_analysis->usesKill = true; } break; case DxbcInstClass::TypedUavLoad: { const uint32_t registerId = ins.src[1].idx[0].offset; m_analysis->uavInfos[registerId].accessTypedLoad = true; } break; default: return; } } DxbcClipCullInfo DxbcAnalyzer::getClipCullInfo(const Rc& sgn) const { DxbcClipCullInfo result; if (sgn != nullptr) { for (auto e = sgn->begin(); e != sgn->end(); e++) { const uint32_t componentCount = e->componentMask.popCount(); if (e->systemValue == DxbcSystemValue::ClipDistance) result.numClipPlanes += componentCount; if (e->systemValue == DxbcSystemValue::CullDistance) result.numCullPlanes += componentCount; } } return result; } }