#include "dxvk_graphics.h" #include "dxvk_pipecompiler.h" namespace dxvk { DxvkPipelineCompiler::DxvkPipelineCompiler() { // Use ~half the CPU cores for pipeline compilation const uint32_t threadCount = std::max( 1u, std::thread::hardware_concurrency() / 2); Logger::debug(str::format( "DxvkPipelineCompiler: Using ", threadCount, " threads")); // Start the compiler threads m_compilerThreads.resize(threadCount); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { m_compilerThreads.at(i) = std::thread( [this] { this->runCompilerThread(); }); } } DxvkPipelineCompiler::~DxvkPipelineCompiler() { { std::unique_lock lock(m_compilerLock); m_compilerStop.store(true); m_compilerCond.notify_all(); } for (auto& thread : m_compilerThreads) thread.join(); } void DxvkPipelineCompiler::queueCompilation( const Rc& pipeline, const Rc& instance) { std::unique_lock lock(m_compilerLock); m_compilerQueue.push({ pipeline, instance }); m_compilerCond.notify_one(); } void DxvkPipelineCompiler::runCompilerThread() { while (!m_compilerStop.load()) { PipelineEntry entry; { std::unique_lock lock(m_compilerLock); m_compilerCond.wait(lock, [this] { return m_compilerStop.load() || m_compilerQueue.size() != 0; }); if (m_compilerQueue.size() != 0) { entry = std::move(m_compilerQueue.front()); m_compilerQueue.pop(); } } if (entry.pipeline != nullptr && entry.instance != nullptr) entry.pipeline->compileInstance(entry.instance); } } }