#pragma once

#include "dxbc_enums.h"

namespace dxvk {
  constexpr size_t DxbcMaxInterfaceRegs = 32;
  constexpr size_t DxbcMaxOperandCount  = 8;
   * \brief Operand kind
   * In the instruction format definition, this specified
   * whether an operand uses an actual operand token, or
   * whether it is stored as an immediate value.
  enum class DxbcOperandKind {
    DstReg, ///< Destination register
    SrcReg, ///< Source register
    Imm32,  ///< Constant number
   * \brief Instruction class
   * Instructions with a similar format are grouped into
   * instruction classes in order to make implementing
   * new instructions easier.
  enum class DxbcInstClass {
    Declaration,      ///< Interface or resource declaration
    ControlFlow,      ///< Control flow instructions
    GeometryEmit,     ///< Special geometry shader instructions
    TextureSample,    ///< Texture sampling instruction
    VectorAlu,        ///< Component-wise vector instructions
    VectorCmov,       ///< Component-wise conditional move
    VectorCmp,        ///< Component-wise vector comparison
    VectorDot,        ///< Dot product instruction
    VectorIdiv,       ///< Component-wise integer division
    VectorImul,       ///< Component-wise integer multiplication
    VectorSinCos,     ///< Sine and Cosine instruction
    Undefined,        ///< Instruction code not defined
   * \brief Instruction operand format
   * Stores the kind and the expected data type
   * of an operand. Used when parsing instructions.
  struct DxbcInstOperandFormat {
    DxbcOperandKind kind;
    DxbcScalarType  type;
   * \brief Instruction format
   * Defines the instruction class as well as
   * the format of the insttruction operands.
  struct DxbcInstFormat {
    uint32_t              operandCount      = 0;
    DxbcInstClass         instructionClass  = DxbcInstClass::Undefined;
    DxbcInstOperandFormat operands[DxbcMaxOperandCount];
   * \brief Retrieves instruction format info
   * \param [in] opcode The opcode to retrieve
   * \returns Instruction format info
  DxbcInstFormat dxbcInstructionFormat(DxbcOpcode opcode);