# DXVK A Vulkan-based compatibility layer for Direct3D 11 which allows running 3D applications on Linux using Wine. For the current status of the project, please refer to the [project wiki](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/wiki). For binary releases, see the [releases](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases) page. ## Build instructions ### Requirements: - [wine 3.5](https://www.winehq.org/) or newer - [Meson](http://mesonbuild.com/) build system (at least 0.43) - [MinGW64](http://mingw-w64.org/) compiler and headers (requires threading support) - [glslang](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang) front end and validator ### Building DLLs Inside the dxvk directory, run: ``` # 64-bit build. For 32-bit builds, replace # build-win64.txt with build-win32.txt meson --cross-file build-win64.txt --prefix /your/dxvk/directory build.w64 cd build.w64 meson configure # for an optimized release build: meson configure -Dbuildtype=release ninja ninja install ``` The two libraries `dxgi.dll` and `d3d11.dll`as well as some demo executables will be located in `/your/dxvk/directory/bin`. ## How to use In order to set up a wine prefix to use DXVK instead of wined3d globally, run: ``` cd /your/dxvk/directory/bin WINEPREFIX=/your/wineprefix bash setup_dxvk.sh ``` Verify that your application uses DXVK instead of wined3d by checking for the presence of the log files `d3d11.log` and `dxgi.log` in the application's directory, or by enabling the HUD (see notes below). ### Notes on Vulkan drivers Before reporting an issue, please check the [Wiki](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/wiki/Driver-support) page on the current driver status. ### Online multi-player games Manipulation of Direct3D libraries in multi-player games may be considered cheating and can get your account **banned**. This may also apply to single-player games with an embedded or dedicated multiplayer portion. **Use at your own risk.** ### HUD The `DXVK_HUD` environment variable controls a HUD which can display the framerate and some stat counters. It accepts a comma-separated list of the following options: - `devinfo`: Displays the name of the GPU and the driver version. - `fps`: Shows the current frame rate. - `submissions`: Shows the number of command buffers submitted per frame. - `drawcalls`: Shows the number of draw calls and render passes per frame. - `pipelines`: Shows the total number of graphics and compute pipelines. - `memory`: Shows the amount of device memory allocated and used. Additionally, `DXVK_HUD=1` has the same effect as `DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps`. ### Environment variables The following environment variables can be used for **debugging** purposes. - `DXVK_DEBUG_LAYERS=1` Enables Vulkan debug layers. Highly recommended for troubleshooting and debugging purposes. Requires the Vulkan SDK to be installed and set up within the wine prefix. - `DXVK_CUSTOM_VENDOR_ID=` Specifies a custom PCI vendor identifier (Vendor ID) - `DXVK_CUSTOM_DEVICE_ID=` Specifies a custom PCI device identifier (Device ID) - `DXVK_SHADER_DUMP_PATH=directory` Writes all DXBC and SPIR-V shaders to the given directory. - `DXVK_SHADER_READ_PATH=directory` Reads SPIR-V shaders from the given directory rather than using the shader compiler. - `DXVK_LOG_LEVEL=error|warn|info|debug|trace` Controls message logging. ## Troubleshooting DXVK requires threading support from your mingw-w64 build environment. If you are missing this, you may see "error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std'". On Debian, this can usually be resolved by using the posix alternate, which supports threading. For example, choose the posix alternate from these commands (use i686 for 32-bit): ``` update-alternatives --config x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc update-alternatives --config x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ ```