#include "d3d11_context_imm.h" #include "d3d11_device.h" #include "d3d11_texture.h" namespace dxvk { D3D11ImmediateContext::D3D11ImmediateContext( D3D11Device* parent, Rc device) : D3D11DeviceContext(parent, device) { } D3D11ImmediateContext::~D3D11ImmediateContext() { } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::AddRef() { return m_parent->AddRef(); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::Release() { return m_parent->Release(); } D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::GetType() { return D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_IMMEDIATE; } UINT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::GetContextFlags() { return 0; } void STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::Flush() { m_parent->FlushInitContext(); m_drawCount = 0; m_device->submitCommandList( m_context->endRecording(), nullptr, nullptr); m_context->beginRecording( m_device->createCommandList()); } void STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::ExecuteCommandList( ID3D11CommandList* pCommandList, WINBOOL RestoreContextState) { Logger::err("D3D11ImmediateContext::ExecuteCommandList: Not implemented"); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::FinishCommandList( WINBOOL RestoreDeferredContextState, ID3D11CommandList **ppCommandList) { Logger::err("D3D11: FinishCommandList called on immediate context"); return DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::Map( ID3D11Resource* pResource, UINT Subresource, D3D11_MAP MapType, UINT MapFlags, D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) { D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION resourceDim = D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_UNKNOWN; pResource->GetType(&resourceDim); if (resourceDim == D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER) { const D3D11Buffer* resource = static_cast(pResource); const Rc buffer = resource->GetBufferSlice().buffer(); if (!(buffer->memFlags() & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT)) { Logger::err("D3D11: Cannot map a device-local buffer"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (pMappedResource == nullptr) return S_OK; if (buffer->isInUse()) { // Don't wait if the application tells us not to if (MapFlags & D3D11_MAP_FLAG_DO_NOT_WAIT) return DXGI_ERROR_WAS_STILL_DRAWING; // Invalidate the buffer in order to avoid synchronization // if the application does not need the buffer contents to // be preserved. The No Overwrite mode does not require any // sort of synchronization, but should be used with care. if (MapType == D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD) { m_context->invalidateBuffer(buffer); } else if (MapType != D3D11_MAP_WRITE_NO_OVERWRITE) { this->Flush(); this->Synchronize(); } } pMappedResource->pData = buffer->mapPtr(0); pMappedResource->RowPitch = buffer->info().size; pMappedResource->DepthPitch = buffer->info().size; return S_OK; } else { // Mapping an image is sadly not as simple as mapping a buffer // because applications tend to ignore row and layer strides. // We use a buffer instead and then perform a copy. D3D11TextureInfo* textureInfo = GetCommonTextureInfo(pResource); if (textureInfo->imageBuffer == nullptr) { Logger::err("D3D11DeviceContext: Cannot map a device-local image"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (pMappedResource == nullptr) return S_FALSE; // Query format and subresource in order to compute // the row pitch and layer pitch properly. const DxvkImageCreateInfo& imageInfo = textureInfo->image->info(); const DxvkFormatInfo* formatInfo = imageFormatInfo(imageInfo.format); textureInfo->mappedSubresource = GetSubresourceFromIndex(VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, imageInfo.mipLevels, Subresource); const VkExtent3D levelExtent = textureInfo->image ->mipLevelExtent(textureInfo->mappedSubresource.mipLevel); const VkExtent3D blockCount = { levelExtent.width / formatInfo->blockSize.width, levelExtent.height / formatInfo->blockSize.height, levelExtent.depth / formatInfo->blockSize.depth }; // When using any map mode which requires the image contents // to be preserved, copy image contents into the buffer. if (MapType != D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD) { const VkImageSubresourceLayers subresourceLayers = { textureInfo->mappedSubresource.aspectMask, textureInfo->mappedSubresource.mipLevel, textureInfo->mappedSubresource.arrayLayer, 1 }; m_context->copyImageToBuffer( textureInfo->imageBuffer, 0, { 0u, 0u }, textureInfo->image, subresourceLayers, VkOffset3D { 0, 0, 0 }, levelExtent); } if (textureInfo->imageBuffer->isInUse()) { if (MapType == D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD) { m_context->invalidateBuffer(textureInfo->imageBuffer); } else { this->Flush(); this->Synchronize(); } } // Set up map pointer. Data is tightly packed within the mapped buffer. pMappedResource->pData = textureInfo->imageBuffer->mapPtr(0); pMappedResource->RowPitch = formatInfo->elementSize * blockCount.width; pMappedResource->DepthPitch = formatInfo->elementSize * blockCount.width * blockCount.height; return S_OK; } } void STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D11ImmediateContext::Unmap( ID3D11Resource* pResource, UINT Subresource) { D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION resourceDim = D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_UNKNOWN; pResource->GetType(&resourceDim); if (resourceDim != D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER) { // Now that data has been written into the buffer, // we need to copy its contents into the image const D3D11TextureInfo* textureInfo = GetCommonTextureInfo(pResource); const VkExtent3D levelExtent = textureInfo->image ->mipLevelExtent(textureInfo->mappedSubresource.mipLevel); const VkImageSubresourceLayers subresourceLayers = { textureInfo->mappedSubresource.aspectMask, textureInfo->mappedSubresource.mipLevel, textureInfo->mappedSubresource.arrayLayer, 1 }; m_context->copyBufferToImage( textureInfo->image, subresourceLayers, VkOffset3D { 0, 0, 0 }, levelExtent, textureInfo->imageBuffer, 0, { 0u, 0u }); } } void D3D11ImmediateContext::Synchronize() { m_device->waitForIdle(); } }