* [utils] fixes for MSVC
* __mingw_uuidof() does not exists in MSVC
* apply GCC pragma only for GCC
* added missing header
* [dxvk] fixes for MSVC
* nullptr -> int is illegal conversion for MSVC. nullptr was replaced with VK_NULL_HANDLE
* MSVC does not support source code strings longer than 65535 chars. String was replaced with array of chars.
* [dxbc] fixes for MSVC
*added missing header
* [dxgi] fixes for MSVC
* user __declspec(uuid()) instead of _mingw_uuidof()
* [d3d11] fixes for MSVC
* replace WINBOOL with BOOL
* do not declare D3D11 structs
* [meson] fix build scripts for MSVC
* change cpp version from 1z to 17 for MSVC
* set -DOMINMAX definition for MSVC
* disable test and wine_utils for MSVC
* use .def files instead of __declspec(dllexport) (bypass 'C2375: redefinition; different linkage' error)
This is required because in D3D11, typeless formats can be used
to create both depth and stencil images, and color formats can
be used to view depth images. In Vulkan, images and views that
are used as depth-stencil attachments will have to be created
with a depth-stencil format, so we have to take the image's
bind flags into account when picking a format.