May in some cases improve performance when under memory pressure:
If a dedicated allocation is preferred, but the alloaction fails,
try to allocate memory from an already allocated chunk instead
of falling back to system memory right away.
The default behaviour is now to allow overallocation by default,
which makes sense especially when VK_EXT_memory_priority is used.
Does not seem to affect Nvidia drivers.
The priority defines the importance of any given allocation being
resident in device-local memory rather than system memory, with
values between 0 (low) and 1 (high).
Suballocations will only work on chunks with the requested priority.
This ensures that high-priority allocations are reserved solely for
high-priority resources, and that high-priority resources will be
allocated from a high-priority memory chunk.
* [dxvk] fixes for MSVC
* nullptr -> int is illegal conversion for MSVC. nullptr was replaced with VK_NULL_HANDLE
* MSVC does not support source code strings longer than 65535 chars. String was replaced with array of chars.
* [utils] fixes for MSVC
* __mingw_uuidof() does not exists in MSVC
* apply GCC pragma only for GCC
* added missing header
* [dxbc] fixes for MSVC
*added missing header
* [dxgi] fixes for MSVC
* user __declspec(uuid()) instead of _mingw_uuidof()
* do not use DLLEXPORT macro for MSVC
* [d3d11] fixes for MSVC
* replace WINBOOL with BOOL
* do not declare D3D11 structs for MSVC
* do not use DLLEXPORT macro for MSVC
* [meson] fix build scripts for MSVC
* change cpp version from c++1z to c++latest for MSVC
* set -DOMINMAX definition for MSVC
* disable test and wine_utils for MSVC
* use .def files instead of __declspec(dllexport) for MSVC (bypass 'C2375: redefinition; different linkage' error)
* fix .def files for MinGW
* add --enable-stdcall-fixup linker flag for MinGW
* [utils] fixes for MSVC
* __mingw_uuidof() does not exists in MSVC
* apply GCC pragma only for GCC
* added missing header
* [dxvk] fixes for MSVC
* nullptr -> int is illegal conversion for MSVC. nullptr was replaced with VK_NULL_HANDLE
* MSVC does not support source code strings longer than 65535 chars. String was replaced with array of chars.
* [dxbc] fixes for MSVC
*added missing header
* [dxgi] fixes for MSVC
* user __declspec(uuid()) instead of _mingw_uuidof()
* [d3d11] fixes for MSVC
* replace WINBOOL with BOOL
* do not declare D3D11 structs
* [meson] fix build scripts for MSVC
* change cpp version from 1z to 17 for MSVC
* set -DOMINMAX definition for MSVC
* disable test and wine_utils for MSVC
* use .def files instead of __declspec(dllexport) (bypass 'C2375: redefinition; different linkage' error)
Fixes a few bottlenecks that were encountered in the Cascading Shadow
Maps demo from the Microsoft SDK. Performance is now slightly better
than wined3d with CSMT, MESA_NO_ERROR and mesa_glthread enabled.
Command submission now does not synchronize with the device every single
time. Instead, the command list and the fence that was created for it are
added to a queue. A separate thread will then wait for the execution to
complete and return the command list to the device.