2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
#pragma once
#include "dxvk_limits.h"
#include <cstring>
namespace dxvk {
2019-10-07 11:30:46 +02:00
* \brief Packed input assembly state
* Stores the primitive topology
* and primitive restart info.
class DxvkIaInfo {
DxvkIaInfo() = default;
VkPrimitiveTopology primitiveTopology,
VkBool32 primitiveRestart,
uint32_t patchVertexCount)
: m_primitiveTopology (uint16_t(primitiveTopology)),
m_primitiveRestart (uint16_t(primitiveRestart)),
m_patchVertexCount (uint16_t(patchVertexCount)),
m_reserved (0) { }
VkPrimitiveTopology primitiveTopology() const {
return m_primitiveTopology <= VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_PATCH_LIST
? VkPrimitiveTopology(m_primitiveTopology)
VkBool32 primitiveRestart() const {
return VkBool32(m_primitiveRestart);
uint32_t patchVertexCount() const {
return m_patchVertexCount;
uint16_t m_primitiveTopology : 4;
uint16_t m_primitiveRestart : 1;
uint16_t m_patchVertexCount : 6;
uint16_t m_reserved : 5;
2019-10-07 11:51:57 +02:00
* \brief Packed input layout metadata
* Stores the number of vertex attributes
* and bindings in one byte each.
class DxvkIlInfo {
DxvkIlInfo() = default;
uint32_t attributeCount,
uint32_t bindingCount)
: m_attributeCount(uint8_t(attributeCount)),
m_bindingCount (uint8_t(bindingCount)) { }
uint32_t attributeCount() const {
return m_attributeCount;
uint32_t bindingCount() const {
return m_bindingCount;
uint8_t m_attributeCount;
uint8_t m_bindingCount;
* \brief Packed vertex attribute
* Stores a vertex attribute description. Assumes
* that all vertex formats have numerical values
* of 127 or less (i.e. fit into 7 bits).
class DxvkIlAttribute {
DxvkIlAttribute() = default;
uint32_t location,
uint32_t binding,
VkFormat format,
uint32_t offset)
: m_location(uint32_t(location)),
m_binding (uint32_t(binding)),
m_format (uint32_t(format)),
m_offset (uint32_t(offset)),
m_reserved(0) { }
uint32_t location() const {
return m_location;
uint32_t binding() const {
return m_binding;
VkFormat format() const {
return VkFormat(m_format);
uint32_t offset() const {
return m_offset;
VkVertexInputAttributeDescription description() const {
VkVertexInputAttributeDescription result;
result.location = m_location;
result.binding = m_binding;
result.format = VkFormat(m_format);
result.offset = m_offset;
return result;
uint32_t m_location : 5;
uint32_t m_binding : 5;
uint32_t m_format : 7;
uint32_t m_offset : 11;
uint32_t m_reserved : 4;
* \brief Packed vertex binding
* Stores a vertex binding description,
* including the 32-bit divisor.
class DxvkIlBinding {
DxvkIlBinding() = default;
uint32_t binding,
uint32_t stride,
VkVertexInputRate inputRate,
uint32_t divisor)
: m_binding (uint32_t(binding)),
m_stride (uint32_t(stride)),
m_inputRate (uint32_t(inputRate)),
2021-03-06 16:56:47 +01:00
m_divisor (uint32_t(divisor < (1u << 14) ? divisor : 0u)) { }
2019-10-07 11:51:57 +02:00
uint32_t binding() const {
return m_binding;
uint32_t stride() const {
return m_stride;
VkVertexInputRate inputRate() const {
return VkVertexInputRate(m_inputRate);
uint32_t divisor() const {
return m_divisor;
VkVertexInputBindingDescription description() const {
VkVertexInputBindingDescription result;
result.binding = m_binding;
result.stride = m_stride;
result.inputRate = VkVertexInputRate(m_inputRate);
return result;
void setStride(uint32_t stride) {
m_stride = stride;
uint32_t m_binding : 5;
uint32_t m_stride : 12;
uint32_t m_inputRate : 1;
2021-03-06 16:56:47 +01:00
uint32_t m_divisor : 14;
2019-10-07 11:51:57 +02:00
2019-10-07 12:41:18 +02:00
* \brief Packed rasterizer state
* Stores a bunch of flags and parameters
* related to rasterization in four bytes.
class DxvkRsInfo {
DxvkRsInfo() = default;
VkBool32 depthClipEnable,
VkBool32 depthBiasEnable,
VkPolygonMode polygonMode,
VkCullModeFlags cullMode,
VkFrontFace frontFace,
uint32_t viewportCount,
VkSampleCountFlags sampleCount)
: m_depthClipEnable (uint32_t(depthClipEnable)),
m_depthBiasEnable (uint32_t(depthBiasEnable)),
m_polygonMode (uint32_t(polygonMode)),
m_cullMode (uint32_t(cullMode)),
m_frontFace (uint32_t(frontFace)),
m_viewportCount (uint32_t(viewportCount)),
m_sampleCount (uint32_t(sampleCount)),
m_reserved (0) { }
VkBool32 depthClipEnable() const {
return VkBool32(m_depthClipEnable);
VkBool32 depthBiasEnable() const {
return VkBool32(m_depthBiasEnable);
VkPolygonMode polygonMode() const {
return VkPolygonMode(m_polygonMode);
VkCullModeFlags cullMode() const {
return VkCullModeFlags(m_cullMode);
VkFrontFace frontFace() const {
return VkFrontFace(m_frontFace);
uint32_t viewportCount() const {
return m_viewportCount;
VkSampleCountFlags sampleCount() const {
return VkSampleCountFlags(m_sampleCount);
void setViewportCount(uint32_t viewportCount) {
m_viewportCount = viewportCount;
uint32_t m_depthClipEnable : 1;
uint32_t m_depthBiasEnable : 1;
uint32_t m_polygonMode : 2;
uint32_t m_cullMode : 2;
uint32_t m_frontFace : 1;
uint32_t m_viewportCount : 5;
uint32_t m_sampleCount : 5;
uint32_t m_reserved : 15;
2019-10-07 12:45:12 +02:00
* \brief Packed multisample info
* Stores the sample mask, sample count override
* and alpha-to-coverage state in four bytes.
class DxvkMsInfo {
DxvkMsInfo() = default;
VkSampleCountFlags sampleCount,
uint32_t sampleMask,
VkBool32 enableAlphaToCoverage)
: m_sampleCount (uint16_t(sampleCount)),
m_enableAlphaToCoverage (uint16_t(enableAlphaToCoverage)),
m_reserved (0),
m_sampleMask (uint16_t(sampleMask)) { }
VkSampleCountFlags sampleCount() const {
return VkSampleCountFlags(m_sampleCount);
uint32_t sampleMask() const {
return m_sampleMask;
VkBool32 enableAlphaToCoverage() const {
return VkBool32(m_enableAlphaToCoverage);
void setSampleCount(VkSampleCountFlags sampleCount) {
m_sampleCount = uint16_t(sampleCount);
uint16_t m_sampleCount : 5;
uint16_t m_enableAlphaToCoverage : 1;
uint16_t m_reserved : 10;
uint16_t m_sampleMask;
2019-10-07 12:54:22 +02:00
* \brief Packed depth-stencil metadata
* Stores some flags and the depth-compare op in
* two bytes. Stencil ops are stored separately.
class DxvkDsInfo {
DxvkDsInfo() = default;
VkBool32 enableDepthTest,
VkBool32 enableDepthWrite,
VkBool32 enableDepthBoundsTest,
VkBool32 enableStencilTest,
VkCompareOp depthCompareOp)
: m_enableDepthTest (uint16_t(enableDepthTest)),
m_enableDepthWrite (uint16_t(enableDepthWrite)),
m_enableDepthBoundsTest (uint16_t(enableDepthBoundsTest)),
m_enableStencilTest (uint16_t(enableStencilTest)),
m_depthCompareOp (uint16_t(depthCompareOp)),
m_reserved (0) { }
VkBool32 enableDepthTest() const {
return VkBool32(m_enableDepthTest);
VkBool32 enableDepthWrite() const {
return VkBool32(m_enableDepthWrite);
VkBool32 enableDepthBoundsTest() const {
return VkBool32(m_enableDepthBoundsTest);
VkBool32 enableStencilTest() const {
return VkBool32(m_enableStencilTest);
VkCompareOp depthCompareOp() const {
return VkCompareOp(m_depthCompareOp);
void setEnableDepthBoundsTest(VkBool32 enableDepthBoundsTest) {
m_enableDepthBoundsTest = VkBool32(enableDepthBoundsTest);
uint16_t m_enableDepthTest : 1;
uint16_t m_enableDepthWrite : 1;
uint16_t m_enableDepthBoundsTest : 1;
uint16_t m_enableStencilTest : 1;
uint16_t m_depthCompareOp : 3;
uint16_t m_reserved : 9;
* \brief Packed stencil op
* Stores various stencil op parameters
* for one single face in four bytes.
class DxvkDsStencilOp {
DxvkDsStencilOp() = default;
DxvkDsStencilOp(VkStencilOpState state)
: m_failOp (uint32_t(state.failOp)),
m_passOp (uint32_t(state.passOp)),
m_depthFailOp (uint32_t(state.depthFailOp)),
m_compareOp (uint32_t(state.compareOp)),
m_reserved (0),
m_compareMask (uint32_t(state.compareMask)),
m_writeMask (uint32_t(state.writeMask)) { }
VkStencilOpState state() const {
VkStencilOpState result;
result.failOp = VkStencilOp(m_failOp);
result.passOp = VkStencilOp(m_passOp);
result.depthFailOp = VkStencilOp(m_depthFailOp);
result.compareOp = VkCompareOp(m_compareOp);
result.compareMask = m_compareMask;
result.writeMask = m_writeMask;
result.reference = 0;
return result;
uint32_t m_failOp : 3;
uint32_t m_passOp : 3;
uint32_t m_depthFailOp : 3;
uint32_t m_compareOp : 3;
uint32_t m_reserved : 4;
uint32_t m_compareMask : 8;
uint32_t m_writeMask : 8;
2019-10-07 13:09:10 +02:00
* \brief Packed output merger metadata
* Stores the logic op state in two bytes.
* Blend modes are stored separately.
class DxvkOmInfo {
DxvkOmInfo() = default;
VkBool32 enableLogicOp,
VkLogicOp logicOp)
: m_enableLogicOp (uint16_t(enableLogicOp)),
m_logicOp (uint16_t(logicOp)),
m_reserved (0) { }
VkBool32 enableLogicOp() const {
return VkBool32(m_enableLogicOp);
VkLogicOp logicOp() const {
return VkLogicOp(m_logicOp);
uint16_t m_enableLogicOp : 1;
uint16_t m_logicOp : 4;
uint16_t m_reserved : 11;
* \brief Packed attachment blend mode
* Stores blendig parameters for a single
* color attachment in four bytes.
class DxvkOmAttachmentBlend {
DxvkOmAttachmentBlend() = default;
VkBool32 blendEnable,
VkBlendFactor srcColorBlendFactor,
VkBlendFactor dstColorBlendFactor,
VkBlendOp colorBlendOp,
VkBlendFactor srcAlphaBlendFactor,
VkBlendFactor dstAlphaBlendFactor,
VkBlendOp alphaBlendOp,
VkColorComponentFlags colorWriteMask)
: m_blendEnable (uint32_t(blendEnable)),
m_srcColorBlendFactor (uint32_t(srcColorBlendFactor)),
m_dstColorBlendFactor (uint32_t(dstColorBlendFactor)),
m_colorBlendOp (uint32_t(colorBlendOp)),
m_srcAlphaBlendFactor (uint32_t(srcAlphaBlendFactor)),
m_dstAlphaBlendFactor (uint32_t(dstAlphaBlendFactor)),
m_alphaBlendOp (uint32_t(alphaBlendOp)),
m_colorWriteMask (uint32_t(colorWriteMask)),
m_reserved (0) { }
VkBool32 blendEnable() const {
return m_blendEnable;
VkBlendFactor srcColorBlendFactor() const {
return VkBlendFactor(m_srcColorBlendFactor);
VkBlendFactor dstColorBlendFactor() const {
return VkBlendFactor(m_dstColorBlendFactor);
VkBlendOp colorBlendOp() const {
return VkBlendOp(m_colorBlendOp);
VkBlendFactor srcAlphaBlendFactor() const {
return VkBlendFactor(m_srcAlphaBlendFactor);
VkBlendFactor dstAlphaBlendFactor() const {
return VkBlendFactor(m_dstAlphaBlendFactor);
VkBlendOp alphaBlendOp() const {
return VkBlendOp(m_alphaBlendOp);
VkColorComponentFlags colorWriteMask() const {
return VkColorComponentFlags(m_colorWriteMask);
VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState state() const {
VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState result;
result.blendEnable = VkBool32(m_blendEnable);
result.srcColorBlendFactor = VkBlendFactor(m_srcColorBlendFactor);
result.dstColorBlendFactor = VkBlendFactor(m_dstColorBlendFactor);
result.colorBlendOp = VkBlendOp(m_colorBlendOp);
result.srcAlphaBlendFactor = VkBlendFactor(m_srcAlphaBlendFactor);
result.dstAlphaBlendFactor = VkBlendFactor(m_dstAlphaBlendFactor);
result.alphaBlendOp = VkBlendOp(m_alphaBlendOp);
result.colorWriteMask = VkColorComponentFlags(m_colorWriteMask);
return result;
uint32_t m_blendEnable : 1;
uint32_t m_srcColorBlendFactor : 5;
uint32_t m_dstColorBlendFactor : 5;
uint32_t m_colorBlendOp : 3;
uint32_t m_srcAlphaBlendFactor : 5;
uint32_t m_dstAlphaBlendFactor : 5;
uint32_t m_alphaBlendOp : 3;
uint32_t m_colorWriteMask : 4;
uint32_t m_reserved : 1;
* \brief Packed attachment swizzle
* Stores the component mapping for one
* single color attachment in one byte.
class DxvkOmAttachmentSwizzle {
DxvkOmAttachmentSwizzle() = default;
DxvkOmAttachmentSwizzle(VkComponentMapping mapping)
: m_r(util::getComponentIndex(mapping.r, 0)),
m_g(util::getComponentIndex(mapping.g, 1)),
m_b(util::getComponentIndex(mapping.b, 2)),
m_a(util::getComponentIndex(mapping.a, 3)) { }
uint32_t rIndex() const { return m_r; }
uint32_t gIndex() const { return m_g; }
uint32_t bIndex() const { return m_b; }
uint32_t aIndex() const { return m_a; }
VkComponentMapping mapping() const {
VkComponentMapping result;
result.r = decodeSwizzle(m_r);
result.g = decodeSwizzle(m_g);
result.b = decodeSwizzle(m_b);
result.a = decodeSwizzle(m_a);
return result;
uint8_t m_r : 2;
uint8_t m_g : 2;
uint8_t m_b : 2;
uint8_t m_a : 2;
static VkComponentSwizzle decodeSwizzle(uint8_t swizzle) {
return VkComponentSwizzle(uint32_t(swizzle) + uint32_t(VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_R));
2019-10-07 13:13:08 +02:00
* \brief Specialization constant state
* Stores the raw 32-bit spec constant values.
struct DxvkScInfo {
uint32_t specConstants[DxvkLimits::MaxNumSpecConstants];
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
* \brief Packed graphics pipeline state
* Stores a compressed representation of the full
* graphics pipeline state which is optimized for
* lookup performance.
struct alignas(32) DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo {
DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo() {
std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo(const DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo& other) {
std::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this));
DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo& operator = (const DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo& other) {
std::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this));
return *this;
bool operator == (const DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo& other) const {
2019-10-07 17:19:32 +02:00
return bit::bcmpeq(this, &other);
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
bool operator != (const DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo& other) const {
2019-10-07 17:19:32 +02:00
return !bit::bcmpeq(this, &other);
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
bool useDynamicStencilRef() const {
2019-10-07 12:54:22 +02:00
return ds.enableStencilTest();
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
bool useDynamicDepthBias() const {
2019-10-07 12:41:18 +02:00
return rs.depthBiasEnable();
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
bool useDynamicDepthBounds() const {
2019-10-07 12:54:22 +02:00
return ds.enableDepthBoundsTest();
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
bool useDynamicBlendConstants() const {
bool result = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets && !result; i++) {
2019-10-07 13:09:10 +02:00
result |= omBlend[i].blendEnable()
&& (util::isBlendConstantBlendFactor(omBlend[i].srcColorBlendFactor())
|| util::isBlendConstantBlendFactor(omBlend[i].dstColorBlendFactor())
|| util::isBlendConstantBlendFactor(omBlend[i].srcAlphaBlendFactor())
|| util::isBlendConstantBlendFactor(omBlend[i].dstAlphaBlendFactor()));
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
return result;
DxvkBindingMask bsBindingMask;
2019-10-07 11:30:46 +02:00
DxvkIaInfo ia;
2019-10-07 11:51:57 +02:00
DxvkIlInfo il;
2019-10-07 12:41:18 +02:00
DxvkRsInfo rs;
2019-10-07 12:45:12 +02:00
DxvkMsInfo ms;
2019-10-07 12:54:22 +02:00
DxvkDsInfo ds;
2019-10-07 13:09:10 +02:00
DxvkOmInfo om;
2019-10-07 13:13:08 +02:00
DxvkScInfo sc;
2019-10-07 12:54:22 +02:00
DxvkDsStencilOp dsFront;
DxvkDsStencilOp dsBack;
2019-10-07 13:09:10 +02:00
DxvkOmAttachmentSwizzle omSwizzle [DxvkLimits::MaxNumRenderTargets];
DxvkOmAttachmentBlend omBlend [DxvkLimits::MaxNumRenderTargets];
2019-10-07 11:51:57 +02:00
DxvkIlAttribute ilAttributes [DxvkLimits::MaxNumVertexAttributes];
DxvkIlBinding ilBindings [DxvkLimits::MaxNumVertexBindings];
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00
2019-10-07 13:16:00 +02:00
* \brief Compute pipeline state info
struct alignas(32) DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo {
DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo() {
std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo(const DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo& other) {
std::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this));
DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo& operator = (const DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo& other) {
std::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this));
return *this;
bool operator == (const DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo& other) const {
2019-10-07 17:19:32 +02:00
return bit::bcmpeq(this, &other);
2019-10-07 13:16:00 +02:00
bool operator != (const DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo& other) const {
2019-10-07 17:19:32 +02:00
return !bit::bcmpeq(this, &other);
2019-10-07 13:16:00 +02:00
DxvkBindingMask bsBindingMask;
DxvkScInfo sc;
2019-10-07 11:26:05 +02:00