2019-12-16 03:28:01 +00:00
#pragma once
#include "../util/config/config.h"
#include "../dxvk/dxvk_device.h"
#include "d3d9_include.h"
namespace dxvk {
struct D3D9Options {
D3D9Options(const Rc<DxvkDevice>& device, const Config& config);
/// Override PCI vendor and device IDs reported to the
/// application. This may make apps think they are running
/// on a different GPU than they do and behave differently.
int32_t customVendorId;
int32_t customDeviceId;
std::string customDeviceDesc;
/// Present interval. Overrides the value
/// in D3DPRESENT_PARAMS used in swapchain present.
int32_t presentInterval;
/// Override maximum frame latency if the app specifies
/// a higher value. May help with frame timing issues.
int32_t maxFrameLatency;
/// Set the max shader model the device can support in the caps.
int32_t shaderModel;
/// Whether or not managed resources should stay in memory until unlock, or until manually evicted.
bool evictManagedOnUnlock;
/// Whether or not to set the process as DPI aware in Windows when the API interface is created.
bool dpiAware;
/// Handle D3DLOCK_READONLY properly.
/// Risen 1 writes to buffers mapped with readonly.
bool allowLockFlagReadonly;
/// True: Copy our constant set into UBO if we are relative indexing ever.
/// False: Copy our constant set into UBO if we are relative indexing at the start of a defined constant
/// Why?: In theory, FXC should never generate code where this would be an issue.
bool strictConstantCopies;
/// Whether or not we should care about pow(0, 0) = 1
bool strictPow;
/// Whether or not to do a fast path clear if we're close enough to the whole render target.
bool lenientClear;
/// Back buffer count for the Vulkan swap chain.
/// Overrides buffer count in present parameters.
int32_t numBackBuffers;
2020-01-25 11:08:17 +01:00
/// Don't create an explicit front buffer in our own swapchain. The Vulkan swapchain is unaffected.
/// Some games don't handle front/backbuffer flipping very well because they don't always redraw
/// each frame completely, and rely on old pixel data from the previous frame to still be there.
/// When this option is set and a game only requests one backbuffer, there will be no flipping in
/// our own swapchain, so the game will always draw to the same buffer and can rely on old pixel
/// data to still be there after a Present call.
/// This means that D3D9SwapChainEx::GetFrontBufferData returns data from the backbuffer of the
/// previous frame, which is the same as the current backbuffer if only 1 backbuffer was requested.
bool noExplicitFrontBuffer;
2019-12-16 03:28:01 +00:00
/// Defer surface creation
bool deferSurfaceCreation;
/// Whether to transition to general
/// for rendering hazards
bool generalHazards;
/// Anisotropic filter override
/// Enforces anisotropic filtering with the
/// given anisotropy value for all samplers.
int32_t samplerAnisotropy;
/// Max available memory override
/// Changes the max initial value used in
/// tracking and GetAvailableTextureMem
uint32_t maxAvailableMemory;
/// D3D9 Floating Point Emulation (anything * 0 = 0)
bool d3d9FloatEmulation;
/// Support the DF16 & DF24 texture format
bool supportDFFormats;
/// Support X4R4G4B4
bool supportX4R4G4B4;
/// Support D32
bool supportD32;
/// SWVP Constant Limits
int32_t swvpFloatCount;
int32_t swvpIntCount;
int32_t swvpBoolCount;
/// Disable D3DFMT_A8 for render targets.
/// Specifically to work around a game
/// bug in The Sims 2 that happens on native too!
bool disableA8RT;
/// Work around a NV driver quirk
/// Fixes flickering/z-fighting in some games.
bool invariantPosition;
/// Whether or not to respect memory tracking for
/// failing resource allocation.
bool memoryTrackTest;
/// Support VCACHE query
bool supportVCache;
/// Forced aspect ratio, disable other modes
std::string forceAspectRatio;
/// Enable dialog mode (ie. no exclusive fullscreen)
bool enableDialogMode;
2020-01-01 20:53:20 +00:00
/// Always use a spec constant to determine sampler type (instead of just in PS 1.x)
/// Works around a game bug in Halo CE where it gives cube textures to 2d/volume samplers
bool forceSamplerTypeSpecConstants;
2020-01-11 02:34:37 +00:00
/// Forces an MSAA level on the swapchain
int32_t forceSwapchainMSAA;
2020-01-24 05:43:31 +00:00
bool allowDoNotWait;
2020-02-18 16:53:51 +00:00
bool allowDiscard;
2020-02-21 01:06:55 +00:00
/// Enumerate adapters by displays
bool enumerateByDisplays;
2020-04-08 23:20:57 +01:00
/// Should we make our Mads a FFma or do it the long way with an FMul and an FAdd?
/// This solves some rendering bugs in games that have z-pass shaders which
/// don't match entirely to the regular vertex shader in this way.
bool longMad;
2020-05-02 10:18:13 +02:00
/// Tear-free mode if vsync is disabled
/// Tearing mode if vsync is enabled
Tristate tearFree;
2020-11-26 12:15:03 +00:00
/// Workaround for games using alpha test == 1.0, etc due to wonky interpolation or
/// misc. imprecision on some vendors
bool alphaTestWiggleRoom;
2019-12-16 03:28:01 +00:00