2017-11-20 13:21:27 +01:00
#pragma once
#include "dxvk_buffer.h"
#include "dxvk_framebuffer.h"
#include "dxvk_limits.h"
#include "dxvk_resource.h"
#include "dxvk_shader.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief Input assembly state
* Stores the primitive topology and
* whether or not primitive restart
* is enabled.
2017-12-08 00:02:43 +01:00
struct DxvkInputAssemblyState {
VkPrimitiveTopology primitiveTopology;
VkBool32 primitiveRestart;
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* \brief Rasterizer state
* Stores the operating mode of the
* rasterizer, including the depth bias.
2017-12-08 00:02:43 +01:00
struct DxvkRasterizerState {
VkBool32 enableDepthClamp;
VkBool32 enableDiscard;
VkPolygonMode polygonMode;
VkCullModeFlags cullMode;
VkFrontFace frontFace;
VkBool32 depthBiasEnable;
float depthBiasConstant;
float depthBiasClamp;
float depthBiasSlope;
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* \brief Multisample state
2017-12-08 00:02:43 +01:00
* Defines how to handle certain
* aspects of multisampling.
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2017-12-08 00:02:43 +01:00
struct DxvkMultisampleState {
VkBool32 enableAlphaToCoverage;
VkBool32 enableAlphaToOne;
VkBool32 enableSampleShading;
float minSampleShading;
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* \brief Depth-stencil state
* Defines the depth test and stencil
* operations for the graphics pipeline.
2017-12-08 00:02:43 +01:00
struct DxvkDepthStencilState {
VkBool32 enableDepthTest;
VkBool32 enableDepthWrite;
VkBool32 enableDepthBounds;
VkBool32 enableStencilTest;
VkCompareOp depthCompareOp;
VkStencilOpState stencilOpFront;
VkStencilOpState stencilOpBack;
float depthBoundsMin;
float depthBoundsMax;
2017-11-20 13:21:27 +01:00
* \brief Blend state
* Stores the color blend state for each
* available framebuffer attachment.
class DxvkBlendState : public RcObject {
VkBool32 enableLogicOp,
VkLogicOp logicOp,
uint32_t attachmentCount,
const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* attachmentState);
const VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo& info() const {
return m_info;
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DxvkLimits::MaxNumRenderTargets> m_attachments;
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VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo m_info;
* \brief Input layout
* Stores the attributes and vertex buffer binding
* descriptions that the vertex shader will take
* its input values from.
class DxvkInputLayout : public RcObject {
uint32_t attributeCount,
const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription* attributeInfo,
uint32_t bindingCount,
const VkVertexInputBindingDescription* bindingInfo);
2017-11-26 13:24:01 +01:00
uint32_t vertexAttributeCount() const {
return m_attributes.size();
uint32_t vertexBindingCount() const {
return m_bindings.size();
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const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo& info() const {
return m_info;
std::vector<VkVertexInputAttributeDescription> m_attributes;
std::vector<VkVertexInputBindingDescription> m_bindings;
VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo m_info;
struct DxvkConstantStateObjects {
Rc<DxvkInputLayout> inputLayout;
Rc<DxvkBlendState> blendState;