/* * Copyright 2017 - 2018 Volker Berlin (i-net software) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.module; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import javax.annotation.Nonnegative; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.Annotations; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.ClassFile; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.Code; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.CodeInputStream; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.ConstantPool; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.ConstantRef; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.LocalVariableTable; import de.inetsoftware.classparser.MethodInfo; import de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.WasmException; /** * Module Writer for text format with S-expressions. * * @author Volker Berlin */ public abstract class ModuleWriter implements Closeable { private int paramCount; private ArrayList locals = new ArrayList<>(); private LocalVariableTable localTable; private String sourceFile; private BranchManger branchManager = new BranchManger(); /** * Prepare the content of the class. * * @param classFile * the class file * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ public void prepare( ClassFile classFile ) { iterateMethods( classFile, m -> prepareMethod( m ) ); } /** * Write the content of the class to the writer. * * @param classFile * the class file * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ public void write( ClassFile classFile ) throws WasmException { iterateMethods( classFile, m -> writeMethod( m ) ); } private void iterateMethods( ClassFile classFile, Consumer handler ) throws WasmException { sourceFile = null; // clear previous value for the case an IO exception occur try { sourceFile = classFile.getSourceFile(); if( sourceFile == null ) { sourceFile = classFile.getThisClass().getName(); } MethodInfo[] methods = classFile.getMethods(); for( MethodInfo method : methods ) { Code code = method.getCode(); if( method.getName().equals( "" ) && method.getDescription().equals( "()V" ) && code.isSuperInitReturn( classFile.getSuperClass() ) ) { continue; //default constructor } handler.accept( method ); } } catch( IOException ioex ) { throw WasmException.create( ioex, sourceFile, -1 ); } } /** * Prepare the method. * * @param method * the method * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ protected void prepareMethod( MethodInfo method ) throws WasmException { // Nothing } /** * Write the content of a method. * * @param method * the method * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ private void writeMethod( MethodInfo method ) throws WasmException { try { Code code = method.getCode(); if( code != null ) { // abstract methods and interface methods does not have code String methodName = method.getName(); String className = method.getDeclaringClassFile().getThisClass().getName(); String fullName = className + '.' + methodName; String signatureName = fullName + method.getDescription(); writeExport( signatureName, fullName, method ); writeMethodStart( signatureName, fullName ); writeMethodSignature( method ); locals.clear(); localTable = code.getLocalVariableTable(); branchManager.reset(); for( CodeInputStream byteCode : code.getByteCodes() ) { prepareBranchManager( byteCode, byteCode.getLineNumber() ); } branchManager.calculate(); for( CodeInputStream byteCode : code.getByteCodes() ) { writeCodeChunk( byteCode, byteCode.getLineNumber(), method.getConstantPool() ); } for( int i = Math.min( paramCount, locals.size() ); i > 0; i-- ) { locals.remove( 0 ); } writeMethodFinish( locals ); } } catch( IOException ioex ) { throw WasmException.create( ioex, sourceFile, -1 ); } } /** * Look for a Export annotation and if there write an export directive. * * @param signatureName * the full name with signature * @param methodName * the normalized method name * @param method * the moethod * * @throws IOException * if any IOException occur */ private void writeExport( String signatureName, String methodName, MethodInfo method ) throws IOException { Annotations annotations = method.getRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations(); if( annotations != null ) { Map export = annotations.get( "org.webassembly.annotation.Export" ); if( export != null ) { String exportName = (String)export.get( "name" ); if( exportName == null ) { exportName = method.getName(); // TODO naming conversion rule if no name was set } writeExport( signatureName, methodName, exportName ); } } } /** * Write an export directive * @param signatureName * the full name with signature * @param methodName * the method name * @param exportName * the export name, if null then the same like the method name * * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeExport( String signatureName, String methodName, String exportName ) throws IOException; /** * Write the method header. * @param signatureName * the full name with signature * @param name * the method name * * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeMethodStart( String signatureName, String name ) throws IOException; /** * Write the parameter and return signatures * * @param method * the method * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ private void writeMethodSignature( MethodInfo method ) throws IOException, WasmException { String signature = method.getDescription(); String kind = "param"; int paramCount = 0; for( int i = 1; i < signature.length(); i++ ) { paramCount++; String javaType; switch( signature.charAt( i ) ) { case '[': // array javaType = "array"; break; case 'L': javaType = "object"; break; case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'S': // short case 'I': // int writeMethodParam( kind, ValueType.i32 ); continue; case 'D': // double writeMethodParam( kind, ValueType.f64 ); continue; case 'F': // float writeMethodParam( kind, ValueType.f32 ); continue; case 'J': // long writeMethodParam( kind, ValueType.i64 ); continue; case 'V': // void continue; case ')': this.paramCount = paramCount - 1; kind = "result"; continue; default: javaType = signature.substring( i, i + 1 ); } int lineNumber = method.getCode().getFirstLineNr(); throw new WasmException( "Not supported Java data type in method signature: " + javaType, sourceFile, lineNumber ); } } /** * Write a method parameter. * * @param kind * "param", "result" or "local" * @param valueType * the data type of the parameter * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeMethodParam( String kind, ValueType valueType ) throws IOException; /** * Complete the method * * @param locals * a list with types of local variables * * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeMethodFinish( List locals ) throws IOException; /** * Write a chunk of byte code. * * @param byteCode * a stream of byte code * @param lineNumber * the current line number * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ private void prepareBranchManager( CodeInputStream byteCode, int lineNumber ) throws WasmException { try { while( byteCode.available() > 0 ) { int op = byteCode.readUnsignedByte(); switch( op ) { case 16: // bipush case 18: // ldc case 21: //iload case 22: //lload case 23: //fload case 24: //dload case 25: //aload case 54: // istore case 55: // lstore case 56: // fstore case 57: // dstore case 58: // astore case 179: // putstatic case 181: // putfield byteCode.skip(1); break; case 17: // sipush case 19: // ldc_w case 20: // ldc2_w case 132: // iinc case 184: // invokestatic byteCode.skip( 2); break; case 153: // ifeq case 154: // ifne case 155: // iflt case 156: // ifge case 157: // ifgt case 158: // ifle case 159: // if_icmpeq case 160: // if_icmpne case 161: // if_icmplt case 162: // if_icmpge case 163: // if_icmpgt case 164: // if_icmple case 165: // if_acmpeq case 166: // if_acmpne int startPosition = byteCode.getCodePosition() + 2; int offset = byteCode.readShort(); branchManager.start( BlockOperator.IF, startPosition, offset - 3 ); break; case 167: // goto startPosition = byteCode.getCodePosition() - 1; offset = byteCode.readShort(); branchManager.start( BlockOperator.GOTO, startPosition, offset ); break; } } } catch( Exception ex ) { throw WasmException.create( ex, sourceFile, lineNumber ); } } /** * Write a chunk of byte code. * * @param byteCode * a stream of byte code * @param lineNumber * the current line number * @param constantPool * the constant pool of the the current class * @throws WasmException * if some Java code can't converted */ private void writeCodeChunk( CodeInputStream byteCode, int lineNumber, ConstantPool constantPool ) throws WasmException { try { while( byteCode.available() > 0 ) { branchManager.handle( byteCode, this ); int op = byteCode.readUnsignedByte(); switch( op ) { case 0: // nop return; //TODO case 1: // aconst_null case 2: // iconst_m1 case 3: // iconst_0 case 4: // iconst_1 case 5: // iconst_2 case 6: // iconst_3 case 7: // iconst_4 case 8: // iconst_5 writeConstInt( op - 3 ); break; case 9: // lconst_0 case 10: // lconst_1 writeConstLong( op - 9 ); break; case 11: // fconst_0 case 12: // fconst_1 case 13: // fconst_2 writeConstFloat( op - 11 ); break; case 14: // dconst_0 case 15: // dconst_1 writeConstDouble( op - 14 ); break; case 16: // bipush writeConstInt( byteCode.readByte() ); break; case 17: // sipush writeConstInt( byteCode.readShort() ); break; case 18: // ldc writeConst( constantPool.get( byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ) ); break; case 19: // ldc_w case 20: // ldc2_w writeConst( constantPool.get( byteCode.readUnsignedShort() ) ); break; case 21: // iload writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.i32, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; case 22: // lload writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.i64, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; case 23: // fload writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.f32, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; case 24: // dload writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.f64, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; //TODO case 25: // aload case 26: // iload_0 case 27: // iload_1 case 28: // iload_2 case 29: // iload_3 writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.i32, op - 26 ); break; case 30: // lload_0 case 31: // lload_1 case 32: // lload_2 case 33: // lload_3 writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.i64, op - 30 ); break; case 34: // fload_0 case 35: // fload_1 case 36: // fload_2 case 37: // fload_3 writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.f32, op - 34 ); break; case 38: // dload_0 case 39: // dload_1 case 40: // dload_2 case 41: // dload_3 writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.f64, op - 38 ); break; case 54: // istore writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.i32, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; case 55: // lstore writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.i64, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; case 56: // fstore writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.f32, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; case 57: // dstore writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.f64, byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); break; //TODO case 58: // astore case 59: // istore_0 case 60: // istore_1 case 61: // istore_2 case 62: // istore_3 writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.i32, op - 59 ); break; case 63: // lstore_0 case 64: // lstore_1 case 65: // lstore_2 case 66: // lstore_3 writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.i64, op - 63 ); break; case 67: // fstore_0 case 68: // fstore_1 case 69: // fstore_2 case 70: // fstore_3 writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.f32, op - 67 ); break; case 71: // dstore_0 case 72: // dstore_1 case 73: // dstore_2 case 74: // dstore_3 writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.f64, op - 71 ); break; case 87: // pop case 88: // pop2 writeBlockCode( BlockOperator.DROP ); break; case 89: // dup: duplicate the value on top of the stack case 90: // dup_x1 case 91: // dup_x2 case 92: // dup2 case 93: // dup2_x1 case 94: // dup2_x2 case 95: // swap // can be do with functions with more as one return value in future WASM standard throw new WasmException( "Stack duplicate is not supported in current WASM. try to save immediate values in a local variable: " + op, sourceFile, lineNumber ); case 96: // iadd writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.add, ValueType.i32); break; case 97: // ladd writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.add, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 98: // fadd writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.add, ValueType.f32 ); break; case 99: // dadd writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.add, ValueType.f64 ); break; case 100: // isub writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.sub, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 101: // lsub writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.sub, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 102: // fsub writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.sub, ValueType.f32 ); break; case 103: // dsub writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.sub, ValueType.f64 ); break; case 104: // imul; writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.mul, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 105: // lmul writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.mul, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 106: // fmul writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.mul, ValueType.f32 ); break; case 107: // dmul writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.mul, ValueType.f64 ); break; case 108: // idiv writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.div, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 109: // ldiv writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.div, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 110: // fdiv writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.div, ValueType.f32 ); break; case 111: // ddiv writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.div, ValueType.f64 ); break; case 112: // irem writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.rem, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 113: // lrem writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.rem, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 114: // frem case 115: // drem throw new WasmException( "Modulo/Remainder for floating numbers is not supported in WASM. Use int or long data types." + op, sourceFile, lineNumber ); case 120: // ishl writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shl, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 121: // lshl writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.i2l ); // the shift parameter must be of type long!!! writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shl, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 122: // ishr writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shr_s, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 123: // lshr writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.i2l ); // the shift parameter must be of type long!!! writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shr_s, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 124: // iushr writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shr_u, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 125: // lushr writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.i2l ); // the shift parameter must be of type long!!! writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shr_u, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 126: // iand writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.and, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 127: // land writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.and, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 128: // ior writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.or, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 129: // lor writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.or, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 130: // ixor writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.xor, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 131: // lxor writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.xor, ValueType.i64 ); break; case 132: // iinc int idx = byteCode.readUnsignedByte(); writeLoadStore( true, ValueType.i32, idx ); writeConstInt( byteCode.readUnsignedByte() ); writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.add, ValueType.i32); writeLoadStore( false, ValueType.i32, idx ); break; case 133: // i2l writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.i2l ); break; case 134: // i2f writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.i2f ); break; case 135: // i2d writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.i2d ); break; case 136: // l2i writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.l2i ); break; case 137: // l2f writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.l2f ); break; case 138: // l2d writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.l2d ); break; case 139: // f2i writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.f2i ); break; case 140: // f2l writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.f2l ); break; case 141: // f2d writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.f2d ); break; case 142: // d2i writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.d2i ); break; case 143: // d2l writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.d2l ); break; case 144: // d2f writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion.d2f ); break; case 145: // i2b writeConstInt( 24 ); writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shl, ValueType.i32 ); writeConstInt( 24 ); writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shr_s, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 146: // i2c writeConstInt( 0xFFFF ); writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.and, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 147: // i2s writeConstInt( 16 ); writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shl, ValueType.i32 ); writeConstInt( 16 ); writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator.shr_s, ValueType.i32 ); break; case 153: // ifeq opIfCondition( NumericOperator.ne, byteCode ); break; case 154: // ifne opIfCondition( NumericOperator.eq, byteCode ); break; case 155: // iflt opIfCondition( NumericOperator.gt, byteCode ); break; case 156: // ifge opIfCondition( NumericOperator.le_s, byteCode ); break; case 157: // ifgt opIfCondition( NumericOperator.lt_s, byteCode ); break; case 158: // ifle opIfCondition( NumericOperator.ge_s, byteCode ); break; case 167: // goto byteCode.skip(2); break; case 172: // ireturn case 173: // lreturn case 174: // freturn case 175: // dreturn case 177: // return void writeBlockCode( BlockOperator.RETURN ); break; case 184: // invokestatic idx = byteCode.readUnsignedShort(); ConstantRef method = (ConstantRef)constantPool.get( idx ); writeFunctionCall( method.getConstantClass().getName() + '.' + method.getName() + method.getType() ); break; default: throw new WasmException( "Unimplemented Java byte code operation: " + op, sourceFile, lineNumber ); } } } catch( WasmException ex ) { throw ex; } catch( Exception ex ) { throw WasmException.create( ex, sourceFile, lineNumber ); } } /** * Handle the if of the Java byte code. This Java instruction compare the first stack value with value 0. * Important: In Java the condition for the jump to the else block is saved. In WebAssembler we need to use * condition for the if block. The caller of the method must already negate this * * @param numOp * The condition for the if block. * @param byteCode * current byte code stream to read the taget offset. * @throws IOException * if any I/O errors occur. */ private void opIfCondition( NumericOperator numOp, CodeInputStream byteCode ) throws IOException { byteCode.skip(2); writeConstInt( 0 ); writeNumericOperator( numOp, ValueType.i32 ); //writeBlockCode( BlockOperator.IF ); } /** * Write a constant value. * * @param value * the value * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur * @throws WasmException * if the value type is not supported */ private void writeConst( Object value ) throws IOException, WasmException { Class clazz = value.getClass(); if( clazz == Integer.class ) { writeConstInt( ((Integer)value).intValue() ); } else if( clazz == Long.class ) { writeConstLong( ((Long)value).longValue() ); } else if( clazz == Float.class ) { writeConstFloat( ((Float)value).floatValue() ); } else if( clazz == Double.class ) { writeConstDouble( ((Double)value).doubleValue() ); } else { throw new WasmException( "Not supported constant type: " + clazz, sourceFile, -1 ); } } /** * Write a constant integer value * * @param value * the value * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeConstInt( int value ) throws IOException; /** * Write a constant long value * * @param value * the value * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeConstLong( long value ) throws IOException; /** * Write a constant float value * * @param value * the value * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeConstFloat( float value ) throws IOException; /** * Write a constant double value * * @param value * the value * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeConstDouble( double value ) throws IOException; /** * Write or Load a local variable. * * @param load * true: if load * @param valueType * the type of the variable * @param idx * the memory/slot idx of the variable * @throws WasmException * occur a if a variable was used for a different type * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ private void writeLoadStore( boolean load, @Nonnull ValueType valueType, @Nonnegative int idx ) throws WasmException, IOException { idx = localTable.get( idx ).getPosition(); // translate slot index to position index while( locals.size() <= idx ) { locals.add( null ); } ValueType oldType = locals.get( idx ); if( oldType != null && oldType != valueType ) { throw new WasmException( "Redefine local variable type from " + oldType + " to " + valueType, sourceFile, -1 ); } locals.set( idx, valueType ); if( load ) { writeLoad( idx ); } else { writeStore( idx ); } } /** * Write a variable load. * * @param idx * the index of the parameter variable * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeLoad( int idx ) throws IOException; /** * Write a variable store. * * @param idx * the index of the parameter variable * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeStore( int idx ) throws IOException; /** * Write a add operator * * @param numOp * the numeric operation * @param valueType * the type of the parameters * * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeNumericOperator( NumericOperator numOp, @Nullable ValueType valueType ) throws IOException; /** * Cast a value from one type to another * * @param cast * the operator * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeCast( ValueTypeConvertion cast ) throws IOException; /** * Write a call to a function. * * @param name * the full qualified method name * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeFunctionCall( String name ) throws IOException; /** * Write a block/branch code * * @param op * the operation * @throws IOException * if any I/O error occur */ protected abstract void writeBlockCode( BlockOperator op ) throws IOException; }