diff --git a/src/de/inetsoftware/jwebassembly/module/TypeManager.java b/src/de/inetsoftware/jwebassembly/module/TypeManager.java
index f4d6256..0796c68 100644
--- a/src/de/inetsoftware/jwebassembly/module/TypeManager.java
+++ b/src/de/inetsoftware/jwebassembly/module/TypeManager.java
@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ public class TypeManager {
public static final int TYPE_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY_TYPE = 12;
+ /**
+ * Byte position in the type description that contains the offset to the fields. Length 4 bytes.
+ */
+ public static final int TYPE_DESCRIPTION_FIELDS_OFFSET = 16;
* The reserved index position of the first function in the vtable. For performance reasons the first function does not have the index 0 but this index.
* For the byte offset you have to multiply it by 4.
@@ -101,8 +106,9 @@ public class TypeManager {
offset of instanceof list
* offset of class name idx in the string constant table
* array component type
+ * offset of fields description
- private static final int VTABLE_FIRST_FUNCTION_INDEX = 4;
+ private static final int VTABLE_FIRST_FUNCTION_INDEX = 5;
private static final FunctionName CLASS_CONSTANT_FUNCTION = new FunctionName( "java/lang/Class.classConstant(I)Ljava/lang/Class;" );
@@ -1094,6 +1100,8 @@ public class TypeManager {
| array component type [4 bytes] |
+ | Offset to field descript. [4 bytes] |
+ ├───────────────────────────────────────┤
| first vtable entry [4 bytes] |
| ..... |
@@ -1139,13 +1147,24 @@ public class TypeManager {
data.writeInt32( type.getClassIndex() );
- int classNameIdx = options.strings.get( getName().replace( '/', '.' ) );
+ int nameIdx = options.strings.get( getName().replace( '/', '.' ) );
- header.writeInt32( classNameIdx ); // string id of the className
+ header.writeInt32( nameIdx ); // string id of the className
header.writeInt32( getComponentClassIndex() );
+ header.writeInt32( data.size() + VTABLE_FIRST_FUNCTION_INDEX * 4 );
+ if( kind == StructTypeKind.normal ) {
+ for( NamedStorageType field : fields ) {
+ nameIdx = options.strings.get( field.getName() );
+ //TODO adapt this format for the reflection API
+ data.writeInt32( nameIdx );
+ data.writeInt32( field.getType().getCode() );
+ }
+ }
data.writeTo( dataStream );