2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
/ *
* Copyright 2017 - 2018 Volker Berlin ( i - net software )
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2 . 0 ( the " License " ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.module ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.function.Consumer ;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative ;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull ;
import de.inetsoftware.classparser.ClassFile ;
import de.inetsoftware.classparser.Code ;
import de.inetsoftware.classparser.CodeInputStream ;
import de.inetsoftware.classparser.ConstantPool ;
import de.inetsoftware.classparser.ConstantRef ;
import de.inetsoftware.classparser.MethodInfo ;
import de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.WasmException ;
/ * *
* Generate the WebAssembly output .
* @author Volker Berlin
* /
public class ModuleGenerator {
private final ModuleWriter writer ;
private int paramCount ;
private ValueType returnType ;
private LocaleVariableManager localVariables = new LocaleVariableManager ( ) ;
private String sourceFile ;
private BranchManger branchManager = new BranchManger ( ) ;
private ValueStackManger stackManager = new ValueStackManger ( ) ;
/ * *
* Create a new generator .
* @param writer
* the target writer
* /
public ModuleGenerator ( @Nonnull ModuleWriter writer ) {
this . writer = writer ;
/ * *
* Prepare the content of the class .
* @param classFile
* the class file
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* /
public void prepare ( ClassFile classFile ) {
iterateMethods ( classFile , m - > prepareMethod ( m ) ) ;
/ * *
* Finish the prepare after all classes / methods are prepare . This must be call before we can start with write the
* first method .
* /
public void prepareFinish ( ) {
writer . prepareFinish ( ) ;
/ * *
* Write the content of the class to the writer .
* @param classFile
* the class file
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* /
public void write ( ClassFile classFile ) throws WasmException {
iterateMethods ( classFile , m - > writeMethod ( m ) ) ;
private void iterateMethods ( ClassFile classFile , Consumer < MethodInfo > handler ) throws WasmException {
sourceFile = null ; // clear previous value for the case an IO exception occur
try {
sourceFile = classFile . getSourceFile ( ) ;
if ( sourceFile = = null ) {
sourceFile = classFile . getThisClass ( ) . getName ( ) ;
MethodInfo [ ] methods = classFile . getMethods ( ) ;
for ( MethodInfo method : methods ) {
Code code = method . getCode ( ) ;
if ( method . getName ( ) . equals ( " <init> " ) & & method . getDescription ( ) . equals ( " ()V " )
& & code . isSuperInitReturn ( classFile . getSuperClass ( ) ) ) {
continue ; //default constructor
handler . accept ( method ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioex ) {
throw WasmException . create ( ioex , sourceFile , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* Prepare the method .
* @param method
* the method
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* /
private void prepareMethod ( MethodInfo method ) throws WasmException {
try {
FunctionName name = new FunctionName ( method ) ;
2018-06-11 19:06:03 +02:00
Map < String , Object > annotationValues = method . getAnnotation ( " de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.api.annotation.Import " ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
if ( annotationValues ! = null ) {
String impoarModule = ( String ) annotationValues . get ( " module " ) ;
String importName = ( String ) annotationValues . get ( " name " ) ;
writer . prepareImport ( name , impoarModule , importName ) ;
writeMethodSignature ( method ) ;
} else {
writer . prepareFunction ( name ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioex ) {
throw WasmException . create ( ioex , sourceFile , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* Write the content of a method .
* @param method
* the method
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* /
private void writeMethod ( MethodInfo method ) throws WasmException {
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
CodeInputStream byteCode = null ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
try {
Code code = method . getCode ( ) ;
2018-06-11 19:06:03 +02:00
if ( code ! = null & & method . getAnnotation ( " de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.api.annotation.Import " ) = = null ) { // abstract methods and interface methods does not have code
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
FunctionName name = new FunctionName ( method ) ;
writeExport ( name , method ) ;
writer . writeMethodStart ( name ) ;
writeMethodSignature ( method ) ;
localVariables . reset ( ) ;
stackManager . reset ( ) ;
branchManager . reset ( ) ;
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byteCode = code . getByteCode ( ) ;
prepareCodeChunk ( byteCode , method . getConstantPool ( ) ) ;
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branchManager . calculate ( ) ;
localVariables . calculate ( ) ;
boolean endWithReturn = false ;
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
byteCode = code . getByteCode ( ) ;
endWithReturn = writeCode ( byteCode , method . getConstantPool ( ) ) ;
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branchManager . handle ( byteCode , writer ) ; // write the last end operators
if ( ! endWithReturn & & returnType ! = null ) {
// if a method ends with a loop without a break then code after the loop is no reachable
// Java does not need a return byte code in this case
// But WebAssembly need the dead code to validate
switch ( returnType ) {
case i32 :
writer . writeConstInt ( 0 ) ;
break ;
case i64 :
writer . writeConstLong ( 0 ) ;
break ;
case f32 :
writer . writeConstFloat ( 0 ) ;
break ;
case f64 :
writer . writeConstDouble ( 0 ) ;
break ;
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default :
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writer . writeBlockCode ( WasmBlockOperator . RETURN , null ) ;
writer . writeMethodFinish ( localVariables . getLocalTypes ( paramCount ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception ioex ) {
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int lineNumber = byteCode = = null ? - 1 : byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
throw WasmException . create ( ioex , sourceFile , lineNumber ) ;
/ * *
* Look for a Export annotation and if there write an export directive .
* @param name
* the function name
* @param method
* the method
* @throws IOException
* if any IOException occur
* /
private void writeExport ( FunctionName name , MethodInfo method ) throws IOException {
2018-06-11 19:06:03 +02:00
Map < String , Object > export = method . getAnnotation ( " de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.api.annotation.Export " ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
if ( export ! = null ) {
String exportName = ( String ) export . get ( " name " ) ;
if ( exportName = = null ) {
exportName = method . getName ( ) ; // TODO naming conversion rule if no name was set
writer . writeExport ( name , exportName ) ;
/ * *
* Write the parameter and return signatures
* @param method
* the method
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O error occur
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* /
private void writeMethodSignature ( MethodInfo method ) throws IOException , WasmException {
String signature = method . getDescription ( ) ;
String kind = " param " ;
int paramCount = 0 ;
ValueType type = null ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < signature . length ( ) ; i + + ) {
paramCount + + ;
if ( signature . charAt ( i ) = = ')' ) {
this . paramCount = paramCount - 1 ;
kind = " result " ;
continue ;
type = getValueType ( signature , i ) ;
if ( type ! = null ) {
writer . writeMethodParam ( kind , type ) ;
this . returnType = type ;
writer . writeMethodParamFinish ( ) ;
/ * *
* Get the WebAssembly value type from a Java signature .
* @param signature
* the signature
* @param idx
* the index in the signature
* @return the value type or null if void
* /
private ValueType getValueType ( String signature , int idx ) {
String javaType ;
switch ( signature . charAt ( idx ) ) {
case '[' : // array
javaType = " array " ;
break ;
case 'L' :
javaType = " object " ;
break ;
case 'B' : // byte
case 'C' : // char
case 'S' : // short
case 'I' : // int
return ValueType . i32 ;
case 'D' : // double
return ValueType . f64 ;
case 'F' : // float
return ValueType . f32 ;
case 'J' : // long
return ValueType . i64 ;
case 'V' : // void
return null ;
default :
javaType = signature . substring ( idx , idx + 1 ) ;
throw new WasmException ( " Not supported Java data type in method signature: " + javaType , sourceFile , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* Analyze and prepare a chunk of byte code .
* @param byteCode
* a stream of byte code
* @param constantPool
* the constant pool of the the current class
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* /
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private void prepareCodeChunk ( CodeInputStream byteCode , ConstantPool constantPool ) throws WasmException {
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try {
while ( byteCode . available ( ) > 0 ) {
int codePosition = byteCode . getCodePosition ( ) ;
int op = byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
switch ( op ) {
case 2 : // iconst_m1
case 3 : // iconst_0
case 4 : // iconst_1
case 5 : // iconst_2
case 6 : // iconst_3
case 7 : // iconst_4
case 8 : // iconst_5
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i32 , codePosition ) ;
break ;
case 9 : // lconst_0
case 10 : // lconst_1
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i64 , codePosition ) ;
break ;
case 11 : // fconst_0
case 12 : // fconst_1
case 13 : // fconst_2
stackManager . add ( ValueType . f32 , codePosition ) ;
break ;
case 14 : // dconst_0
case 15 : // dconst_1
stackManager . add ( ValueType . f64 , codePosition ) ;
break ;
case 16 : // bipush
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i32 , codePosition ) ;
byteCode . skip ( 1 ) ;
break ;
case 17 : // sipush
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i32 , codePosition ) ;
byteCode . skip ( 2 ) ;
break ;
case 18 : // ldc
stackManager . add ( null , codePosition ) ;
byteCode . skip ( 1 ) ;
break ;
case 19 : // ldc_w
case 20 : // ldc2_w
stackManager . add ( null , codePosition ) ;
byteCode . skip ( 2 ) ;
break ;
case 21 : // iload
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i32 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i32 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 22 : // lload
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i64 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i64 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 23 : // fload
stackManager . add ( ValueType . f32 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f32 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 24 : // dload
stackManager . add ( ValueType . f64 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f64 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 26 : // iload_0
case 27 : // iload_1
case 28 : // iload_2
case 29 : // iload_3
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i32 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i32 , op - 26 ) ;
break ;
case 30 : // lload_0
case 31 : // lload_1
case 32 : // lload_2
case 33 : // lload_3
stackManager . add ( ValueType . i64 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i64 , op - 30 ) ;
break ;
case 34 : // fload_0
case 35 : // fload_1
case 36 : // fload_2
case 37 : // fload_3
stackManager . add ( ValueType . f32 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f32 , op - 34 ) ;
break ;
case 38 : // dload_0
case 39 : // dload_1
case 40 : // dload_2
case 41 : // dload_3
stackManager . add ( ValueType . f64 , codePosition ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f64 , op - 38 ) ;
break ;
case 54 : // istore
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i32 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 55 : // lstore
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i64 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 56 : // fstore
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f32 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 57 : // dstore
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f64 , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 59 : // istore_0
case 60 : // istore_1
case 61 : // istore_2
case 62 : // istore_3
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i32 , op - 59 ) ;
break ;
case 63 : // lstore_0
case 64 : // lstore_1
case 65 : // lstore_2
case 66 : // lstore_3
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . i64 , op - 63 ) ;
break ;
case 67 : // fstore_0
case 68 : // fstore_1
case 69 : // fstore_2
case 70 : // fstore_3
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f32 , op - 67 ) ;
break ;
case 71 : // dstore_0
case 72 : // dstore_1
case 73 : // dstore_2
case 74 : // dstore_3
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
localVariables . use ( ValueType . f64 , op - 71 ) ;
break ;
case 87 : // pop
case 88 : // pop2
stackManager . remove ( ) ;
break ;
case 25 : //aload
case 58 : // astore
case 179 : // putstatic
case 181 : // putfield
byteCode . skip ( 1 ) ;
break ;
case 132 : // iinc
byteCode . skip ( 2 ) ;
break ;
case 153 : // ifeq
case 154 : // ifne
case 155 : // iflt
case 156 : // ifge
case 157 : // ifgt
case 158 : // ifle
case 159 : // if_icmpeq
case 160 : // if_icmpne
case 161 : // if_icmplt
case 162 : // if_icmpge
case 163 : // if_icmpgt
case 164 : // if_icmple
case 165 : // if_acmpeq
case 166 : // if_acmpne
int offset = byteCode . readShort ( ) ;
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branchManager . start ( JavaBlockOperator . IF , codePosition , offset , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 167 : // goto
offset = byteCode . readShort ( ) ;
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
branchManager . start ( JavaBlockOperator . GOTO , codePosition , offset , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 170 : // tableswitch
case 171 : // lookupswitch
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
prepareSwitchCode ( byteCode , op = = 171 , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 184 : // invokestatic
ConstantRef method = ( ConstantRef ) constantPool . get ( byteCode . readUnsignedShort ( ) ) ;
String signature = method . getType ( ) ;
ValueType type = getValueType ( signature , signature . indexOf ( ')' ) + 1 ) ;
if ( type ! = null ) {
stackManager . add ( type , codePosition ) ;
break ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
throw WasmException . create ( ex , sourceFile , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
/ * *
* Prepare the both switch operation codes .
* @param byteCode
* the current stream with a position after the operation code
* @param isLookupSwitch
* true , if the operation was a loopupswitch ; false , if the operation was a tableswitch
* @param lineNumber
* the current line number
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O error occur
* /
private void prepareSwitchCode ( CodeInputStream byteCode , boolean isLookupSwitch , int lineNumber ) throws IOException {
int startPosition = byteCode . getCodePosition ( ) ;
int padding = startPosition % 4 ;
if ( padding > 0 ) {
byteCode . skip ( 4 - padding ) ;
startPosition - - ;
int defaultPosition = startPosition + byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
int [ ] keys ;
int [ ] positions ;
if ( isLookupSwitch ) { // lookupswitch
localVariables . useTempI32 ( ) ;
int nPairs = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
keys = new int [ nPairs ] ;
positions = new int [ nPairs ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nPairs ; i + + ) {
keys [ i ] = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
positions [ i ] = startPosition + byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
} else {
int low = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
keys = null ;
int count = byteCode . readInt ( ) - low + 1 ;
positions = new int [ count ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
positions [ i ] = startPosition + byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
int switchValuestartPosition = stackManager . getCodePosition ( 0 ) ;
branchManager . startSwitch ( switchValuestartPosition , 0 , lineNumber , keys , positions , defaultPosition ) ;
/ * *
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
* Write the byte code of a method .
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* @param byteCode
* a stream of byte code
* @param constantPool
* the constant pool of the the current class
* @throws WasmException
* if some Java code can ' t converted
* @return true , if the last operation was a return
* /
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
private boolean writeCode ( CodeInputStream byteCode , ConstantPool constantPool ) throws WasmException {
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boolean endWithReturn = false ;
try {
while ( byteCode . available ( ) > 0 ) {
branchManager . handle ( byteCode , writer ) ;
endWithReturn = false ;
int op = byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
switch ( op ) {
case 0 : // nop
break ;
//TODO case 1: // aconst_null
case 2 : // iconst_m1
case 3 : // iconst_0
case 4 : // iconst_1
case 5 : // iconst_2
case 6 : // iconst_3
case 7 : // iconst_4
case 8 : // iconst_5
writer . writeConstInt ( op - 3 ) ;
break ;
case 9 : // lconst_0
case 10 : // lconst_1
writer . writeConstLong ( op - 9 ) ;
break ;
case 11 : // fconst_0
case 12 : // fconst_1
case 13 : // fconst_2
writer . writeConstFloat ( op - 11 ) ;
break ;
case 14 : // dconst_0
case 15 : // dconst_1
writer . writeConstDouble ( op - 14 ) ;
break ;
case 16 : // bipush
writer . writeConstInt ( byteCode . readByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 17 : // sipush
writer . writeConstInt ( byteCode . readShort ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 18 : // ldc
writeConst ( constantPool . get ( byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
case 19 : // ldc_w
case 20 : // ldc2_w
writeConst ( constantPool . get ( byteCode . readUnsignedShort ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
case 21 : // iload
writeLoadStore ( true , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 22 : // lload
writeLoadStore ( true , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 23 : // fload
writeLoadStore ( true , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 24 : // dload
writeLoadStore ( true , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
//TODO case 25: // aload
case 26 : // iload_0
case 27 : // iload_1
case 28 : // iload_2
case 29 : // iload_3
writeLoadStore ( true , op - 26 ) ;
break ;
case 30 : // lload_0
case 31 : // lload_1
case 32 : // lload_2
case 33 : // lload_3
writeLoadStore ( true , op - 30 ) ;
break ;
case 34 : // fload_0
case 35 : // fload_1
case 36 : // fload_2
case 37 : // fload_3
writeLoadStore ( true , op - 34 ) ;
break ;
case 38 : // dload_0
case 39 : // dload_1
case 40 : // dload_2
case 41 : // dload_3
writeLoadStore ( true , op - 38 ) ;
break ;
case 54 : // istore
writeLoadStore ( false , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 55 : // lstore
writeLoadStore ( false , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 56 : // fstore
writeLoadStore ( false , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 57 : // dstore
writeLoadStore ( false , byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
break ;
//TODO case 58: // astore
case 59 : // istore_0
case 60 : // istore_1
case 61 : // istore_2
case 62 : // istore_3
writeLoadStore ( false , op - 59 ) ;
break ;
case 63 : // lstore_0
case 64 : // lstore_1
case 65 : // lstore_2
case 66 : // lstore_3
writeLoadStore ( false , op - 63 ) ;
break ;
case 67 : // fstore_0
case 68 : // fstore_1
case 69 : // fstore_2
case 70 : // fstore_3
writeLoadStore ( false , op - 67 ) ;
break ;
case 71 : // dstore_0
case 72 : // dstore_1
case 73 : // dstore_2
case 74 : // dstore_3
writeLoadStore ( false , op - 71 ) ;
break ;
case 87 : // pop
case 88 : // pop2
writer . writeBlockCode ( WasmBlockOperator . DROP , null ) ;
break ;
case 89 : // dup: duplicate the value on top of the stack
case 90 : // dup_x1
case 91 : // dup_x2
case 92 : // dup2
case 93 : // dup2_x1
case 94 : // dup2_x2
case 95 : // swap
// can be do with functions with more as one return value in future WASM standard
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throw new WasmException ( " Stack duplicate is not supported in current WASM. try to save immediate values in a local variable: " + op , sourceFile , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
case 96 : // iadd
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . add , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 97 : // ladd
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . add , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 98 : // fadd
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . add , ValueType . f32 ) ;
break ;
case 99 : // dadd
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . add , ValueType . f64 ) ;
break ;
case 100 : // isub
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . sub , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 101 : // lsub
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . sub , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 102 : // fsub
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . sub , ValueType . f32 ) ;
break ;
case 103 : // dsub
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . sub , ValueType . f64 ) ;
break ;
case 104 : // imul;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . mul , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 105 : // lmul
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . mul , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 106 : // fmul
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . mul , ValueType . f32 ) ;
break ;
case 107 : // dmul
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . mul , ValueType . f64 ) ;
break ;
case 108 : // idiv
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . div , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 109 : // ldiv
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . div , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 110 : // fdiv
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . div , ValueType . f32 ) ;
break ;
case 111 : // ddiv
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . div , ValueType . f64 ) ;
break ;
case 112 : // irem
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . rem , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 113 : // lrem
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . rem , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 114 : // frem
case 115 : // drem
//TODO can be implemented with a helper function like: (a - (long)(a / b) * (double)b)
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
throw new WasmException ( " Modulo/Remainder for floating numbers is not supported in WASM. Use int or long data types. " + op , sourceFile , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
case 116 : // ineg
writer . writeConstInt ( - 1 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . mul , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 117 : // lneg
writer . writeConstLong ( - 1 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . mul , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 118 : // fneg
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . neg , ValueType . f32 ) ;
break ;
case 119 : // dneg
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . neg , ValueType . f64 ) ;
break ;
case 120 : // ishl
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shl , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 121 : // lshl
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . i2l ) ; // the shift parameter must be of type long!!!
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shl , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 122 : // ishr
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shr_s , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 123 : // lshr
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . i2l ) ; // the shift parameter must be of type long!!!
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shr_s , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 124 : // iushr
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shr_u , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 125 : // lushr
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . i2l ) ; // the shift parameter must be of type long!!!
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shr_u , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 126 : // iand
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . and , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 127 : // land
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . and , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 128 : // ior
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . or , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 129 : // lor
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . or , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 130 : // ixor
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . xor , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 131 : // lxor
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . xor , ValueType . i64 ) ;
break ;
case 132 : // iinc
int idx = byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
writeLoadStore ( true , idx ) ;
writer . writeConstInt ( byteCode . readUnsignedByte ( ) ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . add , ValueType . i32 ) ;
writeLoadStore ( false , idx ) ;
break ;
case 133 : // i2l
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . i2l ) ;
break ;
case 134 : // i2f
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . i2f ) ;
break ;
case 135 : // i2d
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . i2d ) ;
break ;
case 136 : // l2i
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . l2i ) ;
break ;
case 137 : // l2f
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . l2f ) ;
break ;
case 138 : // l2d
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . l2d ) ;
break ;
case 139 : // f2i
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . f2i ) ;
break ;
case 140 : // f2l
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . f2l ) ;
break ;
case 141 : // f2d
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . f2d ) ;
break ;
case 142 : // d2i
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . d2i ) ;
break ;
case 143 : // d2l
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . d2l ) ;
break ;
case 144 : // d2f
writer . writeCast ( ValueTypeConvertion . d2f ) ;
break ;
case 145 : // i2b
writer . writeConstInt ( 24 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shl , ValueType . i32 ) ;
writer . writeConstInt ( 24 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shr_s , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 146 : // i2c
writer . writeConstInt ( 0xFFFF ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . and , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 147 : // i2s
writer . writeConstInt ( 16 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shl , ValueType . i32 ) ;
writer . writeConstInt ( 16 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . shr_s , ValueType . i32 ) ;
break ;
case 148 : // lcmp
opCompare ( ValueType . i64 , byteCode ) ;
break ;
case 149 : // fcmpl
case 150 : // fcmpg
opCompare ( ValueType . f32 , byteCode ) ;
break ;
case 151 : // dcmpl
case 152 : // dcmpg
opCompare ( ValueType . f64 , byteCode ) ;
break ;
case 153 : // ifeq
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCondition ( NumericOperator . ne , NumericOperator . eq , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 154 : // ifne
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCondition ( NumericOperator . eq , NumericOperator . ne , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 155 : // iflt
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCondition ( NumericOperator . ge_s , NumericOperator . lt_s , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 156 : // ifge
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCondition ( NumericOperator . lt_s , NumericOperator . ge_s , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 157 : // ifgt
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCondition ( NumericOperator . le_s , NumericOperator . gt , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 158 : // ifle
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCondition ( NumericOperator . gt , NumericOperator . le_s , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 159 : // if_icmpeq
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator . ne , NumericOperator . eq , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 160 : // if_icmpne
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator . eq , NumericOperator . ne , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 161 : // if_icmplt
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator . ge_s , NumericOperator . lt_s , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 162 : // if_icmpge
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator . lt_s , NumericOperator . ge_s , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 163 : // if_icmpgt
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator . le_s , NumericOperator . gt , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
case 164 : // if_icmple
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator . gt , NumericOperator . le_s , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
break ;
//TODO case 165: // if_acmpeq
//TODO case 166: // if_acmpne
case 167 : // goto
byteCode . skip ( 2 ) ; // handle in the branch manager
break ;
case 170 : // tableswitch
case 171 : // lookupswitch
writeSwitchCode ( byteCode , op = = 171 ) ;
break ;
case 172 : // ireturn
case 173 : // lreturn
case 174 : // freturn
case 175 : // dreturn
case 177 : // return void
writer . writeBlockCode ( WasmBlockOperator . RETURN , null ) ;
endWithReturn = true ;
break ;
case 184 : // invokestatic
idx = byteCode . readUnsignedShort ( ) ;
ConstantRef method = ( ConstantRef ) constantPool . get ( idx ) ;
writer . writeFunctionCall ( method . getConstantClass ( ) . getName ( ) + '.' + method . getName ( ) + method . getType ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
throw new WasmException ( " Unimplemented Java byte code operation: " + op , sourceFile , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
} catch ( WasmException ex ) {
throw ex ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
2018-06-03 11:54:45 +02:00
throw WasmException . create ( ex , sourceFile , byteCode . getLineNumber ( ) ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
return endWithReturn ;
/ * *
* Write the both switch operation codes
* @param byteCode
* the current stream with a position after the operation code
* @param isLookupSwitch
* true , if the operation was a loopupswitch ; false , if the operation was a tableswitch
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O error occur
* /
private void writeSwitchCode ( CodeInputStream byteCode , boolean isLookupSwitch ) throws IOException {
int startPosition = byteCode . getCodePosition ( ) ;
int padding = startPosition % 4 ;
if ( padding > 0 ) {
byteCode . skip ( 4 - padding ) ;
startPosition - - ;
int defaultPosition = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
if ( isLookupSwitch ) { // lookupswitch
int count = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
int [ ] keys = new int [ count ] ;
int [ ] positions = new int [ count ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
keys [ i ] = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
positions [ i ] = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
int tempI32 = localVariables . getTempI32 ( ) ;
int block = 0 ;
int defaultBlock = - 1 ;
int currentPos = - 1 ;
writeLoadStore ( false , tempI32 ) ;
do {
int nextPos = findNext ( currentPos , positions ) ;
if ( nextPos = = currentPos ) {
break ;
currentPos = nextPos ;
if ( defaultBlock < 0 ) {
if ( defaultPosition < = currentPos ) {
defaultBlock = block ;
if ( defaultPosition < currentPos ) {
block + + ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < positions . length ; i + + ) {
if ( positions [ i ] = = currentPos ) {
writeLoadStore ( true , tempI32 ) ;
writer . writeConstInt ( keys [ i ] ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . eq , ValueType . i32 ) ;
writer . writeBlockCode ( WasmBlockOperator . BR_IF , block ) ;
block + + ;
} while ( true ) ;
if ( defaultBlock < 0 ) {
defaultBlock = block ;
writer . writeBlockCode ( WasmBlockOperator . BR , defaultBlock ) ;
} else {
int low = byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
int count = byteCode . readInt ( ) - low + 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
byteCode . readInt ( ) ;
if ( low ! = 0 ) { // the br_table starts ever with the value 0. That we need to subtract the start value if it different
writer . writeConstInt ( low ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( NumericOperator . sub , ValueType . i32 ) ;
/ * *
* Find the next higher value .
* @param current
* the current value
* @param values
* the unordered list of values
* @return the next value or current value if not found .
* /
private static int findNext ( int current , int [ ] values ) {
boolean find = false ;
int next = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
for ( int val : values ) {
if ( val > current & & val < = next ) {
next = val ;
find = true ;
return find ? next : current ;
/ * *
* Handle the if < condition > of the Java byte code . This Java instruction compare the first stack value with value 0 .
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* Important : In the Java IF expression the condition for the jump to the else block is saved . In WebAssembler we need to use
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* condition for the if block . The caller of the method must already negate this
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* @param ifNumOp
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* The condition for the if block .
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* @param continueNumOp
* The condition for the continue of a loop .
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* @param byteCode
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* current byte code stream to read the target offset .
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O errors occur .
* /
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
private void opIfCondition ( NumericOperator ifNumOp , NumericOperator continueNumOp , CodeInputStream byteCode ) throws IOException {
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
writer . writeConstInt ( 0 ) ;
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
opIfCompareCondition ( ifNumOp , continueNumOp , byteCode ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
/ * *
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* Handle the if < condition > of the Java byte code . This Java instruction compare 2 values from stack .
* Important : In the Java IF expression the condition for the jump to the else block is saved . In WebAssembler we need to use
* condition for the if block . The caller of the method must already negate this .
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* @param ifNumOp
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* The condition for the if block .
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
* @param continueNumOp
* The condition for the continue of a loop .
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
* @param byteCode
* current byte code stream to read the target offset .
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O errors occur .
* /
2018-06-02 23:57:04 +02:00
private void opIfCompareCondition ( NumericOperator ifNumOp , NumericOperator continueNumOp , CodeInputStream byteCode ) throws IOException {
int offset = byteCode . readShort ( ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( offset > 0 ? ifNumOp : continueNumOp , ValueType . i32 ) ;
2018-06-01 19:44:40 +02:00
/ * *
* Handle the different compare operator . The compare operator returns the integer values - 1 , 0 or 1 . There is no
* equivalent in WebAssembly . That we need to read the next operation to find an equivalent .
* @param valueType
* the value type of the compared
* @param byteCode
* current byte code stream to read the next operation .
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O errors occur .
* /
private void opCompare ( ValueType valueType , CodeInputStream byteCode ) throws IOException {
NumericOperator numOp ;
int nextOp = byteCode . read ( ) ;
switch ( nextOp ) {
case 153 : // ifeq
numOp = NumericOperator . ne ;
break ;
case 154 : // ifne
numOp = NumericOperator . eq ;
break ;
case 155 : // iflt
numOp = NumericOperator . gt ;
break ;
case 156 : // ifge
numOp = NumericOperator . le_s ;
break ;
case 157 : // ifgt
numOp = NumericOperator . lt_s ;
break ;
case 158 : // ifle
numOp = NumericOperator . ge_s ;
break ;
default :
throw new WasmException ( " Unexpected compare sub operation: " + nextOp , null , - 1 ) ;
byteCode . skip ( 2 ) ;
writer . writeNumericOperator ( numOp , valueType ) ;
/ * *
* Write a constant value .
* @param value
* the value
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O error occur
* @throws WasmException
* if the value type is not supported
* /
private void writeConst ( Object value ) throws IOException , WasmException {
Class < ? > clazz = value . getClass ( ) ;
if ( clazz = = Integer . class ) {
writer . writeConstInt ( ( ( Integer ) value ) . intValue ( ) ) ;
} else if ( clazz = = Long . class ) {
writer . writeConstLong ( ( ( Long ) value ) . longValue ( ) ) ;
} else if ( clazz = = Float . class ) {
writer . writeConstFloat ( ( ( Float ) value ) . floatValue ( ) ) ;
} else if ( clazz = = Double . class ) {
writer . writeConstDouble ( ( ( Double ) value ) . doubleValue ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new WasmException ( " Not supported constant type: " + clazz , sourceFile , - 1 ) ;
/ * *
* Write or Load a local variable .
* @param load
* true : if load
* @param idx
* the memory / slot idx of the variable
* @throws WasmException
* occur a if a variable was used for a different type
* @throws IOException
* if any I / O error occur
* /
private void writeLoadStore ( boolean load , @Nonnegative int idx ) throws WasmException , IOException {
idx = localVariables . get ( idx ) ; // translate slot index to position index
if ( load ) {
writer . writeLoad ( idx ) ;
} else {
writer . writeStore ( idx ) ;