JWebAssembly is a Java to [WebAssembly](http://webassembly.org/) compiler. It uses Java class files as input. That it can compile any language that compile to Java bytecode.
As output it generates the binary format (.wasm file) or the text format (.wat file).
If you want to develop some tools like plugins for a build system or an IDE, then you need
* to include the full contents of the packages [de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly](https://github.com/i-net-software/JWebAssembly/tree/master/src/de/inetsoftware/jwebassembly) and [de.inetsoftware.classparser](https://github.com/i-net-software/JWebAssembly/tree/master/src/de/inetsoftware/classparser) and its subpackages.
* Create an instance of [de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.JWebAssembly](https://github.com/i-net-software/JWebAssembly/blob/master/src/de/inetsoftware/jwebassembly/JWebAssembly.java) class and use its API.