mirror of https://github.com/DxWnd/DxWnd.reloaded synced 2024-12-30 09:25:35 +01:00
gho tik 1e8566300a v2_02_25_src
Former-commit-id: 173807aaa1600e77d30c5fd3c2290db1e5f5c0a3
2017-03-06 11:38:05 -05:00

195 lines
8.3 KiB

#include <ddraw.h>
//#include "dxwcore.hpp"
#define DXW_IDLE 0
#define DXW_ACTIVE 1
#define DXW_RUNNING 2
#define MAXTARGETS 256
#define DXWACTIVATESINGLETASK 1 // comment to allow multiple task activations
// first flags DWORD dwFlags1:
#define UNNOTIFY 0x00000001
#define EMULATESURFACE 0x00000002
#define CLIPCURSOR 0x00000004 // Force cursor clipping within window
#define RESETPRIMARY 0x00000008 // reset emulated primary surface when reopening DDRaw object
#define HOOKDI 0x00000010
#define MODIFYMOUSE 0x00000020
#define HANDLEEXCEPTIONS 0x00000040 // Handles exceptions: Div by 0 ....
#define SAVELOAD 0x00000080
#define EMULATEBUFFER 0x00000100
#define HANDLEDC 0x00000200
#define BLITFROMBACKBUFFER 0x00000400
#define SUPPRESSCLIPPING 0x00000800
#define AUTOREFRESH 0x00001000
#define FIXWINFRAME 0x00002000
#define HIDEHWCURSOR 0x00004000
#define SLOWDOWN 0x00008000
#define ENABLECLIPPING 0x00010000
#define LOCKWINSTYLE 0x00020000
#define MAPGDITOPRIMARY 0x00040000
#define FIXTEXTOUT 0x00080000
#define KEEPCURSORWITHIN 0x00100000
#define USERGB565 0x00200000
#define SUPPRESSDXERRORS 0x00400000 // suppresses some common dx errors (BUSY)
#define PREVENTMAXIMIZE 0x00800000 // struggle to avoid window maximize
#define ONEPIXELFIX 0x01000000 // don't scale while blitting surfaces just 1 pixel different in size!
#define FIXPARENTWIN 0x02000000 // fixes parent window size & position
#define SWITCHVIDEOMEMORY 0x04000000 // when VIDEO memory is over, switches to SYSTEM memory
#define CLIENTREMAPPING 0x08000000 // hooks CLientToRect, RectToClient, GetClientRect, GetWinRect
#define HANDLEALTF4 0x10000000 // forces quitting the program when receiving Alt-F4 key
#define LOCKWINPOS 0x20000000 // prevent the program to change its own windows properties
#define HOOKCHILDWIN 0x40000000 // hook CHILD windows to alter placement coordinates (UNUSED)
#define MESSAGEPROC 0x80000000 // process peek/get messages
// second flags DWORD dxw.dwFlags2:
#define RECOVERSCREENMODE 0x00000001 // actively set screen mode to initial state after hooking
#define REFRESHONRESIZE 0x00000002 // forces a refresh (blitting from backbuffer to primary) upon win resize
#define BACKBUFATTACH 0x00000004 // sets backbuf wxh dim. equal to primary surface so that ZBUFFER is attachable.....
#define MODALSTYLE 0x00000008 // window with no borders
#define KEEPASPECTRATIO 0x00000010 // when resizing, keep original aspect ratio
#define INIT8BPP 0x00000020 // simulate a 8BPP initial desktop setting (in GetDeviceCaps API)
#define FORCEWINRESIZE 0x00000040 // adds NCMOUSEUP/DOWN processing to the win procedure if missing
#define INIT16BPP 0x00000080 // simulate a 16BPP initial desktop setting (in GetDeviceCaps API)
#define KEEPCURSORFIXED 0x00000100 // inhibit SetCursorPos operation
#define DISABLEGAMMARAMP 0x00000200 // let the application retrieve the desktop DC (for capability queries)
#define DIFFERENTIALMOUSE 0x00000400 // emulates the 360-degrees-free-running mouse style....
#define FIXNCHITTEST 0x00000800 // fixes WM_NCHITTEST message X,Y coordinates
#define LIMITFPS 0x00001000 // delays primary blit operations to limit FPS
#define SKIPFPS 0x00002000 // skips primary blit operations up to limit
#define SHOWFPS 0x00004000 // shows FPS value to status win / log / title bar
#define HIDEMULTIMONITOR 0x00008000 // hide multimonitor configurations: GetAdapterCount returns 1.
#define TIMESTRETCH 0x00010000 // make system time stretchable
#define HOOKOPENGL 0x00020000 // Hook OpenGL calls
#define WALLPAPERMODE 0x00040000 // mouse events are discarded (good for screensaver-like)
#define SHOWHWCURSOR 0x00080000 // mouse events are discarded (good for screensaver-like)
#define HOOKGDI 0x00100000 // Hook GDI functions
#define SHOWFPSOVERLAY 0x00200000 // shows FPS value to status win / log / screen overlay
#define FAKEVERSION 0x00400000 // pretends the platvorm is a given window version / subversion
#define FULLRECTBLT 0x00800000 // blit to primary surface using NULL source & dest rect
#define NOPALETTEUPDATE 0x01000000 // Do not refresh primary surface on palette updates
#define SUPPRESSIME 0x02000000 // suppress IME
#define NOBANNER 0x04000000 // suppress fancy logo & banneer effects
#define WINDOWIZE 0x08000000 // Run in a Window (default TRUE)
#define LIMITRESOURCES 0x10000000 // Limit resources to fit an old program's expectations
#define STARTDEBUG 0x20000000 // Start in DEBUG mode
#define SETCOMPATIBILITY 0x40000000 // invoke ddraw SetAppCompatData to set aero compatibility mode
#define WIREFRAME 0x80000000 // invoke ddraw SetAppCompatData to set aero compatibility mode
// third flags DWORD dxw.dwFlags3:
#define FORCEHOOKOPENGL 0x00000001 // loads OpenGL32.dll and hooks it
#define MARKBLIT 0x00000002 // higlights the blit to primary surface operation by surroundig the rect in color
#define HOOKDLLS 0x00000004 // Hook all DLLs referenced in PE
#define SUPPRESSD3DEXT 0x00000008 // Disables extended d3d APIs for Vista/Win7/Win8 platforms
#define HOOKENABLED 0x00000010 // Enables task hooking
#define FIXD3DFRAME 0x00000020 // Preserve windows frame in D3D9 programs
#define FORCE16BPP 0x00000040 // Forces 16BPP desktop color depth
#define BLACKWHITE 0x00000080 // Simulate a B&W screen monitor mapping colors to grayscales
#define SAVECAPS 0x00000100 // Saves and restores original surface flags & capabilities
#define SINGLEPROCAFFINITY 0x00000200 // Set Process Affinity to a single core
// logging Tflags DWORD:
#define OUTTRACE 0x00000001 // enables tracing to dxwnd.log in general
#define OUTDDRAWTRACE 0x00000002 // traces DxWnd directdraw screen handling
#define OUTWINMESSAGES 0x00000004 // traces windows messages
#define OUTCURSORTRACE 0x00000008 // traces windows messages
#define OUTPROXYTRACE 0x00000010 // warning: it also enables proxy functions !!!!
#define DXPROXED 0x00000020 // hook DX proxy methods to log each call in original behaviour
#define ASSERTDIALOG 0x00000040 // show assert messages in Dialog Box
#define OUTIMPORTTABLE 0x00000080 // dump import table contents
#define OUTDEBUG 0x00000100 // detailed debugging indormation
// DxWnd host app data to be passed to the hook callback
typedef struct TARGETMAP
char path[MAX_PATH];
char module[60+1];
char OpenGLLib[20+1];
int dxversion;
int coordinates;
int flags;
int flags2;
int flags3;
int flags4;
int tflags;
short initx;
short inity;
short minx;
short miny;
short maxx;
short maxy;
short posx;
short posy;
short sizx;
short sizy;
short MaxFPS;
short InitTS;
short FakeVersionId;
typedef struct
short Status;
short TaskIdx;
short IsFullScreen;
short Width, Height;
short ColorDepth;
short DXVersion;
HWND hWnd;
DWORD dwPid;
BOOL isLogging;
int TimeShift;
short CursorX, CursorY;
extern DXWNDSTATUS DxWndStatus;
int SetTarget(TARGETMAP *);
int StartHook(void);
int EndHook(void);
void GetDllVersion(char *);
int GetHookStatus(DXWNDSTATUS *);
int HookInit(TARGETMAP *, HWND);
void *SetHook(void *, void *);
void SetHook(void *, void *, void **, char *);
void OutTrace(const char *, ...);
void *HookAPI(HMODULE, char *, void *, const char *, void *);
void AdjustWindowFrame(HWND, DWORD, DWORD);
// defines below to condition debug message handling
#define OutTraceW if(dxw.dwTFlags & OUTWINMESSAGES) OutTrace
#define OutTraceX if(dxw.dwTFlags & OUTPROXYTRACE) OutTrace
#define OutTraceD if(dxw.dwTFlags & OUTDDRAWTRACE) OutTrace
#define OutTraceC if(dxw.dwTFlags & OUTCURSORTRACE) OutTrace
#define OutTraceB if(dxw.dwTFlags & OUTDEBUG) OutTrace
#define OutTraceP OutTrace
#define OutTraceE OutTrace
#define IsTraceW (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTWINMESSAGES)
#define IsTraceX (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTPROXYTRACE)
#define IsTraceD (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTDDRAWTRACE)
#define IsTraceC (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTCURSORTRACE)
#define IsTraceP (TRUE)
#define IsTraceE (TRUE)
#define IsDebug (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTDEBUG)
#define IsAssertEnabled (dxw.dwTFlags & ASSERTDIALOG)
#define STEP OutTrace("STEP at %s:%d\n", __MODULE__, __LINE__)
extern void WhndStackPush(HWND, WNDPROC);
extern WNDPROC WhndGetWindowProc(HWND );
typedef enum {
} Coordinates_Types;