[target] title0=Dethkarz path0=D:\Games\Dethkarz\Dethkarz.exe launchpath0= module0= opengllib0= notes0=On Win7, FORCECLIPPER is requested\nOn Win10, FORCECLIPPER is not necessary and may cause program crash:\neither unckeck FORCECLIPPER or check HANDLEEXCEPTIONS seems to fix the problem registry0= ver0=0 coord0=0 flag0=679477282 flagg0=1207959552 flagh0=8212 flagi0=138416132 flagj0=1073741952 flagk0=65536 flagl0=0 flagm0=0 tflag0=0 dflag0=0 posx0=50 posy0=50 sizx0=800 sizy0=600 maxfps0=0 initts0=0 winver0=0 maxres0=3 swapeffect0=0 maxddinterface0=7 slowratio0=2