** Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
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** $Revision: 9 $
** $Date: 7/24/98 1:37p $
/* preprocessor defines for libraries to support DLL creation */

/* in header file, use FX_ENTRY return-type FX_CALL function-name ( ... ) */
/* in source file, use FX_EXPORT return-type FX_CSTYLE function-name (... ) */

/* in source file, set FX_DLL_DEFINITION, include this file, then include
   header file for library. */

/* we need to use two macros per declaration/definition because MSVC
   requires __stdcall and __declspec( dllexport ) be in different parts
   of the prototype! */

/* I use two sets in case we need to control declarations and definitions
   differently.  If it turns out we don't, it should be easy to do a search
   and replace to eliminate one set */

/* NOTE: this header file may be included more than once, and FX_DLL_DEFINITION
   may have changed, so we do not protect this with an #fndef __FXDLL_H__
   statement like we normally would. */

#ifdef FX_ENTRY
#undef FX_ENTRY

#ifdef FX_CALL
#undef FX_CALL

#ifdef FX_EXPORT
#undef FX_EXPORT

#ifdef FX_CSTYLE
#undef FX_CSTYLE

#if defined(FX_DLL_DEFINITION)
  #if defined(FX_DLL_ENABLE)
    #if defined(__MSC__)
      #ifndef KERNEL
        #define FX_ENTRY __declspec( dllexport )
        #define FX_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
        #define FX_ENTRY
        #define FX_EXPORT
     #endif /* #ifndef KERNEL */
     #define FX_CALL __stdcall
     #define FX_CSTYLE __stdcall

    #elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
      #define FX_ENTRY
      #define FX_CALL __stdcall __export

      #define FX_EXPORT
      #define FX_CSTYLE __stdcall __export

    #else /* compiler */
      #error define FX_ENTRY,FX_CALL & FX_EXPORT,FX_CSTYLE for your compiler
    #endif /* compiler */

  #else /* FX_DLL_ENABLE */
    #define FX_ENTRY
    #define FX_CALL __stdcall

    #define FX_EXPORT
    #define FX_CSTYLE __stdcall
  #endif /* FX_DLL_ENABLE */

  #define FX_ENTRY extern
  #define FX_CALL __stdcall
#endif /* FX_DLL_DEFINITION */

 * We don't want any of this DLL junk for DJGPP or UNIX
 * so undo what is done above.
#if defined(__DJGPP__) || defined(__unix__)
  #ifdef FX_CALL
    #undef FX_CALL

  #ifdef FX_CSTYLE
    #undef FX_CSTYLE

  #ifdef FX_EXPORT
    #undef FX_EXPORT

  #ifdef FX_ENTRY
    #undef FX_ENTRY

  #define FX_CALL
  #define FX_CSTYLE 
  #define FX_EXPORT
  #define FX_ENTRY 

#if defined (MSVC16)
  #undef FX_CALL
  #define FX_CALL