#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include "dxwnd.h" #include "dxwcore.hpp" #include "stdio.h" #include "hddraw.h" #include "dxhelper.h" #define FIXBIGGERRECT 1 extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSEmu_Prim; extern LPDIRECTDRAW lpPrimaryDD; extern Blt_Type pBlt; extern ReleaseS_Type pReleaseSMethod(int); extern CreateSurface1_Type pCreateSurface1; extern CreateSurface1_Type pCreateSurface2; extern CreateSurface1_Type pCreateSurface3; extern CreateSurface2_Type pCreateSurface4; extern CreateSurface2_Type pCreateSurface7; extern Unlock4_Type pUnlockMethod(int); extern HDC hFlippedDC; extern BOOL bFlippedDC; extern ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC1; extern ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC2; extern ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC3; extern ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC4; extern ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC7; extern void BlitError(HRESULT, LPRECT, LPRECT, int); extern void BlitTrace(char *, LPRECT, LPRECT, int); extern void DescribeSurface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, int, char *, int); extern void TextureHandling(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, int); extern GetSurfaceDesc2_Type pGetSurfaceDescMethod(); extern int GetSurfaceDescSize(); extern GetSurfaceDesc2_Type GetSurfaceDescMethod(); extern Blt_Type pBltMethod(); static HRESULT sBltNoPrimary(int dxversion, Blt_Type pBlt, char *api, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpdds, LPRECT lpdestrect, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpddssrc, LPRECT lpsrcrect, DWORD dwflags, LPDDBLTFX lpddbltfx) { RECT srcrect; HRESULT res; BOOL FromScreen; //extern PrimaryBlt_Type pPrimaryBlt; //CkArg arg; FromScreen=dxwss.IsAPrimarySurface(lpddssrc); // make a working copy of srcrect if not NULL if (lpsrcrect){ srcrect=*lpsrcrect; } // when blitting from a primary surface on screen (that is in non emulated mode), correct offsets // You should take account also for scaled primary surfaces, but that would be a hard task: // a reduced primary surface (in not-emulated mode) would bring quality loss!!! // v2.1.83: BLITFROMBACKBUFFER mode, let you chose to blit from backbuffer, where the surface size // is fixed no matter how the window/primary surface is scaled. // In "The Sims" there is no quality loss, but some scrolling artifact. //if(lpsrcrect && FromScreen){ if(FromScreen){ if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE) || (dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATEBUFFER)){ if(dxw.dwFlags1 & BLITFROMBACKBUFFER){ LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSBack; lpDDSBack = dxwss.GetBackBufferSurface(); if(lpDDSBack) lpddssrc=lpDDSBack; } } else { if(dxw.dwFlags1 & BLITFROMBACKBUFFER){ LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSBack; lpDDSBack = dxwss.GetBackBufferSurface(); if(lpDDSBack) lpddssrc=lpDDSBack; } else{ srcrect=dxw.MapWindowRect(lpsrcrect); } } } if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("NOPRIM", lpsrcrect, lpdestrect, __LINE__); res= (*pBlt)(lpdds, lpdestrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect ? &srcrect : NULL, dwflags, lpddbltfx); // Blitting compressed data may work to screen surfaces only. In this case, it may be worth // trying blitting directly to lpDDSEmu_Prim: it makes DK2 intro movies working. // Wrong guess!!! The cause was not compression, but simply a pixelformat mismatch. Better // configure things properly and avoid this branch. switch(res){ // commented out: it was the cause of the "Divine Divinity" flickering. // commented in?: it seems useful in "Axis and Allies".... //case DDERR_UNSUPPORTED: // if (dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE){ // RECT targetrect; // if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("UNSUPP", lpsrcrect ? &srcrect : NULL, lpdestrect, __LINE__); // targetrect = dxw.MapWindowRect(lpdestrect); // res=(*pBlt)(lpDDSEmu_Prim, &targetrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect ? &srcrect : NULL, dwflags, lpddbltfx); // } // break; case DDERR_SURFACEBUSY: (*pUnlockMethod(dxversion))(lpdds, NULL); if (lpddssrc) (*pUnlockMethod(dxversion))(lpddssrc, NULL); if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("BUSY", lpsrcrect ? &srcrect : NULL, lpdestrect, __LINE__); res=(*pBlt)(lpdds, lpdestrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect ? &srcrect : NULL, dwflags|DDBLT_WAIT, lpddbltfx); break; default: break; } if (res) BlitError(res, &srcrect, lpdestrect, __LINE__); if(IsDebug) { DescribeSurface(lpdds, 0, "[DST]" , __LINE__); if (lpddssrc) DescribeSurface(lpddssrc, 0, "[SRC]" , __LINE__); // lpddssrc could be NULL!!! } if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SUPPRESSDXERRORS) res=0; if(dxw.dwFlags5 & TEXTUREMASK) { // Texture Handling on Blt TextureHandling(lpdds, dxversion); } return res; } static HRESULT sBltToPrimary(int dxversion, Blt_Type pBlt, char *api, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpdds, LPRECT lpdestrect, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpddssrc, LPRECT lpsrcrect, DWORD dwflags, LPDDBLTFX lpddbltfx, BOOL isFlipping) { HRESULT res; RECT destrect, emurect; extern PrimaryBlt_Type pPrimaryBlt; // debug suppressions if(isFlipping){ if(dxw.dwFlags3 & NODDRAWFLIP) return DD_OK; } else { if(dxw.dwFlags3 & NODDRAWBLT) return DD_OK; } #ifdef ONEPIXELFIX if (lpdestrect){ if ((lpdestrect->top == 0) && (lpdestrect->bottom == dxw.GetScreenHeight() -1)) lpdestrect->bottom = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); if ((lpdestrect->left == 0) && (lpdestrect->right == dxw.GetScreenWidth() -1)) lpdestrect->right = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); } if (lpsrcrect){ if ((lpsrcrect->top == 0) && (lpsrcrect->bottom == dxw.GetScreenHeight() -1)) lpsrcrect->bottom = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); if ((lpsrcrect->left == 0) && (lpsrcrect->right == dxw.GetScreenWidth() -1)) lpsrcrect->right = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); } #endif #if FIXBIGGERRECT if(lpdestrect){ if((DWORD)lpdestrect->top < 0) lpdestrect->top = 0; if((DWORD)lpdestrect->left < 0) lpdestrect->left = 0; if((DWORD)lpdestrect->bottom > dxw.GetScreenHeight()) lpdestrect->bottom = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); if((DWORD)lpdestrect->right > dxw.GetScreenWidth()) lpdestrect->right = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); } #endif if(dxw.dwFlags5 & QUARTERBLT){ BOOL QuarterUpdate; QuarterUpdate = lpdestrect ? (((lpdestrect->bottom - lpdestrect->top) * (lpdestrect->right - lpdestrect->left)) > ((LONG)(dxw.GetScreenHeight() * dxw.GetScreenWidth()) >> 2)) : TRUE; if(QuarterUpdate) if(dxw.HandleFPS()) return DD_OK; } else if(dxw.HandleFPS()) return DD_OK; if(dxw.dwFlags5 & NOBLT) return DD_OK; destrect=dxw.MapWindowRect(lpdestrect); OutTraceB("DESTRECT=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) Screen=(%dx%d)\n", destrect.left, destrect.top, destrect.right, destrect.bottom, dxw.GetScreenWidth(), dxw.GetScreenHeight()); // v2.03.48: on WinXP it may happen (reported by Cloudstr) that alt tabbing produces // bad blit attempts where the client coordinates get the (-32000,-32000) - (-32000,-32000) // value. In such cases, it's adviseable to simulate an OK return code without attempting // any blit operation! if(destrect.left == -32000) return DD_OK; // no blit on invisible window //if(!(lpddssrc || (dwflags & DDBLT_COLORFILL))) { if((lpddssrc==0) && !(dwflags & DDBLT_COLORFILL)){ lpddssrc = dxwss.GetBackBufferSurface(); OutTraceDW("Flip: setting flip chain to lpdds=%x\n", lpddssrc); } // ========================= // Blit to primary direct surface // ========================= if(!(dxw.dwFlags1 & (EMULATESURFACE|EMULATEBUFFER))){ res=DD_OK; // blit only when source and dest surface are different. Should make ScreenRefresh faster. if (lpdds != lpddssrc) { dxw.ShowOverlay(lpddssrc); if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("PRIM-NOEMU", lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); res=(*pPrimaryBlt)(dxversion, pBlt, lpdds, &destrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect); } if(res){ BlitError(res, lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); if(IsDebug) { DescribeSurface(lpdds, 0, "[DST]" , __LINE__); if (lpddssrc) DescribeSurface(lpddssrc, 0, "[SRC]" , __LINE__); // lpddssrc could be NULL!!! } // Try to handle HDC lock concurrency.... if(res==DDERR_SURFACEBUSY){ (*pUnlockMethod(dxversion))(lpdds, NULL); if(lpddssrc) (*pUnlockMethod(dxversion))(lpdds, NULL); if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("BUSY", lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); res= (*pBlt)(lpdds, &destrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); if (res) BlitError(res, lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); } // Try to handle DDBLT_KEYSRC on primary surface if((res==DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS) && (dwflags & DDBLT_KEYSRC)){ // to do: handle possible situations with surface 2 / 4 / 7 types DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2 lpddsTmp; extern CreateSurface2_Type pCreateSurfaceMethod(int); if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("KEYSRC", lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd)); ddsd.dwSize = GetSurfaceDescSize(); (*pGetSurfaceDescMethod())((LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2)lpddssrc, &ddsd); res=(*pCreateSurfaceMethod(dxversion))(lpPrimaryDD, &ddsd, (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *)&lpddsTmp, NULL); if(res) OutTraceE("CreateSurface: ERROR %x(%s) at %d", res, ExplainDDError(res), __LINE__); // copy background res= (*pBlt)((LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE)lpddsTmp, lpsrcrect, lpdds, &destrect, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL); if(res) OutTraceE("Blt: ERROR %x(%s) at %d", res, ExplainDDError(res), __LINE__); // overlay texture res= (*pBlt)((LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE)lpddsTmp, lpsrcrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); if(res) OutTraceE("Blt: ERROR %x(%s) at %d", res, ExplainDDError(res), __LINE__); // copy back to destination res= (*pBlt)(lpdds, &destrect, (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE)lpddsTmp, lpsrcrect, DDBLT_WAIT, lpddbltfx); if(res) OutTraceE("Blt: ERROR %x(%s) at %d", res, ExplainDDError(res), __LINE__); if (res) BlitError(res, lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); (*pReleaseSMethod(dxversion))((LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE)lpddsTmp); } if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SUPPRESSDXERRORS) res=DD_OK; } return res; } // ... else blitting on emulated surface // ========================= // Blit/Flip to emulated primary surface // ========================= if(dxw.dwFlags5 & GDIMODE){ extern void BlitToWindow(HWND, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE); //if (lpdds != lpddssrc) BlitToWindow(dxw.GethWnd(), lpddssrc); return DD_OK; } if (lpdestrect){ emurect=*lpdestrect; } else{ // emurect: emulated rect is full surface (dwWidth x dwHeight) emurect.left = 0; emurect.top = 0; emurect.right = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); emurect.bottom = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); } res=DD_OK; // blit only when source and dest surface are different. Should make ScreenRefresh faster. if (lpdds != lpddssrc){ if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("SRC2EMU", &emurect, &destrect, __LINE__); if(destrect.top == -32000) return DD_OK; // happens when window is minimized & do not notify on task switch ... if(lpdds->IsLost()) lpdds->Restore(); // lpDDSEmu_Back could get lost ..... res=(*pBlt)(lpdds, &emurect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); } if (res) { BlitError(res, lpsrcrect, &emurect, __LINE__); DescribeSurface(lpdds, 0, "[DST]" , __LINE__); if (lpddssrc) DescribeSurface(lpddssrc, 0, "[SRC]" , __LINE__); // lpddssrc could be NULL!!! /* Dungeon Keeper II intro movies bug .... it seems that you can't blit from compressed or different surfaces in memory, while the operation COULD be supported to video. As a mater of fact, it DOES work on my PC. The error code is DDERR_UNSUPPORTED. v2.02.98: The same thing happens with "New York Racer", but with DDERR_EXCEPTION error code. V2.03.15: The same thing happens with "Silent Hunter III", but with DDERR_INVALIDRECT error code. */ if((res==DDERR_UNSUPPORTED) || (res==DDERR_EXCEPTION) || (res==DDERR_INVALIDRECT)){ //RECT targetrect; dxw.ShowOverlay(lpddssrc); if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("UNSUPP", &emurect, &destrect, __LINE__); //targetrect=dxw.MapWindowRect(&destrect); // v2.03.18 //res=(*pBlt)(lpDDSEmu_Prim, &targetrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); res=(*pBlt)(lpDDSEmu_Prim, &destrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); if (res) BlitError(res, lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); } // Try to handle HDC lock concurrency.... if(res==DDERR_SURFACEBUSY){ if (bFlippedDC) { ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC; switch(dxversion){ case 1: pReleaseDC=pReleaseDC1; break; case 2: pReleaseDC=pReleaseDC2; break; case 3: pReleaseDC=pReleaseDC3; break; case 4: pReleaseDC=pReleaseDC4; break; case 7: pReleaseDC=pReleaseDC7; break; } (*pReleaseDC)(lpdds, hFlippedDC); } // v2.03.49: resumed because if fixes locked surfaces on "Red Alert 1" on WinXP as reported by cloudstr if(lpddssrc) { // lpddssrc could be NULL!!! res=(*pUnlockMethod(dxversion))(lpddssrc, NULL); if(res && (res!=DDERR_NOTLOCKED)) OutTraceE("Unlock ERROR: lpdds=%x err=%x(%s)\n", lpddssrc, res, ExplainDDError(res)); } res=(*pUnlockMethod(dxversion))(lpdds, NULL); // v2.03.24 reintroduced because of "Virtua Cop" if(res && (res!=DDERR_NOTLOCKED)) OutTraceE("Unlock ERROR: lpdds=%x err=%x(%s)\n", lpdds, res, ExplainDDError(res)); if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("BUSY", &emurect, &destrect, __LINE__); res=(*pBlt)(lpdds, &emurect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); if (res) BlitError(res, lpsrcrect, &destrect, __LINE__); } if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SUPPRESSDXERRORS) res=DD_OK; return res; } LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSSource; if (res=(*pColorConversion)(dxversion, lpdds, emurect, &lpDDSSource)) { OutTraceE("sBlt ERROR: Color conversion failed res=%x(%s)\n", res, ExplainDDError(res)); if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SUPPRESSDXERRORS) res=DD_OK; return res; } if(lpDDSEmu_Prim->IsLost()) lpDDSEmu_Prim->Restore(); dxw.ShowOverlay(lpDDSSource); if(dxw.dwFlags4 & BILINEAR2XFILTER){ emurect.right <<= 1; emurect.bottom <<= 1; } if (IsDebug) BlitTrace("BACK2PRIM", &emurect, &destrect, __LINE__); res=(*pPrimaryBlt)(dxversion, pBlt, lpDDSEmu_Prim, &destrect, lpDDSSource, &emurect); if (res) BlitError(res, &emurect, &destrect, __LINE__); if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SUPPRESSDXERRORS) res=DD_OK; if (IsDebug) OutTrace("%s: done ret=%x at %d\n", api, res, __LINE__); return res; } HRESULT WINAPI sBlt(int dxversion, Blt_Type pBlt, char *api, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpdds, LPRECT lpdestrect, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpddssrc, LPRECT lpsrcrect, DWORD dwflags, LPDDBLTFX lpddbltfx, BOOL isFlipping) { POINT p = {0, 0}; HRESULT res; BOOL ToPrim, FromPrim, ToScreen, FromScreen; if(dxw.dwFlags5 & MESSAGEPUMP){ MSG msg; while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)){ OutTraceW("MESSAGEPUMP: msg=%x l-wParam=(%x,%x)\n", msg.message, msg.lParam, msg.wParam); if((msg.message >= WM_KEYFIRST) && (msg.message <= WM_KEYLAST)) break; // do not consume keyboard inputs if((msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (msg.message <= WM_MOUSELAST)) break; // do not consume mouse inputs PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } ToPrim=dxwss.IsAPrimarySurface(lpdds); FromPrim=dxwss.IsAPrimarySurface(lpddssrc); ToScreen=ToPrim && !(dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE); FromScreen=FromPrim && !(dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE) && !(dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATEBUFFER); // v2.02.77 // log if(IsTraceDW){ char sLog[256]; char sInfo[128]; sprintf(sLog, "%s: dest=%x%s src=%x%s dwFlags=%x(%s)", api, lpdds, (ToPrim ? "(PRIM)":""), lpddssrc, (FromPrim ? "(PRIM)":""), dwflags, ExplainBltFlags(dwflags)); if (lpdestrect) sprintf(sInfo, " destrect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", lpdestrect->left, lpdestrect->top, lpdestrect->right, lpdestrect->bottom); else sprintf(sInfo, " destrect=(NULL)"); strcat(sLog, sInfo); if (lpsrcrect) sprintf(sInfo, " srcrect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", lpsrcrect->left, lpsrcrect->top, lpsrcrect->right, lpsrcrect->bottom); else sprintf(sInfo, " srcrect=(NULL)"); strcat(sLog, sInfo); if(lpddbltfx){ if (dwflags & DDBLT_COLORFILL){ sprintf(sInfo, " ddbltfx.FillColor=%x", lpddbltfx->dwFillColor); strcat(sLog, sInfo); } if (dwflags & DDBLT_KEYDESTOVERRIDE){ sprintf(sInfo, " ddbltfx.DestColorkey=%x", lpddbltfx->ddckDestColorkey); strcat(sLog, sInfo); } if (dwflags & DDBLT_KEYSRCOVERRIDE){ sprintf(sInfo, " ddbltfx.SrcColorkey=%x", lpddbltfx->ddckSrcColorkey); strcat(sLog, sInfo); } if (dwflags & DDBLT_ROP){ sprintf(sInfo, " ddbltfx.ROP=%x", lpddbltfx->dwROP); strcat(sLog, sInfo); } if (dwflags & DDBLT_DEPTHFILL){ sprintf(sInfo, " ddbltfx.FillDepth=%x", lpddbltfx->dwFillDepth); strcat(sLog, sInfo); } } strcat(sLog,"\n"); OutTrace(sLog); } if(ToPrim) res = sBltToPrimary(dxversion, pBlt, api, lpdds, lpdestrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx, isFlipping); else res = sBltNoPrimary(dxversion, pBlt, api, lpdds, lpdestrect, lpddssrc, lpsrcrect, dwflags, lpddbltfx); return res; }