Limit |
Introduces a configurable delay between screen refresh operations, so that the FPS is limited accordingly. |
Skip |
Introduces no delay in the screen operations, but skips several screen updates so that the actual FPS value is limited without the program noticing it. |
delay (msec) |
??? |
Sets the delay time, expressed in milliseconds, for both the "Limit" (LIMITFPS) and "Skip" (SKIPFPS) options. To be noted that the FPS is related to the delay by the formula FPS = 1000/Delay or, the other way around, Delay = 1000/FPS. So if, for example, you desire an FPS not greater than 50, the corresponding value to get this effect is Delay = 20msec. Note that a greater delay means a slower frame rate. |
Updates bigger than 1/4 screen size |
??? |
??? |
Show FPS on title |
When checked, the FPS counter is appended to the window title. |
Show FPS overlay |
When checked, the FPS counter is drawn as an overlay of the program client area, in a corner of the screen and periodically and randomly moved to other cornes to avoid accidentally overlap an important screen region. |
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Free EPub producer