v2.2.00/01 major code rewriting - introduced dxwCore class preliminary FPS handling: Limit, Skip & Count with configurable delay Hide Multi Monitor configuration flag - used for "Dream Acquarium" on multimonitor PC. v2.2.02 preliminary time stretching: so far applies to GetTickCount() only, and is controlled by Alt-F5 / F6 keys. Fixed bug in GDI BitBlt call: stretching must be made on screen DC only, or it's made twice. v2.02.03/04: code cleanup - see syslib calls hooking new configuration flags: Hook GDI and Hook OpenGL OpenGL custom library field API hooking fix with module specification Time stretching by keyboard control (Alt F5/F6) and/or Time Slider dialog v2.02.05: hooked winmm timeGetTime() API: makes time stretching work for Age of Empires series changed time stretching grain: now it's not the coarse grained 2x, 4x,... series in 9 possible values but the fine grained series 1.5x, 2x, 3x,.... in 17 possible values added status and time stretching view panels to tray icon menu