dxwnd logs

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Enable Trace


This global flag enables/disables all subsequent traces. If unchecked, DxWnd doesn't write any output to the logs. If checked, DxWnd writes output to the dxwnd.log file in the program's working directory, recording error messages as well as the specific messages related to other flags (see logged info).

Erase trace file


By default, DxWnd looks for an existing log file and adds new logged messages to that file. Over time, this log file may become very large. This flag deletes the log file and creates a new one every time you open DxWnd. The deleted file is referenced by its location relative to DxWnd's working folder, so if you have multiple executables in the same folder, or if DxWnd is forced to write the log file to its own folder because it couldn't write to the specified log folder (due to permissions issues, such as a CD-ROM drive that can't be written to), this option may erase a dxwnd.log file from the wrong location.

Output debug string


Copies log messages to the Windows debug logging directory by calling OutputDebugString(). This allows you to access the logs from debuggers and other tools.

Add timestamp to log


Adds a timestamp with GetTickCount() to the beginning of each line in a log file.

Relative timestamp


Adds a timestamp to the beginning of each line in a log file that measures the duration between that line and the previous one. This makes it easier to spot long operations.