/* ** Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */ /* ** GLIDE.H ** ** The following #defines are relevant when using Glide: ** ** One of the following "platform constants" must be defined during ** compilation: ** ** __DOS__ Defined for 32-bit DOS applications ** __WIN32__ Defined for 32-bit Windows applications ** __sparc__ Defined for Sun Solaris/SunOS ** __linux__ Defined for Linux applications ** __IRIX__ Defined for SGI Irix applications ** */ #ifndef __GLIDE_H__ #define __GLIDE_H__ #include <3dfx.h> #include <glidesys.h> #include <sst1vid.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** TYPE DEFINITIONS ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef FxU32 GrColor_t; typedef FxU8 GrAlpha_t; typedef FxU32 GrMipMapId_t; typedef FxU8 GrFog_t; typedef FxU32 GrContext_t; typedef int (__stdcall *GrProc)(); /* ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** CONSTANTS AND TYPES ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define GR_NULL_MIPMAP_HANDLE ((GrMipMapId_t) -1) #define GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_EVEN FXBIT(0) #define GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_ODD FXBIT(1) #define GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH (GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_EVEN | GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_ODD ) #define GR_LODBIAS_BILINEAR 0.5 #define GR_LODBIAS_TRILINEAR 0.0 typedef FxI32 GrChipID_t; #define GR_TMU0 0x0 #define GR_TMU1 0x1 #define GR_TMU2 0x2 #define GR_FBI 0x0 typedef FxI32 GrCombineFunction_t; #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_ZERO 0x0 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_ZERO #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL 0x1 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL_ALPHA 0x2 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER 0x3 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_BLEND_OTHER GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_ADD_LOCAL 0x4 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_ADD_LOCAL_ALPHA 0x5 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_MINUS_LOCAL 0x6 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_MINUS_LOCAL_ADD_LOCAL 0x7 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_BLEND GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_MINUS_LOCAL_ADD_LOCAL #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_MINUS_LOCAL_ADD_LOCAL_ALPHA 0x8 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_MINUS_LOCAL_ADD_LOCAL 0x9 #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_BLEND_LOCAL GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_MINUS_LOCAL_ADD_LOCAL #define GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_MINUS_LOCAL_ADD_LOCAL_ALPHA 0x10 typedef FxI32 GrCombineFactor_t; #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO 0x0 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL 0x1 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_OTHER_ALPHA 0x2 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL_ALPHA 0x3 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_TEXTURE_ALPHA 0x4 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_TEXTURE_RGB 0x5 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_DETAIL_FACTOR GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_TEXTURE_ALPHA #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOD_FRACTION 0x5 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE 0x8 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_LOCAL 0x9 #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_OTHER_ALPHA 0xa #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_LOCAL_ALPHA 0xb #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_TEXTURE_ALPHA 0xc #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DETAIL_FACTOR GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_TEXTURE_ALPHA #define GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_LOD_FRACTION 0xd typedef FxI32 GrCombineLocal_t; #define GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED 0x0 #define GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT 0x1 #define GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT #define GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_DEPTH 0x2 typedef FxI32 GrCombineOther_t; #define GR_COMBINE_OTHER_ITERATED 0x0 #define GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE 0x1 #define GR_COMBINE_OTHER_CONSTANT 0x2 #define GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE GR_COMBINE_OTHER_CONSTANT typedef FxI32 GrAlphaSource_t; #define GR_ALPHASOURCE_CC_ALPHA 0x0 #define GR_ALPHASOURCE_ITERATED_ALPHA 0x1 #define GR_ALPHASOURCE_TEXTURE_ALPHA 0x2 #define GR_ALPHASOURCE_TEXTURE_ALPHA_TIMES_ITERATED_ALPHA 0x3 typedef FxI32 GrColorCombineFnc_t; #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_ZERO 0x0 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_CCRGB 0x1 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB 0x2 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB_DELTA0 0x3 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_DECAL_TEXTURE 0x4 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_CCRGB 0x5 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ITRGB 0x6 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ITRGB_DELTA0 0x7 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ITRGB_ADD_ALPHA 0x8 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ALPHA 0x9 #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ALPHA_ADD_ITRGB 0xa #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_ADD_ITRGB 0xb #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_SUB_ITRGB 0xc #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_CCRGB_BLEND_ITRGB_ON_TEXALPHA 0xd #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_DIFF_SPEC_A 0xe #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_DIFF_SPEC_B 0xf #define GR_COLORCOMBINE_ONE 0x10 typedef FxI32 GrAlphaBlendFnc_t; #define GR_BLEND_ZERO 0x0 #define GR_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA 0x1 #define GR_BLEND_SRC_COLOR 0x2 #define GR_BLEND_DST_COLOR GR_BLEND_SRC_COLOR #define GR_BLEND_DST_ALPHA 0x3 #define GR_BLEND_ONE 0x4 #define GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 0x5 #define GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 0x6 #define GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR #define GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 0x7 #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_8 0x8 #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_9 0x9 #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_A 0xa #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_B 0xb #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_C 0xc #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_D 0xd #define GR_BLEND_RESERVED_E 0xe #define GR_BLEND_ALPHA_SATURATE 0xf #define GR_BLEND_PREFOG_COLOR GR_BLEND_ALPHA_SATURATE typedef FxI32 GrAspectRatio_t; #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_8x1 3 /* 8W x 1H */ #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_4x1 2 /* 4W x 1H */ #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_2x1 1 /* 2W x 1H */ #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x1 0 /* 1W x 1H */ #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x2 -1 /* 1W x 2H */ #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x4 -2 /* 1W x 4H */ #define GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x8 -3 /* 1W x 8H */ typedef FxI32 GrBuffer_t; #define GR_BUFFER_FRONTBUFFER 0x0 #define GR_BUFFER_BACKBUFFER 0x1 #define GR_BUFFER_AUXBUFFER 0x2 #define GR_BUFFER_DEPTHBUFFER 0x3 #define GR_BUFFER_ALPHABUFFER 0x4 #define GR_BUFFER_TRIPLEBUFFER 0x5 typedef FxI32 GrChromakeyMode_t; #define GR_CHROMAKEY_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_CHROMAKEY_ENABLE 0x1 typedef FxI32 GrChromaRangeMode_t; #define GR_CHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT 0x0 #define GR_CHROMARANGE_DISABLE_EXT 0x00 #define GR_CHROMARANGE_ENABLE_EXT 0x01 typedef FxI32 GrTexChromakeyMode_t; #define GR_TEXCHROMA_DISABLE_EXT 0x0 #define GR_TEXCHROMA_ENABLE_EXT 0x1 #define GR_TEXCHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT 0x0 typedef FxI32 GrCmpFnc_t; #define GR_CMP_NEVER 0x0 #define GR_CMP_LESS 0x1 #define GR_CMP_EQUAL 0x2 #define GR_CMP_LEQUAL 0x3 #define GR_CMP_GREATER 0x4 #define GR_CMP_NOTEQUAL 0x5 #define GR_CMP_GEQUAL 0x6 #define GR_CMP_ALWAYS 0x7 typedef FxI32 GrColorFormat_t; #define GR_COLORFORMAT_ARGB 0x0 #define GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR 0x1 #define GR_COLORFORMAT_RGBA 0x2 #define GR_COLORFORMAT_BGRA 0x3 typedef FxI32 GrCullMode_t; #define GR_CULL_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_CULL_NEGATIVE 0x1 #define GR_CULL_POSITIVE 0x2 typedef FxI32 GrDepthBufferMode_t; #define GR_DEPTHBUFFER_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_DEPTHBUFFER_ZBUFFER 0x1 #define GR_DEPTHBUFFER_WBUFFER 0x2 #define GR_DEPTHBUFFER_ZBUFFER_COMPARE_TO_BIAS 0x3 #define GR_DEPTHBUFFER_WBUFFER_COMPARE_TO_BIAS 0x4 typedef FxI32 GrDitherMode_t; #define GR_DITHER_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_DITHER_2x2 0x1 #define GR_DITHER_4x4 0x2 typedef FxI32 GrFogMode_t; #define GR_FOG_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_FOGCOORD_EXT 0x1 #define GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_Q 0x2 #define GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_W GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_Q #define GR_FOG_WITH_ITERATED_Z 0x3 #define GR_FOG_MULT2 0x100 #define GR_FOG_ADD2 0x200 typedef FxU32 GrLock_t; #define GR_LFB_READ_ONLY 0x00 #define GR_LFB_WRITE_ONLY 0x01 #define GR_LFB_IDLE 0x00 #define GR_LFB_NOIDLE 0x10 typedef FxI32 GrLfbBypassMode_t; #define GR_LFBBYPASS_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_LFBBYPASS_ENABLE 0x1 typedef FxI32 GrLfbWriteMode_t; #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_565 0x0 /* RGB:RGB */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_555 0x1 /* RGB:RGB */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_1555 0x2 /* ARGB:ARGB */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED1 0x3 #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_888 0x4 /* RGB */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_8888 0x5 /* ARGB */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED2 0x6 #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED3 0x7 #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED4 0x8 #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED5 0x9 #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED6 0xa #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_RESERVED7 0xb #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_565_DEPTH 0xc /* RGB:DEPTH */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_555_DEPTH 0xd /* RGB:DEPTH */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_1555_DEPTH 0xe /* ARGB:DEPTH */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_ZA16 0xf /* DEPTH:DEPTH */ #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_ANY 0xFF typedef FxI32 GrOriginLocation_t; #define GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT 0x0 #define GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT 0x1 #define GR_ORIGIN_ANY 0xFF typedef struct { int size; void *lfbPtr; FxU32 strideInBytes; GrLfbWriteMode_t writeMode; GrOriginLocation_t origin; } GrLfbInfo_t; typedef FxI32 GrLOD_t; #define GR_LOD_LOG2_256 0x8 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_128 0x7 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_64 0x6 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_32 0x5 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_16 0x4 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_8 0x3 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_4 0x2 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_2 0x1 #define GR_LOD_LOG2_1 0x0 typedef FxI32 GrMipMapMode_t; #define GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE 0x0 /* no mip mapping */ #define GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST 0x1 /* use nearest mipmap */ #define GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST_DITHER 0x2 /* GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST + LOD dith */ typedef FxI32 GrSmoothingMode_t; #define GR_SMOOTHING_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_SMOOTHING_ENABLE 0x1 typedef FxI32 GrTextureClampMode_t; #define GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP 0x0 #define GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP 0x1 #define GR_TEXTURECLAMP_MIRROR_EXT 0x2 typedef FxI32 GrTextureCombineFnc_t; #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_ZERO 0x0 /* texout = 0 */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_DECAL 0x1 /* texout = texthis */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_OTHER 0x2 /* this TMU in passthru mode */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_ADD 0x3 /* tout = tthis + t(this+1) */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_MULTIPLY 0x4 /* texout = tthis * t(this+1) */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_SUBTRACT 0x5 /* Sutract from upstream TMU */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_DETAIL 0x6 /* detail--detail on tthis */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_DETAIL_OTHER 0x7 /* detail--detail on tthis+1 */ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_TRILINEAR_ODD 0x8 /* trilinear--odd levels tthis*/ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_TRILINEAR_EVEN 0x9 /*trilinear--even levels tthis*/ #define GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_ONE 0xa /* texout = 0xFFFFFFFF */ typedef FxI32 GrTextureFilterMode_t; #define GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED 0x0 #define GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR 0x1 typedef FxI32 GrTextureFormat_t; #define GR_TEXFMT_8BIT 0x0 #define GR_TEXFMT_RGB_332 GR_TEXFMT_8BIT #define GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422 0x1 #define GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_8 0x2 /* (0..0xFF) alpha */ #define GR_TEXFMT_INTENSITY_8 0x3 /* (0..0xFF) intensity */ #define GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_INTENSITY_44 0x4 #define GR_TEXFMT_P_8 0x5 /* 8-bit palette */ #define GR_TEXFMT_RSVD0 0x6 #define GR_TEXFMT_RSVD1 0x7 #define GR_TEXFMT_16BIT 0x8 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_8332 GR_TEXFMT_16BIT #define GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422 0x9 #define GR_TEXFMT_RGB_565 0xa #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_1555 0xb #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_4444 0xc #define GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_INTENSITY_88 0xd #define GR_TEXFMT_AP_88 0xe /* 8-bit alpha 8-bit palette */ #define GR_TEXFMT_RSVD2 0xf typedef FxU32 GrTexTable_t; #define GR_TEXTABLE_NCC0 0x0 #define GR_TEXTABLE_NCC1 0x1 #define GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE 0x2 #define GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE_6666_EXT 0x3 typedef FxU32 GrNCCTable_t; #define GR_NCCTABLE_NCC0 0x0 #define GR_NCCTABLE_NCC1 0x1 typedef FxU32 GrTexBaseRange_t; #define GR_TEXBASE_256 0x3 #define GR_TEXBASE_128 0x2 #define GR_TEXBASE_64 0x1 #define GR_TEXBASE_32_TO_1 0x0 typedef FxU32 GrEnableMode_t; #define GR_MODE_DISABLE 0x0 #define GR_MODE_ENABLE 0x1 #define GR_AA_ORDERED 0x01 #define GR_ALLOW_MIPMAP_DITHER 0x02 #define GR_PASSTHRU 0x03 #define GR_SHAMELESS_PLUG 0x04 #define GR_VIDEO_SMOOTHING 0x05 typedef FxU32 GrCoordinateSpaceMode_t; #define GR_WINDOW_COORDS 0x00 #define GR_CLIP_COORDS 0x01 /* Types of data in strips */ #define GR_FLOAT 0 #define GR_U8 1 /* Parameters for strips */ #define GR_PARAM_XY 0x01 #define GR_PARAM_Z 0x02 #define GR_PARAM_W 0x03 #define GR_PARAM_Q 0x04 #define GR_PARAM_FOG_EXT 0x05 #define GR_PARAM_A 0x10 #define GR_PARAM_RGB 0x20 #define GR_PARAM_PARGB 0x30 #define GR_PARAM_ST0 0x40 #define GR_PARAM_ST1 GR_PARAM_ST0+1 #define GR_PARAM_ST2 GR_PARAM_ST0+2 #define GR_PARAM_Q0 0x50 #define GR_PARAM_Q1 GR_PARAM_Q0+1 #define GR_PARAM_Q2 GR_PARAM_Q0+2 #define GR_PARAM_DISABLE 0x00 #define GR_PARAM_ENABLE 0x01 /* ** grDrawVertexArray/grDrawVertexArrayContiguous primitive type */ #define GR_POINTS 0 #define GR_LINE_STRIP 1 #define GR_LINES 2 #define GR_POLYGON 3 #define GR_TRIANGLE_STRIP 4 #define GR_TRIANGLE_FAN 5 #define GR_TRIANGLES 6 #define GR_TRIANGLE_STRIP_CONTINUE 7 #define GR_TRIANGLE_FAN_CONTINUE 8 /* ** grGet/grReset types */ #define GR_BITS_DEPTH 0x01 #define GR_BITS_RGBA 0x02 #define GR_FIFO_FULLNESS 0x03 #define GR_FOG_TABLE_ENTRIES 0x04 #define GR_GAMMA_TABLE_ENTRIES 0x05 #define GR_GLIDE_STATE_SIZE 0x06 #define GR_GLIDE_VERTEXLAYOUT_SIZE 0x07 #define GR_IS_BUSY 0x08 #define GR_LFB_PIXEL_PIPE 0x09 #define GR_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE 0x0a #define GR_MAX_TEXTURE_ASPECT_RATIO 0x0b #define GR_MEMORY_FB 0x0c #define GR_MEMORY_TMU 0x0d #define GR_MEMORY_UMA 0x0e #define GR_NUM_BOARDS 0x0f #define GR_NON_POWER_OF_TWO_TEXTURES 0x10 #define GR_NUM_FB 0x11 #define GR_NUM_SWAP_HISTORY_BUFFER 0x12 #define GR_NUM_TMU 0x13 #define GR_PENDING_BUFFERSWAPS 0x14 #define GR_REVISION_FB 0x15 #define GR_REVISION_TMU 0x16 #define GR_STATS_LINES 0x17 /* grGet/grReset */ #define GR_STATS_PIXELS_AFUNC_FAIL 0x18 #define GR_STATS_PIXELS_CHROMA_FAIL 0x19 #define GR_STATS_PIXELS_DEPTHFUNC_FAIL 0x1a #define GR_STATS_PIXELS_IN 0x1b #define GR_STATS_PIXELS_OUT 0x1c #define GR_STATS_PIXELS 0x1d /* grReset */ #define GR_STATS_POINTS 0x1e /* grGet/grReset */ #define GR_STATS_TRIANGLES_IN 0x1f #define GR_STATS_TRIANGLES_OUT 0x20 #define GR_STATS_TRIANGLES 0x21 /* grReset */ #define GR_SWAP_HISTORY 0x22 #define GR_SUPPORTS_PASSTHRU 0x23 #define GR_TEXTURE_ALIGN 0x24 #define GR_VIDEO_POSITION 0x25 #define GR_VIEWPORT 0x26 #define GR_WDEPTH_MIN_MAX 0x27 #define GR_ZDEPTH_MIN_MAX 0x28 #define GR_VERTEX_PARAMETER 0x29 #define GR_BITS_GAMMA 0x2a /* ** grGetString types */ #define GR_EXTENSION 0xa0 #define GR_HARDWARE 0xa1 #define GR_RENDERER 0xa2 #define GR_VENDOR 0xa3 #define GR_VERSION 0xa4 /* ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** STRUCTURES ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { GrLOD_t smallLodLog2; GrLOD_t largeLodLog2; GrAspectRatio_t aspectRatioLog2; GrTextureFormat_t format; void *data; } GrTexInfo; typedef struct GrSstPerfStats_s { FxU32 pixelsIn; /* # pixels processed (minus buffer clears) */ FxU32 chromaFail; /* # pixels not drawn due to chroma key */ FxU32 zFuncFail; /* # pixels not drawn due to Z comparison */ FxU32 aFuncFail; /* # pixels not drawn due to alpha comparison */ FxU32 pixelsOut; /* # pixels drawn (including buffer clears) */ } GrSstPerfStats_t; typedef struct { GrScreenResolution_t resolution; GrScreenRefresh_t refresh; int numColorBuffers; int numAuxBuffers; } GrResolution; typedef GrResolution GlideResolution; #define GR_QUERY_ANY ((FxU32)(~0)) typedef FxU32 GrLfbSrcFmt_t; #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_565 0x00 #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_555 0x01 #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_1555 0x02 #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_888 0x04 #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_8888 0x05 #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_565_DEPTH 0x0c #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_555_DEPTH 0x0d #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_1555_DEPTH 0x0e #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_ZA16 0x0f #define GR_LFB_SRC_FMT_RLE16 0x80 #ifdef H3D #define GR_HINT_H3DENABLE 4 #undef GR_HINTTYPE_MAX #define GR_HINTTYPE_MAX 4 #endif /* ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef FX_GLIDE_NO_FUNC_PROTO /* ** rendering functions */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDrawPoint( const void *pt ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDrawLine( const void *v1, const void *v2 ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDrawTriangle( const void *a, const void *b, const void *c ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grVertexLayout(FxU32 param, FxI32 offset, FxU32 mode); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDrawVertexArray(FxU32 mode, FxU32 Count, void *pointers); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDrawVertexArrayContiguous(FxU32 mode, FxU32 Count, void *pointers, FxU32 stride); /* ** Antialiasing Functions */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grAADrawTriangle( const void *a, const void *b, const void *c, FxBool ab_antialias, FxBool bc_antialias, FxBool ca_antialias ); /* ** buffer management */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grBufferClear( GrColor_t color, GrAlpha_t alpha, FxU32 depth ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grBufferSwap( FxU32 swap_interval ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grRenderBuffer( GrBuffer_t buffer ); /* ** error management */ typedef void (*GrErrorCallbackFnc_t)( const char *string, FxBool fatal ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grErrorSetCallback( GrErrorCallbackFnc_t fnc ); /* ** SST routines */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grFinish(void); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grFlush(void); FX_ENTRY GrContext_t FX_CALL grSstWinOpen( FxU32 hWnd, GrScreenResolution_t screen_resolution, GrScreenRefresh_t refresh_rate, GrColorFormat_t color_format, GrOriginLocation_t origin_location, int nColBuffers, int nAuxBuffers); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstWinClose( GrContext_t context ); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSelectContext( GrContext_t context ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstOrigin(GrOriginLocation_t origin); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstSelect( int which_sst ); /* ** Glide configuration and special effect maintenance functions */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grAlphaBlendFunction( GrAlphaBlendFnc_t rgb_sf, GrAlphaBlendFnc_t rgb_df, GrAlphaBlendFnc_t alpha_sf, GrAlphaBlendFnc_t alpha_df ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grAlphaCombine( GrCombineFunction_t function, GrCombineFactor_t factor, GrCombineLocal_t local, GrCombineOther_t other, FxBool invert ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grAlphaControlsITRGBLighting( FxBool enable ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grAlphaTestFunction( GrCmpFnc_t function ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grAlphaTestReferenceValue( GrAlpha_t value ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grChromakeyMode( GrChromakeyMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grChromakeyValue( GrColor_t value ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grClipWindow( FxU32 minx, FxU32 miny, FxU32 maxx, FxU32 maxy ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grColorCombine( GrCombineFunction_t function, GrCombineFactor_t factor, GrCombineLocal_t local, GrCombineOther_t other, FxBool invert ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grColorMask( FxBool rgb, FxBool a ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grCullMode( GrCullMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grConstantColorValue( GrColor_t value ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDepthBiasLevel( FxI32 level ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDepthBufferFunction( GrCmpFnc_t function ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDepthBufferMode( GrDepthBufferMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDepthMask( FxBool mask ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDisableAllEffects( void ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDitherMode( GrDitherMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grFogColorValue( GrColor_t fogcolor ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grFogMode( GrFogMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grFogTable( const GrFog_t ft[] ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grLoadGammaTable( FxU32 nentries, FxU32 *red, FxU32 *green, FxU32 *blue); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSplash(float x, float y, float width, float height, FxU32 frame); FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grGet( FxU32 pname, FxU32 plength, FxI32 *params ); FX_ENTRY const char * FX_CALL grGetString( FxU32 pname ); FX_ENTRY FxI32 FX_CALL grQueryResolutions( const GrResolution *resTemplate, GrResolution *output ); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grReset( FxU32 what ); FX_ENTRY GrProc FX_CALL grGetProcAddress( char *procName ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grEnable( GrEnableMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDisable( GrEnableMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grCoordinateSpace( GrCoordinateSpaceMode_t mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grDepthRange( FxFloat n, FxFloat f ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grViewport( FxI32 x, FxI32 y, FxI32 width, FxI32 height ); /* ** texture mapping control functions */ FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grTexCalcMemRequired( GrLOD_t lodmin, GrLOD_t lodmax, GrAspectRatio_t aspect, GrTextureFormat_t fmt); FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grTexTextureMemRequired( FxU32 evenOdd, GrTexInfo *info ); FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grTexMinAddress( GrChipID_t tmu ); FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grTexMaxAddress( GrChipID_t tmu ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexNCCTable( GrNCCTable_t table ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexSource( GrChipID_t tmu, FxU32 startAddress, FxU32 evenOdd, GrTexInfo *info ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexClampMode( GrChipID_t tmu, GrTextureClampMode_t s_clampmode, GrTextureClampMode_t t_clampmode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexCombine( GrChipID_t tmu, GrCombineFunction_t rgb_function, GrCombineFactor_t rgb_factor, GrCombineFunction_t alpha_function, GrCombineFactor_t alpha_factor, FxBool rgb_invert, FxBool alpha_invert ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexDetailControl( GrChipID_t tmu, int lod_bias, FxU8 detail_scale, float detail_max ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexFilterMode( GrChipID_t tmu, GrTextureFilterMode_t minfilter_mode, GrTextureFilterMode_t magfilter_mode ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexLodBiasValue(GrChipID_t tmu, float bias ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexDownloadMipMap( GrChipID_t tmu, FxU32 startAddress, FxU32 evenOdd, GrTexInfo *info ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexDownloadMipMapLevel( GrChipID_t tmu, FxU32 startAddress, GrLOD_t thisLod, GrLOD_t largeLod, GrAspectRatio_t aspectRatio, GrTextureFormat_t format, FxU32 evenOdd, void *data ); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grTexDownloadMipMapLevelPartial( GrChipID_t tmu, FxU32 startAddress, GrLOD_t thisLod, GrLOD_t largeLod, GrAspectRatio_t aspectRatio, GrTextureFormat_t format, FxU32 evenOdd, void *data, int start, int end ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexDownloadTable( GrTexTable_t type, void *data ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexDownloadTablePartial( GrTexTable_t type, void *data, int start, int end ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexMipMapMode( GrChipID_t tmu, GrMipMapMode_t mode, FxBool lodBlend ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexMultibase( GrChipID_t tmu, FxBool enable ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexMultibaseAddress( GrChipID_t tmu, GrTexBaseRange_t range, FxU32 startAddress, FxU32 evenOdd, GrTexInfo *info ); /* ** linear frame buffer functions */ FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grLfbLock( GrLock_t type, GrBuffer_t buffer, GrLfbWriteMode_t writeMode, GrOriginLocation_t origin, FxBool pixelPipeline, GrLfbInfo_t *info ); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grLfbUnlock( GrLock_t type, GrBuffer_t buffer ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grLfbConstantAlpha( GrAlpha_t alpha ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grLfbConstantDepth( FxU32 depth ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grLfbWriteColorSwizzle(FxBool swizzleBytes, FxBool swapWords); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grLfbWriteColorFormat(GrColorFormat_t colorFormat); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grLfbWriteRegion( GrBuffer_t dst_buffer, FxU32 dst_x, FxU32 dst_y, GrLfbSrcFmt_t src_format, FxU32 src_width, FxU32 src_height, FxBool pixelPipeline, FxI32 src_stride, void *src_data ); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grLfbReadRegion( GrBuffer_t src_buffer, FxU32 src_x, FxU32 src_y, FxU32 src_width, FxU32 src_height, FxU32 dst_stride, void *dst_data ); /* ** glide management functions */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideInit( void ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideShutdown( void ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideGetState( void *state ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideSetState( const void *state ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideGetVertexLayout( void *layout ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideSetVertexLayout( const void *layout ); #endif /* FX_GLIDE_NO_FUNC_PROTO */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include <glideutl.h> #endif /* __GLIDE_H__ */