This area allows you to assign common tasks, like turning on logging or taking a screenshot, to the function keys (the row with F1 through F12 at the top of your keyboard). You can map the following functions:
Time toggle |
??? |
Time slow |
Slows down the hooked program. See Time Slider and Special Keys. |
Clip toggle |
Toggles the clipping region ON and OFF so that you can exit the game area and control other tasks or move/resize your game window. See Special Keys. |
Log toggle |
Toggles logging ON/OFF. Since painting operations can be quite verbose, toggling the log can be a useful trick to get information about a specific program's activity without having to browse tons of log lines. See Special Keys. |
FPS toggle |
Toggle the FPS display ON and OFF. See Special Keys. |
Corner tog. |
??? |
Fullscr. t. |
Toggles between fullscreen mode and windowed mode. |
Desktop t. |
??? |
Time fast |
Speeds up the hooked program. See Time Slider and Special Keys. |
Alt-F4 |
This key is the well known quit command for any task. If the application doesn't react quickly enough to your command, you can set the “Intercept Alt-F4 key” option to cause DxWnd to immediately quit the program. See Special Keys. |
Refresh |
Forces a surface repaint. Some old games didn't even consider the possibility of a task overriding the game area, so they don't repaint when they should. This is a technical detail, but if your game screen gets dirty, try this key to fix it. See Special Keys. |
label4 |
??? |
Print screen |
Captures an image of the current screen in the hooked program and saves it to your computer's clipboard. |
Time freeze |
??? |
Work area t. |
??? |