Function Keys

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This area allows you to assign common tasks, like turning on logging or taking a screenshot, to the function keys (the row with F1 through F12 at the top of your keyboard). You can map the following functions:

Time toggle

Toggles between normal and accelerated program speed. This allows you to accelerate/decelerate only part of the gameplay (e.g. during a fight) while running at a normal speed otherwise.

Time slow

Slows down the hooked program. See Time Slider and Special Keys.

Clip toggle

Toggles the clipping region ON and OFF so that you can exit the game area and control other tasks or move/resize your game window. See Special Keys.

Log toggle

Toggles logging ON/OFF. Since painting operations can be quite verbose, toggling the log can be a useful trick to get information about a specific program's activity without having to browse tons of log lines. See Special Keys.

FPS toggle

Toggle the FPS display ON and OFF. See Special Keys.

Corner tog.

Toggles "cornerized" mode. Cornerized mode is a fake-windowing mode that leaves the screen at the current (usually higher) resolution while the game is not aware of that. The game then runs at the 0,0 coordinate that corresponds to the top-left corner of the screen. It is useful in when the GDI emulation is not perfect, so it's better to have a cornerized mode than a badly emulated rendering. This feature is intended to handle Blizzard's GDI networking screens.

Fullscr. t.

Toggles between fullscreen mode and windowed mode.

Desktop t.

Similar to Fullscreen toggle, toggles between fullscreen emulated mode and windowed mode. The difference is that in Desktop mode the video color settings are still emulated, while the color depth remains unchanged.

Time fast

Speeds up the hooked program. See Time Slider and Special Keys.


This key is the well known quit command for any task. If the application doesn't react quickly enough to your command, you can set the “Intercept Alt-F4 key” option to cause DxWnd to immediately quit the program. See Special Keys.


Forces a surface repaint. Some old games didn't even consider the possibility of a task overriding the game area, so they don't repaint when they should. This is a technical detail, but if your game screen gets dirty, try this key to fix it. See Special Keys.

Position t.

Toggles the window position locking (if enabled). This allows you to temporarily unlock the window, move or resize it, and lock it again.

Print screen

Captures an image of the current screen in the hooked program and saves it to your computer's clipboard.

Time freeze

This switches between the normal time mode and a "locked" mode, where the time is not advancing at all. This sometimes produces weird effects, like having all characters in a game stand still while still being able to move the camera.

Work area t.

Similar to "Desktop toggle," but the window is stretched to fill only the desktop work area rather than the entire desktop area, leaving the taskbar visible.