** Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** $Header: /devel/cvg/incsrc/SST1VID.H 6     7/24/98 1:41p Hohn $
** $Log: /devel/cvg/incsrc/SST1VID.H $
** 6     7/24/98 1:41p Hohn
** 5     3/10/98 2:33p Psmith
** separating cvg tree from h3/h4 trees
 * 4     9/09/97 7:35p Sellers
 * Added 400x300 resolution
 * 3     8/24/97 9:31a Sellers
 * moved new video timing to sst1vid.h
 * redefined 1600x1280 to be 1600x1200
 * 2     6/05/97 11:14p Pgj
 * 5     7/24/96 3:43p Sellers
 * added 512x384 @ 60 Hz for arcade monitors
 * added 512x256 @ 60 Hz for arcade monitors
 * 4     7/18/96 10:58a Sellers
 * fixed FT and TF clock delay values for lower frequencies with
 * .5/.5 combos
 * 3     6/18/96 6:54p Sellers
 * added sst1InitShutdownSli() to fix Glide Splash screen problems with
 * SLI
 * 2     6/13/96 7:45p Sellers
 * added "voodoo.ini" support
 * added DirectX support
 * misc cleanup
 * 2     6/11/96 1:43p Sellers
 * added support for 60, 75, 85, and 120 Hz refresh rates for "most"
 * resolutions
 * 1     5/08/96 5:43p Paik
 * Video definitions
#ifndef __SST1VID_H__
#define __SST1VID_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Video defines */

typedef FxI32 GrScreenRefresh_t;
#define GR_REFRESH_60Hz   0x0
#define GR_REFRESH_70Hz   0x1
#define GR_REFRESH_72Hz   0x2
#define GR_REFRESH_75Hz   0x3
#define GR_REFRESH_80Hz   0x4
#define GR_REFRESH_90Hz   0x5
#define GR_REFRESH_100Hz  0x6
#define GR_REFRESH_85Hz   0x7
#define GR_REFRESH_120Hz  0x8
#define GR_REFRESH_NONE   0xff

typedef FxI32 GrScreenResolution_t;
#define GR_RESOLUTION_320x200   0x0
#define GR_RESOLUTION_320x240   0x1
#define GR_RESOLUTION_400x256   0x2
#define GR_RESOLUTION_512x384   0x3
#define GR_RESOLUTION_640x200   0x4
#define GR_RESOLUTION_640x350   0x5
#define GR_RESOLUTION_640x400   0x6
#define GR_RESOLUTION_640x480   0x7
#define GR_RESOLUTION_800x600   0x8
#define GR_RESOLUTION_960x720   0x9
#define GR_RESOLUTION_856x480   0xa
#define GR_RESOLUTION_512x256   0xb
#define GR_RESOLUTION_1024x768  0xC
#define GR_RESOLUTION_1280x1024 0xD
#define GR_RESOLUTION_1600x1200 0xE
#define GR_RESOLUTION_400x300   0xF
#define GR_RESOLUTION_NONE      0xff

#define GR_RESOLUTION_MAX       GR_RESOLUTION_1600x1200

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __SST1VID_H__ */