#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #include "dxwnd.h" #include "dxwcore.hpp" #include "dxhook.h" #include "glhook.h" #include "syslibs.h" #include "dxhelper.h" #include "hddraw.h" #include "hddproxy.h" #define WINDOWDC 0xFFFFFFFF extern DWORD PaletteEntries[256]; extern LPDIRECTDRAW lpDD; extern Unlock4_Type pUnlockMethod(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE); extern GetDC_Type pGetDC; extern ReleaseDC_Type pReleaseDC; DEVMODE SetDevMode; DEVMODE *pSetDevMode=NULL; extern void do_slow(int); //extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE GetPrimarySurface(void); extern HRESULT WINAPI extBlt(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, LPRECT, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, LPRECT, DWORD, LPDDBLTFX); extern HRESULT WINAPI sBlt(char *, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, LPRECT, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, LPRECT, DWORD, LPDDBLTFX, BOOL); extern DirectDrawEnumerate_Type pDirectDrawEnumerate; extern DirectDrawEnumerateEx_Type pDirectDrawEnumerateEx; extern LRESULT CALLBACK extChildWindowProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); extern INT_PTR CALLBACK extDialogWindowProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static POINT FixMessagePt(HWND hwnd, POINT point) { RECT rect; static POINT curr; curr=point; if(!(*pScreenToClient)(hwnd, &curr)){ OutTraceE("ScreenToClient ERROR=%d hwnd=%x at %d\n", GetLastError(), hwnd, __LINE__); curr.x = curr.y = 0; } if (!(*pGetClientRect)(hwnd, &rect)) { OutTraceE("GetClientRect ERROR=%d hwnd=%x at %d\n", GetLastError(), hwnd, __LINE__); curr.x = curr.y = 0; } #ifdef ISDEBUG if(IsDebug) OutTrace("FixMessagePt point=(%d,%d) hwnd=%x win pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", point.x, point.y, hwnd, point.x-curr.x, point.y-curr.y, rect.right, rect.bottom); #endif if (curr.x < 0) curr.x=0; if (curr.y < 0) curr.y=0; if (curr.x > rect.right) curr.x=rect.right; if (curr.y > rect.bottom) curr.y=rect.bottom; if (rect.right) curr.x = (curr.x * dxw.GetScreenWidth()) / rect.right; if (rect.bottom) curr.y = (curr.y * dxw.GetScreenHeight()) / rect.bottom; return curr; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static COLORREF GetMatchingColor(COLORREF crColor) { int iDistance, iMinDistance; int iColorIndex, iMinColorIndex; COLORREF PalColor; iMinDistance=0xFFFFFF; iMinColorIndex=0; for(iColorIndex=0; iColorIndex<256; iColorIndex++){ int iDist; iDistance=0; PalColor=PaletteEntries[iColorIndex]; switch(dxw.ActualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount){ case 32: PalColor = ((PalColor & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) | (PalColor & 0x0000FF00) | ((PalColor & 0x000000FF) << 16); break; case 16: if(dxw.ActualPixelFormat.dwGBitMask==0x03E0){ // RGB555 screen settings PalColor = ((PalColor & 0x7C00) >> 7) | ((PalColor & 0x03E0) << 6) | ((PalColor & 0x001F) << 19); } else { // RGB565 screen settings PalColor = ((PalColor & 0xF800) >> 8) | ((PalColor & 0x07E0) << 5) | ((PalColor & 0x001F) << 19); } break; } iDist = (crColor & 0x00FF0000) - (PalColor & 0x00FF0000); iDist >>= 16; if (iDist<0) iDist=-iDist; iDist *= iDist; iDistance += iDist; iDist = (crColor & 0x0000FF00) - (PalColor & 0x0000FF00); iDist >>= 8; if (iDist<0) iDist=-iDist; iDist *= iDist; iDistance += iDist; iDist = (crColor & 0x000000FF) - (PalColor & 0x000000FF); // iDist >>= 0; if (iDist<0) iDist=-iDist; iDist *= iDist; iDistance += iDist; if (iDistance < iMinDistance) { iMinDistance = iDistance; iMinColorIndex = iColorIndex; } if (iMinDistance==0) break; // got the perfect match! } OutTraceD("GetMatchingColor: color=%x matched with palette[%d]=%x dist=%d\n", crColor, iMinColorIndex, PaletteEntries[iMinColorIndex], iDistance); PalColor=PaletteEntries[iMinColorIndex]; switch(dxw.ActualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount){ case 32: crColor = ((PalColor & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) | (PalColor & 0x0000FF00) | ((PalColor & 0x000000FF) << 16); break; case 16: if(dxw.ActualPixelFormat.dwGBitMask==0x03E0){ // RGB555 screen settings crColor = ((PalColor & 0x7C00) >> 7) | ((PalColor & 0x03E0) << 6) | ((PalColor & 0x001F) << 19); } else { // RGB565 screen settings crColor = ((PalColor & 0xF800) >> 8) | ((PalColor & 0x07E0) << 5) | ((PalColor & 0x001F) << 19); } break; } return crColor; } extern void FixWindowFrame(HWND); // GHO: pro Diablo HWND WINAPI extCreateWindowExA( DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam) { HWND wndh; WNDPROC pWindowProc; BOOL isValidHandle=TRUE; OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: class=\"%s\" wname=\"%s\" pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d) Style=%x(%s) ExStyle=%x(%s)\n", lpClassName, lpWindowName, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, dwStyle, ExplainStyle(dwStyle), dwExStyle, ExplainExStyle(dwExStyle)); if(IsDebug) OutTrace("CreateWindowEx: DEBUG screen=(%d,%d)\n", dxw.GetScreenWidth(), dxw.GetScreenHeight()); // no maximized windows in any case if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: handling PREVENTMAXIMIZE mode\n"); dwStyle &= ~(WS_MAXIMIZE | WS_POPUP); dwExStyle &= ~WS_EX_TOPMOST; } // v2.1.92: fixes size & position for auxiliary big window, often used // for intro movies etc. : needed for ...... // evidently, this was supposed to be a fullscreen window.... // v2.1.100: fixes for "The Grinch": this game creates a new main window for OpenGL // rendering using CW_USEDEFAULT placement and 800x600 size while the previous // main win was 640x480 only! if ( ( ((x==0)&&(y==0)) || ((x==CW_USEDEFAULT)&&(y==CW_USEDEFAULT)) ) && (((DWORD)nWidth>=dxw.GetScreenWidth())&&((DWORD)nHeight>=dxw.GetScreenHeight())) ){ RECT screen; POINT upleft = {0,0}; // update virtual screen size if it has grown dxw.SetScreenSize(nWidth, nHeight); // inserted some checks here, since the main window could be destroyed // or minimized (see "Jedi Outcast") so that you may get a dangerous // zero size. In this case, better renew the hWnd assignement and its coordinates. do { // fake loop isValidHandle = FALSE; if (!(*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(),&screen)) break; if (!(*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(),&upleft)) break; if (screen.right==0 || screen.bottom==0) break; isValidHandle = TRUE; } while(FALSE); if (isValidHandle){ x=upleft.x; y=upleft.y; nWidth=screen.right; nHeight=screen.bottom; OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: fixed BIG win pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", x, y, nWidth, nHeight); } else { // invalid parent coordinates: use initial placement, but leave the size. // should also fix the window style and compensate for borders here? x=dxw.iPosX; y=dxw.iPosY; nWidth=dxw.iSizX; nHeight=dxw.iSizY; OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: renewed BIG win pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", x, y, nWidth, nHeight); } dxw.SetFullScreen(TRUE); } if(!dxw.IsFullScreen()){ // v2.1.63: needed for "Monster Truck Madness" wndh= (*pCreateWindowExA)(dwExStyle, lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam); OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: windowed mode ret=%x\n", wndh); return wndh; } // tested on Gangsters: coordinates must be window-relative!!! // Age of Empires.... if (dwStyle & WS_CHILD){ RECT screen; (*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(),&screen); x=x*screen.right/dxw.GetScreenWidth(); y=y*screen.bottom/dxw.GetScreenHeight(); nWidth=nWidth*screen.right/dxw.GetScreenWidth(); nHeight=nHeight*screen.bottom/dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: fixed WS_CHILD pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", x, y, nWidth, nHeight); } // needed for Diablo, that creates a new control parent window that must be // overlapped to the directdraw surface. else if (dwExStyle & WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT){ RECT screen; POINT upleft = {0,0}; (*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(),&screen); (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(),&upleft); x=upleft.x; y=upleft.y; nWidth=screen.right; nHeight=screen.bottom; OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: fixed WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT win=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", x, y, x+nWidth, y+nHeight); } if(IsDebug) OutTrace("CreateWindowEx: fixed pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d) Style=%x(%s) ExStyle=%x(%s)\n", x, y, nWidth, nHeight, dwStyle, ExplainStyle(dwStyle), dwExStyle, ExplainExStyle(dwExStyle)); wndh= (*pCreateWindowExA)(dwExStyle, lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam); if (wndh==(HWND)NULL){ OutTraceE("CreateWindowEx: ERROR err=%d Style=%x(%s) ExStyle=%x\n", GetLastError(), dwStyle, ExplainStyle(dwStyle), dwExStyle); return wndh; } if ((!isValidHandle) && dxw.IsFullScreen()) { dxw.SethWnd(wndh); extern void AdjustWindowPos(HWND, DWORD, DWORD); (*pSetWindowLong)(wndh, GWL_STYLE, (dxw.dwFlags2 & MODALSTYLE) ? 0 : WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); (*pSetWindowLong)(wndh, GWL_EXSTYLE, 0); //(*pShowWindow)(wndh, SW_SHOWNORMAL); OutTraceD("CreateWindow: hwnd=%x, set style=WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW extstyle=0\n", wndh); AdjustWindowPos(wndh, nWidth, nHeight); (*pShowWindow)(wndh, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME) && !(dwStyle & WS_CHILD)) FixWindowFrame(wndh); // to do: handle inner child, and leave dialogue & modal child alone!!! if (dwStyle & WS_CHILD){ long res; pWindowProc = (WNDPROC)(*pGetWindowLong)(wndh, GWL_WNDPROC); OutTraceD("Hooking CHILD wndh=%x WindowProc %x->%x\n", wndh, pWindowProc, extChildWindowProc); res=(*pSetWindowLong)(wndh, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)extChildWindowProc); WhndStackPush(wndh, pWindowProc); if(!res) OutTraceE("CreateWindowExA: SetWindowLong ERROR %x\n", GetLastError()); } OutTraceD("CreateWindowEx: ret=%x\n", wndh); return wndh; } COLORREF WINAPI extSetTextColor(HDC hdc, COLORREF crColor) { COLORREF res; if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE) && (dxw.dwFlags1 & HANDLEDC) && (dxw.VirtualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount==8)) crColor=GetMatchingColor(crColor); res=(*pGDISetTextColor)(hdc, crColor); OutTraceD("SetTextColor: color=%x res=%x%s\n", crColor, res, (res==CLR_INVALID)?"(CLR_INVALID)":""); return res; } COLORREF WINAPI extSetBkColor(HDC hdc, COLORREF crColor) { COLORREF res; if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE) && (dxw.dwFlags1 & HANDLEDC) && (dxw.VirtualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount==8)) crColor=GetMatchingColor(crColor); res=(*pGDISetBkColor)(hdc, crColor); OutTraceD("SetBkColor: color=%x res=%x%s\n", crColor, res, (res==CLR_INVALID)?"(CLR_INVALID)":""); return res; } LPRECT lpClipRegion=NULL; RECT ClipRegion; BOOL WINAPI extClipCursor(RECT *lpRectArg) { // reference: hooking and setting ClipCursor is mandatori in "Emergency: Fighters for Life" // where the application expects the cursor to be moved just in a inner rect within the // main window surface. BOOL res; RECT *lpRect; RECT Rect; if(IsTraceC){ if (lpRectArg) OutTrace("ClipCursor: rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpRectArg->left,lpRectArg->top,lpRectArg->right,lpRectArg->bottom); else OutTrace("ClipCursor: rect=(NULL)\n"); } if (!(dxw.dwFlags1 & ENABLECLIPPING)) return 1; if(lpRectArg){ Rect=*lpRectArg; lpRect=&Rect; } else lpRect=NULL; if(dxw.dwFlags1 & MODIFYMOUSE){ // save desired clip region if (lpRect) { ClipRegion=*lpRectArg; lpClipRegion=&ClipRegion; } else lpClipRegion=NULL; *lpRect=dxw.MapWindowRect(lpRect); } if (pClipCursor) res=(*pClipCursor)(lpRect); OutTraceD("ClipCursor: rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) res=%x\n", lpRect->left,lpRect->top,lpRect->right,lpRect->bottom, res); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI extGetClipCursor(LPRECT lpRect) { // v2.1.93: if ENABLECLIPPING, return the saved clip rect coordinates BOOL ret; // proxy.... if (!(dxw.dwFlags1 & ENABLECLIPPING)) { ret=(*pGetClipCursor)(lpRect); if(IsTraceD){ if (lpRect) OutTrace("ClipCursor: PROXED rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) ret=%d\n", lpRect->left,lpRect->top,lpRect->right,lpRect->bottom, ret); else OutTrace("ClipCursor: PROXED rect=(NULL) ret=%d\n", ret); } return ret; } if(lpRect){ if(lpClipRegion) *lpRect=ClipRegion; else{ lpRect->top = lpRect->left = 0; lpRect->right = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpRect->bottom = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); } OutTraceD("ClipCursor: rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) ret=%d\n", lpRect->left,lpRect->top,lpRect->right,lpRect->bottom, TRUE); } return TRUE; } int LastCurPosX, LastCurPosY; BOOL WINAPI extGetCursorPos(LPPOINT lppoint) { HRESULT res; static int PrevX, PrevY; if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SLOWDOWN) do_slow(2); if (pGetCursorPos) { res=(*pGetCursorPos)(lppoint); } else { lppoint->x =0; lppoint->y=0; res=1; } if(dxw.dwFlags2 & DIFFERENTIALMOUSE){ int NewX, NewY; RECT client; POINT corner={0,0}; // get win placement (*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(), &client); (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &corner); NewX = lppoint->x - PrevX + LastCurPosX; NewY = lppoint->y - PrevY + LastCurPosY; // handle virtual clipping if(lppoint->x <= corner.x) NewX--; if(lppoint->x >= corner.x+client.right-1) NewX++; if(lppoint->y <= corner.y) NewY--; if(lppoint->y >= corner.y+client.bottom-1) NewY++; // swap coordinates... PrevX=lppoint->x; PrevY=lppoint->y; lppoint->x = NewX; lppoint->y = NewY; OutTraceC("GetCursorPos: DIFF pos=(%d,%d) delta=(%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n", PrevX, PrevY, LastCurPosX, LastCurPosY, NewX, NewY); return TRUE; } PrevX=lppoint->x; PrevY=lppoint->y; if(dxw.dwFlags1 & MODIFYMOUSE){ RECT rect; // find window metrics if (!(*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(), &rect)){ OutTraceE("GetClientRect(%x) ERROR %d at %d\n", dxw.GethWnd(), GetLastError(), __LINE__); lppoint->x =0; lppoint->y=0; return TRUE; } // convert absolute screen coordinates to frame relative if (!(*pScreenToClient)(dxw.GethWnd(), lppoint)) { OutTraceE("ScreenToClient(%x) ERROR %d at %d\n", dxw.GethWnd(), GetLastError(), __LINE__); lppoint->x =0; lppoint->y=0; return TRUE; } // divide by zero check if (rect.right==0 || rect.bottom==0){ OutTraceC("avoiding divide by zero for (x,y)=(%d,%d) at %d\n", rect.right, rect.bottom, __LINE__); lppoint->x=0; lppoint->y=0; return TRUE; } // ensure you stay within borders // and avoid trusting arithmetic operations on negative integers!!! if (lppoint->x < 0) lppoint->x=0; if (lppoint->y < 0) lppoint->y=0; if (lppoint->x > rect.right) lppoint->x=rect.right; if (lppoint->y > rect.bottom) lppoint->y=rect.bottom; lppoint->x = (lppoint->x * dxw.GetScreenWidth()) / rect.right; lppoint->y = (lppoint->y * dxw.GetScreenHeight()) / rect.bottom; OutTraceC("GetCursorPos: hwnd=%x res=%x XY=(%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n", dxw.GethWnd(), res, PrevX, PrevY, lppoint->x, lppoint->y); } return res; } BOOL WINAPI extSetCursorPos(int x, int y) { BOOL res; int PrevX, PrevY; PrevX=x; PrevY=y; if(dxw.dwFlags2 & KEEPCURSORFIXED) { OutTraceC("SetCursorPos: FIXED pos=(%d,%d)\n", x, y); LastCurPosX=x; LastCurPosY=y; return 1; } if(dxw.dwFlags1 & SLOWDOWN) do_slow(2); if(dxw.dwFlags1 & KEEPCURSORWITHIN){ // Intercept SetCursorPos outside screen boundaries (used as Cursor OFF in some games) if ((y<0)||(y>=(int)dxw.GetScreenHeight())||(x<0)||(x>=(int)dxw.GetScreenWidth())) return 1; } if(dxw.dwFlags1 & MODIFYMOUSE){ POINT cur; RECT rect; // find window metrics if (!(*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(), &rect)) { // report error and ignore ... OutTraceE("GetClientRect(%x) ERROR %d at %d\n", dxw.GethWnd(), GetLastError(), __LINE__); return 0; } x= x * rect.right / dxw.GetScreenWidth(); y= y * rect.bottom / dxw.GetScreenHeight(); // check for boundaries (???) if (x >= rect.right) x=rect.right-1; if (x<0) x=0; if (y >= rect.bottom) y=rect.bottom-1; if (y<0) y=0; // make it screen absolute cur.x = x; cur.y = y; if (!(*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &cur)) { OutTraceE("ClientToScreen(%x) ERROR %d at %d\n", dxw.GethWnd(), GetLastError(), __LINE__); return 0; } x = cur.x; y = cur.y; } res=0; if (pSetCursorPos) res=(*pSetCursorPos)(x,y); OutTraceC("SetCursorPos: res=%x XY=(%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n",res, PrevX, PrevY, x, y); return res; } BOOL WINAPI extTextOutA(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCTSTR lpString, int cchString) { OutTraceD("TextOut: hdc=%x xy=(%d,%d) str=(%d)\"%s\"\n", hdc, nXStart, nYStart, cchString, lpString); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXTEXTOUT) { POINT anchor; anchor.x=nXStart; anchor.y=nYStart; (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &anchor); nXStart=anchor.x; nYStart=anchor.y; } return (*pGDITextOutA)(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpString, cchString); } BOOL WINAPI extRectangle(HDC hdc, int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect) { OutTraceD("Rectangle: hdc=%x xy=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", hdc, nLeftRect, nTopRect, nRightRect, nBottomRect); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXTEXTOUT) { POINT anchor; anchor.x=nLeftRect; anchor.y=nTopRect; (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &anchor); nLeftRect=anchor.x; nTopRect=anchor.y; anchor.x=nRightRect; anchor.y=nBottomRect; (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &anchor); nRightRect=anchor.x; nBottomRect=anchor.y; } return (*pGDIRectangle)(hdc, nLeftRect, nTopRect, nRightRect, nBottomRect); } int WINAPI extFillRect(HDC hdc, const RECT *lprc, HBRUSH hbr) { RECT rc; OutTraceD("FillRect: hdc=%x xy=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", hdc, lprc->left, lprc->top, lprc->right, lprc->bottom); memcpy(&rc, lprc, sizeof(rc)); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXTEXTOUT) { POINT anchor; anchor.x=rc.left; anchor.y=rc.top; (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &anchor); rc.left=anchor.x; rc.top=anchor.y; anchor.x=rc.right; anchor.y=rc.bottom; (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(), &anchor); rc.right=anchor.x; rc.bottom=anchor.y; } return (*pFillRect)(hdc, &rc, hbr); } HFONT WINAPI extCreateFont(int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int fnWeight, DWORD fdwItalic, DWORD fdwUnderline, DWORD fdwStrikeOut, DWORD fdwCharSet, DWORD fdwOutputPrecision, DWORD fdwClipPrecision, DWORD fdwQuality, DWORD fdwPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFace) { OutTraceD("CreateFont: h=%d w=%d face=\"%s\"\n", nHeight, nWidth, lpszFace); return (*pGDICreateFont)(nHeight, nWidth, nEscapement, nOrientation, fnWeight, fdwItalic, fdwUnderline, fdwStrikeOut, fdwCharSet, fdwOutputPrecision, fdwClipPrecision, NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY, fdwPitchAndFamily, lpszFace); } // CreateFontIndirect hook routine to avoid font aliasing that prevents reverse blitting working on palettized surfaces HFONT WINAPI extCreateFontIndirect(const LOGFONT* lplf) { LOGFONT lf; HFONT retHFont; OutTraceD("CreateFontIndirect: h=%d w=%d face=\"%s\"\n", lplf->lfHeight, lplf->lfWidth, lplf->lfFaceName); memcpy((char *)&lf, (char *)lplf, sizeof(LOGFONT)); lf.lfQuality=NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY; retHFont=((*pGDICreateFontIndirect)(&lf)); if(retHFont) OutTraceD("CreateFontIndirect: hfont=%x\n", retHFont); else OutTraceD("CreateFontIndirect: error=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return retHFont; } BOOL WINAPI extShowWindow(HWND hwnd, int nCmdShow) { BOOL res; OutTraceD("ShowWindow: hwnd=%x, CmdShow=%x(%s)\n", hwnd, nCmdShow, ExplainShowCmd(nCmdShow)); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ if(nCmdShow==SW_MAXIMIZE){ OutTraceD("ShowWindow: suppress maximize\n"); nCmdShow=SW_SHOWNORMAL; } } res=pShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow); return res; } LONG WINAPI extGetWindowLong(HWND hwnd, int nIndex) { LONG res; res=(*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, nIndex); OutTraceD("GetWindowLong: hwnd=%x, Index=%x(%s) res=%x\n", hwnd, nIndex, ExplainSetWindowIndex(nIndex), res); if(nIndex==GWL_WNDPROC){ WNDPROC wp; wp=WhndGetWindowProc(hwnd); OutTraceD("GetWindowLong: remapping WindowProc res=%x -> %x\n", res, (LONG)wp); if(wp) res=(LONG)wp; // if not found, don't alter the value. } return res; } LONG WINAPI extSetWindowLong(HWND hwnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong) { LONG res; OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: hwnd=%x, Index=%x(%s) Val=%x\n", hwnd, nIndex, ExplainSetWindowIndex(nIndex), dwNewLong); //if(!hwnd) hwnd=dxw.GethWnd(); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINSTYLE){ if(nIndex==GWL_STYLE){ OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: Lock GWL_STYLE=%x\n", dwNewLong); //return 1; return (*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, nIndex); } if(nIndex==GWL_EXSTYLE){ OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: Lock GWL_EXSTYLE=%x\n", dwNewLong); //return 1; return (*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, nIndex); } } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ if(nIndex==GWL_STYLE){ OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: GWL_STYLE %x suppress MAXIMIZE\n", dwNewLong); dwNewLong |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; dwNewLong &= ~(WS_DLGFRAME|WS_MAXIMIZE|WS_POPUP|WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); } if(nIndex==GWL_EXSTYLE){ OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: GWL_EXSTYLE %x suppress TOPMOST\n", dwNewLong); dwNewLong = dwNewLong & ~(WS_EX_TOPMOST); } } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME){ if((nIndex==GWL_STYLE) && !(dwNewLong & WS_CHILD)){ OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: GWL_STYLE %x force OVERLAPPEDWINDOW\n", dwNewLong); dwNewLong |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; dwNewLong &= ~WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; } } if (nIndex==GWL_WNDPROC){ long lres; res=(LONG)WhndGetWindowProc(hwnd); WhndStackPush(hwnd, (WNDPROC)dwNewLong); SetLastError(0); lres=(*pSetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)extWindowProc); if(!lres && GetLastError())OutTraceE("SetWindowLong: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); } else { res=(*pSetWindowLong)(hwnd, nIndex, dwNewLong); } OutTraceD("SetWindowLong: hwnd=%x, nIndex=%x, Val=%x, res=%x\n", hwnd, nIndex, dwNewLong, res); return res; } BOOL WINAPI extSetWindowPos(HWND hwnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags) { BOOL res; OutTraceD("SetWindowPos: hwnd=%x%s pos=(%d,%d) dim=(%d,%d) Flags=%x\n", hwnd, dxw.IsFullScreen()?"(FULLSCREEN)":"", X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags); if ((hwnd != dxw.GethWnd()) || !dxw.IsFullScreen()){ // just proxy res=(*pSetWindowPos)(hwnd, hWndInsertAfter, X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags); if(!res)OutTraceE("SetWindowPos: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS) && dxw.IsFullScreen()){ // Note: any attempt to change the window position, no matter where and how, through the // SetWindowPos API is causing resizing to the default 1:1 pixed size in Commandos. // in such cases, there is incompatibility between LOCKWINPOS and LOCKWINSTYLE. return 1; } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ int UpdFlag =0; int MaxX, MaxY; MaxX = dxw.iSizX; MaxY = dxw.iSizY; if (!MaxX) MaxX = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); if (!MaxY) MaxY = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); if(cx>MaxX) { cx=MaxX; UpdFlag=1; } if(cy>MaxY) { cy=MaxY; UpdFlag=1; } if (UpdFlag) OutTraceD("SetWindowPos: using max dim=(%d,%d)\n", cx, cy); } // useful??? to be demonstrated.... // when altering main window in fullscreen mode, fix the coordinates for borders DWORD dwCurStyle; RECT rect; rect.top=rect.left=0; rect.right=cx; rect.bottom=cy; dwCurStyle=(*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); AdjustWindowRect(&rect, dwCurStyle, FALSE); cx=rect.right; cy=rect.bottom; OutTraceD("SetWindowPos: main form hwnd=%x fixed size=(%d,%d)\n", hwnd, cx, cy); res=(*pSetWindowPos)(hwnd, hWndInsertAfter, X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags); if(!res)OutTraceE("SetWindowPos: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } HDWP WINAPI extDeferWindowPos(HDWP hWinPosInfo, HWND hwnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags) { HDWP res; OutTraceD("DeferWindowPos: hwnd=%x%s pos=(%d,%d) dim=(%d,%d) Flags=%x\n", hwnd, dxw.IsFullScreen()?"(FULLSCREEN)":"", X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags); if ((hwnd != dxw.GethWnd()) || !dxw.IsFullScreen()){ // just proxy res=(*pGDIDeferWindowPos)(hWinPosInfo, hwnd, hWndInsertAfter, X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags); if(!res)OutTraceE("SetWindowPos: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS){ return hWinPosInfo; } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ int UpdFlag =0; int MaxX, MaxY; MaxX = dxw.iSizX; MaxY = dxw.iSizY; if (!MaxX) MaxX = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); if (!MaxY) MaxY = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); if(cx>MaxX) { cx=MaxX; UpdFlag=1; } if(cy>MaxY) { cy=MaxY; UpdFlag=1; } if (UpdFlag) OutTraceD("SetWindowPos: using max dim=(%d,%d)\n", cx, cy); } // useful??? to be demonstrated.... // when altering main window in fullscreen mode, fix the coordinates for borders DWORD dwCurStyle; RECT rect; rect.top=rect.left=0; rect.right=cx; rect.bottom=cy; dwCurStyle=(*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); AdjustWindowRect(&rect, dwCurStyle, FALSE); cx=rect.right; cy=rect.bottom; OutTraceD("SetWindowPos: main form hwnd=%x fixed size=(%d,%d)\n", hwnd, cx, cy); res=(*pGDIDeferWindowPos)(hWinPosInfo, hwnd, hWndInsertAfter, X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags); if(!res)OutTraceE("DeferWindowPos: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } void dxwFixWindowPos(char *ApiName, HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { LPWINDOWPOS wp; int MaxX, MaxY; wp = (LPWINDOWPOS)lParam; MaxX = dxw.iSizX; MaxY = dxw.iSizY; if (!MaxX) MaxX = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); if (!MaxY) MaxY = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); static int iLastCX, iLastCY; static int BorderX=-1; static int BorderY=-1; int cx, cy; OutTraceD("%s: GOT hwnd=%x pos=(%d,%d) dim=(%d,%d) Flags=%x\n", ApiName, hwnd, wp->x, wp->y, wp->cx, wp->cy, wp->flags); if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS) && dxw.IsFullScreen() && (hwnd==dxw.GethWnd())){ extern void CalculateWindowPos(HWND, DWORD, DWORD, LPWINDOWPOS); CalculateWindowPos(hwnd, MaxX, MaxY, wp); OutTraceD("%s: LOCK pos=(%d,%d) dim=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, wp->x, wp->y, wp->cx, wp->cy); } if ((dxw.dwFlags2 & KEEPASPECTRATIO) && dxw.IsFullScreen() && (hwnd==dxw.GethWnd())){ // note: while keeping aspect ration, resizing from one corner doesn't tell // which coordinate is prevalent to the other. We made an arbitrary choice. // note: v2.1.93: compensation must refer to the client area, not the wp // window dimensions that include the window borders. if(BorderX==-1){ RECT client, full; (*pGetClientRect)(hwnd, &client); (*pGetWindowRect)(hwnd, &full); BorderX= full.right - full.left - client.right; BorderY= full.bottom - full.top - client.bottom; OutTraceD("%s: KEEPASPECTRATIO window borders=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, BorderX, BorderY); } extern LRESULT LastCursorPos; switch (LastCursorPos){ case HTBOTTOM: case HTTOP: case HTBOTTOMLEFT: case HTBOTTOMRIGHT: case HTTOPLEFT: case HTTOPRIGHT: cx = BorderX + ((wp->cy - BorderY) * dxw.GetScreenWidth()) / dxw.GetScreenHeight(); if(cx!=wp->cx){ OutTraceD("%s: KEEPASPECTRATIO adjusted cx=%d->%d\n", ApiName, wp->cx, cx); wp->cx = cx; } break; case HTLEFT: case HTRIGHT: cy = BorderY + ((wp->cx - BorderX) * dxw.GetScreenHeight()) / dxw.GetScreenWidth(); if(cy!=wp->cy){ OutTraceD("%s: KEEPASPECTRATIO adjusted cy=%d->%d\n", ApiName, wp->cy, cy); wp->cy = cy; } break; } } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ int UpdFlag = 0; if(wp->cx>MaxX) { wp->cx=MaxX; UpdFlag=1; } if(wp->cy>MaxY) { wp->cy=MaxY; UpdFlag=1; } if (UpdFlag) OutTraceD("%s: SET max dim=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, wp->cx, wp->cy); } iLastCX= wp->cx; iLastCY= wp->cy; } void dxwFixMinMaxInfo(char *ApiName, HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi; lpmmi=(LPMINMAXINFO)lParam; OutTraceD("%s: GOT MaxPosition=(%d,%d) MaxSize=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y); lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x=0; lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y=0; if(pSetDevMode){ lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x = pSetDevMode->dmPelsWidth; lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y = pSetDevMode->dmPelsHeight; } else{ lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); } OutTraceD("%s: SET PREVENTMAXIMIZE MaxPosition=(%d,%d) MaxSize=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y); } // v2.1.75: added logic to fix win coordinates to selected ones. // fixes the problem with "Achtung Spitfire", that can't be managed through PREVENTMAXIMIZE flag. if (dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS){ LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi; lpmmi=(LPMINMAXINFO)lParam; OutTraceD("%s: GOT MaxPosition=(%d,%d) MaxSize=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y); lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x=dxw.iPosX; lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y=dxw.iPosY; lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x = dxw.iSizX ? dxw.iSizX : dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y = dxw.iSizY ? dxw.iSizY : dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("%s: SET LOCKWINPOS MaxPosition=(%d,%d) MaxSize=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x, lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x, lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y); } } void dxwFixStyle(char *ApiName, HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { LPSTYLESTRUCT lpSS; lpSS = (LPSTYLESTRUCT) lParam; OutTraceD("%s: new Style=%x(%s)\n", ApiName, lpSS->styleNew, ExplainStyle(lpSS->styleNew)); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME){ // set canonical style lpSS->styleNew= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINSTYLE){ // set to current value lpSS->styleNew= (*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ // disable maximize settings if (lpSS->styleNew & WS_MAXIMIZE){ OutTraceD("%s: prevent maximize style\n", ApiName); lpSS->styleNew &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE; } } } void dxwFixExStyle(char *ApiName, HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { LPSTYLESTRUCT lpSS; lpSS = (LPSTYLESTRUCT) lParam; OutTraceD("%s: new ExStyle=%x(%s)\n", ApiName, lpSS->styleNew, ExplainExStyle(lpSS->styleNew)); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME){ // set canonical style lpSS->styleNew= 0; } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINSTYLE){ // set to current value lpSS->styleNew= (*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ // disable maximize settings if (lpSS->styleNew & WS_EX_TOPMOST){ OutTraceD("%s: prevent EXSTYLE topmost style\n", ApiName); lpSS->styleNew &= ~WS_EX_TOPMOST; } } } static LRESULT WINAPI FixWindowProc(char *ApiName, HWND hwnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM *lpParam) { LPARAM lParam; lParam=*lpParam; OutTraceW("%s: hwnd=%x msg=[0x%x]%s(%x,%x)\n", ApiName, hwnd, Msg, ExplainWinMessage(Msg), wParam, lParam); switch(Msg){ // attempt to fix Sleepwalker //case WM_NCCALCSIZE: // if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE) // return 0; // break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: OutTraceD("%s: prevent erase background\n", ApiName); return 1; // 1=erased break; // useless case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: dxwFixMinMaxInfo(ApiName, hwnd, lParam); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: dxwFixWindowPos(ApiName, hwnd, lParam); break; case WM_STYLECHANGING: case WM_STYLECHANGED: if (wParam==GWL_STYLE) dxwFixStyle(ApiName, hwnd, lParam); else dxwFixExStyle(ApiName, hwnd, lParam); break; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: // too late? to be deleted.... if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS) && dxw.IsFullScreen()) return 0; if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ OutTraceD("%s: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE depth=%d size=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, wParam, HIWORD(lParam), LOWORD(lParam)); return 0; } break; case WM_SIZE: if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS) && dxw.IsFullScreen()) return 0; if (dxw.dwFlags1 & PREVENTMAXIMIZE){ if ((wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED)||(wParam == SIZE_MAXSHOW)){ OutTraceD("%s: prevent screen SIZE to fullscreen wparam=%d(%s) size=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, wParam, ExplainResizing(wParam), HIWORD(lParam), LOWORD(lParam)); return 0; // checked //lParam = MAKELPARAM(dxw.GetScreenWidth(), dxw.GetScreenHeight()); //OutTraceD("%s: updated SIZE wparam=%d(%s) size=(%d,%d)\n", ApiName, // wParam, ExplainResizing(wParam), HIWORD(lParam), LOWORD(lParam)); } } break; default: break; } // marker to run hooked function return(-1); } LRESULT WINAPI extCallWindowProc(WNDPROC lpPrevWndFunc, HWND hwnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT res; res=FixWindowProc("CallWindowProc", hwnd, Msg, wParam, &lParam); if (res==(HRESULT)-1) return (*pCallWindowProc)(lpPrevWndFunc, hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); else return res; } LRESULT WINAPI extDefWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT res; res=FixWindowProc("DefWindowProc", hwnd, Msg, wParam, &lParam); if (res==(HRESULT)-1) return (*pDefWindowProc)(hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); else return res; } int WINAPI extGetDeviceCaps(HDC hdc, int nindex) { DWORD res; res = (*pGDIGetDeviceCaps)(hdc, nindex); OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: hdc=%x index=%x(%s) res=%x\n", hdc, nindex, ExplainDeviceCaps(nindex), res); // if you have a bypassed setting, use it first! if(pSetDevMode){ switch(nindex){ case BITSPIXEL: case COLORRES: res = pSetDevMode->dmBitsPerPel; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix BITSPIXEL/COLORRES cap=%x\n",res); return res; case HORZRES: res = pSetDevMode->dmPelsWidth; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix HORZRES cap=%d\n", res); return res; case VERTRES: res = pSetDevMode->dmPelsHeight; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix VERTRES cap=%d\n", res); return res; } } switch(nindex){ case VERTRES: res= dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix VERTRES cap=%d\n", res); break; case HORZRES: res= dxw.GetScreenWidth(); OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix HORZRES cap=%d\n", res); break; // WARNING: in no-emu mode, the INIT8BPP and INIT16BPP flags expose capabilities that // are NOT implemented and may cause later troubles! case RASTERCAPS: if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT8BPP) { res = RC_PALETTE; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix RASTERCAPS setting RC_PALETTE cap=%x\n",res); } break; case BITSPIXEL: case COLORRES: if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT8BPP|INIT16BPP){ if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT8BPP) res = 8; if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT16BPP) res = 16; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix BITSPIXEL/COLORRES cap=%d\n",res); } break; } if(dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE){ switch(nindex){ case RASTERCAPS: if((dxw.VirtualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount==8) || (dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT8BPP)){ res = RC_PALETTE; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix RASTERCAPS setting RC_PALETTE cap=%x\n",res); } break; case BITSPIXEL: case COLORRES: int PrevRes; PrevRes=res; if(dxw.VirtualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount!=0) res = dxw.VirtualPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount; if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT8BPP) res = 8; if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INIT16BPP) res = 16; if(PrevRes != res) OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix BITSPIXEL/COLORRES cap=%d\n",res); break; case SIZEPALETTE: res = 256; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix SIZEPALETTE cap=%x\n",res); break; case NUMRESERVED: res = 0; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix NUMRESERVED cap=%x\n",res); break; } } return res; } int WINAPI extGetSystemMetrics(int nindex) { HRESULT res; res=(*pGetSystemMetrics)(nindex); OutTraceD("GetSystemMetrics: index=%x, res=%d\n", nindex, res); // if you have a bypassed setting, use it first! if(pSetDevMode){ switch(nindex){ case SM_CXFULLSCREEN: case SM_CXSCREEN: res = pSetDevMode->dmPelsWidth; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix HORZRES cap=%d\n", res); return res; case SM_CYFULLSCREEN: case SM_CYSCREEN: res = pSetDevMode->dmPelsHeight; OutTraceD("GetDeviceCaps: fix VERTRES cap=%d\n", res); return res; } } switch(nindex){ case SM_CXFULLSCREEN: case SM_CXSCREEN: res= dxw.GetScreenWidth(); OutTraceD("GetSystemMetrics: fix SM_CXSCREEN=%d\n", res); break; case SM_CYFULLSCREEN: case SM_CYSCREEN: res= dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("GetSystemMetrics: fix SM_CYSCREEN=%d\n", res); break; } return res; } BOOL WINAPI extScaleWindowExtEx(HDC hdc, int Xnum, int Xdenom, int Ynum, int Ydenom, LPSIZE lpSize) { OutTraceD("ScaleWindowExtEx: hdc=%x num=(%d,%d) denom=(%d,%d) lpSize=%d\n", hdc, Xnum, Ynum, Xdenom, Ydenom, lpSize); if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & LOCKWINPOS) && dxw.IsFullScreen()) return 1; return (*pGDIScaleWindowExtEx)(hdc, Xnum, Xdenom, Ynum, Ydenom, lpSize); } LONG WINAPI MyChangeDisplaySettings(char *fname, DEVMODE *lpDevMode, DWORD dwflags) { HRESULT res; // save desired settings first v.2.1.89 // v2.1.95 protect when lpDevMode is null (closing game... Jedi Outcast if(lpDevMode) dxw.SetScreenSize(lpDevMode->dmPelsWidth, lpDevMode->dmPelsHeight); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE){ OutTraceD("%s: BYPASS res=DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL\n", fname); return DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL; } else{ if ((dwflags==0 || dwflags==CDS_FULLSCREEN) && lpDevMode){ DEVMODE NewMode, TryMode; int i; //EnumDisplaySettings_Type pEnum; // find what address call to use // pEnum = pEnumDisplaySettings ? pEnumDisplaySettings : EnumDisplaySettings; // pEnum = EnumDisplaySettings; SetDevMode=*lpDevMode; pSetDevMode=&SetDevMode; // set the proper mode NewMode = *lpDevMode; NewMode.dmPelsHeight = (*GetSystemMetrics)(SM_CYSCREEN); NewMode.dmPelsWidth = (*GetSystemMetrics)(SM_CXSCREEN); TryMode.dmSize = sizeof(TryMode); OutTraceD("ChangeDisplaySettings: DEBUG looking for size=(%d x %d) bpp=%d\n", NewMode.dmPelsWidth, NewMode.dmPelsHeight, NewMode.dmBitsPerPel); for(i=0; ;i++){ if (pEnumDisplaySettings) res=(*pEnumDisplaySettings)(NULL, i, &TryMode); else res=EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, i, &TryMode); if(res==0) { OutTraceE("%s: ERROR unable to find a matching video mode among %d ones\n", fname, i); return DISP_CHANGE_FAILED; } //OutTraceD("ChangeDisplaySettings: DEBUG index=%d size=(%d x %d) bpp=%x\n", // i, TryMode.dmPelsWidth, TryMode.dmPelsHeight, TryMode.dmBitsPerPel); if((NewMode.dmBitsPerPel==TryMode.dmBitsPerPel) && (NewMode.dmPelsHeight==TryMode.dmPelsHeight) && (NewMode.dmPelsWidth==TryMode.dmPelsWidth)) break; } if(dwflags==CDS_FULLSCREEN) dwflags=0; // no FULLSCREEN res=(*ChangeDisplaySettings)(&TryMode, dwflags); OutTraceD("%s: fixed size=(%d x %d) bpp=%d res=%x(%s)\n", fname, NewMode.dmPelsHeight, NewMode.dmPelsWidth, NewMode.dmBitsPerPel, res, ExplainDisplaySettingsRetcode(res)); return res; } else return (*ChangeDisplaySettings)(lpDevMode, dwflags); } } LONG WINAPI extChangeDisplaySettings(DEVMODE *lpDevMode, DWORD dwflags) { if(IsTraceD){ OutTrace("ChangeDisplaySettings: lpDevMode=%x flags=%x", lpDevMode, dwflags); if (lpDevMode) OutTrace(" size=(%d x %d) bpp=%x", lpDevMode->dmPelsWidth, lpDevMode->dmPelsHeight, lpDevMode->dmBitsPerPel); OutTrace("\n"); } return MyChangeDisplaySettings("ChangeDisplaySettings", lpDevMode, dwflags); } LONG WINAPI extChangeDisplaySettingsEx(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, DEVMODE *lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwflags, LPVOID lParam) { if(IsTraceD){ OutTrace("ChangeDisplaySettingsEx: DeviceName=%s lpDevMode=%x flags=%x", lpszDeviceName, lpDevMode, dwflags); if (lpDevMode) OutTrace(" size=(%d x %d) bpp=%x", lpDevMode->dmPelsWidth, lpDevMode->dmPelsHeight, lpDevMode->dmBitsPerPel); OutTrace("\n"); } return MyChangeDisplaySettings("ChangeDisplaySettingsEx", lpDevMode, dwflags); } LONG WINAPI extEnumDisplaySettings(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, DWORD iModeNum, DEVMODE *lpDevMode) { OutTraceD("EnumDisplaySettings: Devicename=%s ModeNum=%x\n", lpszDeviceName, iModeNum); if(pSetDevMode && iModeNum==ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS){ lpDevMode=pSetDevMode; return 1; } else return (*pEnumDisplaySettings)(lpszDeviceName, iModeNum, lpDevMode); } BOOL WINAPI extSetWindowPlacement(const WINDOWPLACEMENT*lpwndpl) { OutTraceD("SetWindowPlacement: BYPASS\n"); return 1; } ATOM WINAPI extRegisterClassExA(WNDCLASSEX *lpwcx) { OutTraceD("RegisterClassEx: PROXED ClassName=%s style=%x(%s)\n", lpwcx->lpszClassName, lpwcx->style, ExplainStyle(lpwcx->style)); return (*pRegisterClassExA)(lpwcx); } BOOL WINAPI extClientToScreen(HWND whnd, LPPOINT lppoint) { if (lppoint && dxw.IsFullScreen() && (whnd == dxw.GethWnd())) return 1; else return (*pClientToScreen)(whnd, lppoint); } BOOL WINAPI extScreenToClient(HWND whnd, LPPOINT lppoint) { if (lppoint && dxw.IsFullScreen() && (whnd == dxw.GethWnd())) return 1; else return (*pScreenToClient)(whnd, lppoint); } BOOL WINAPI extGetClientRect(HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect) { // do (almost) nothing !!! OutTraceD("GetClientRect: whnd=%x FullScreen=%x\n", hwnd, dxw.IsFullScreen()); if (lpRect && dxw.IsFullScreen() && (hwnd == dxw.GethWnd())){ lpRect->left=0; lpRect->top=0; lpRect->right=dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpRect->bottom=dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("GetClientRect: fixed rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); return 1; } // v2.1.75: in PREVENTMAXIMIZE mode, prevent the application to know the actual size of the desktop // by calling GetClientRect on it!! Used to windowize "AfterLife". // should I do the same with hwnd==0 ?? if ((hwnd==(*pGetDesktopWindow)()) || (hwnd==0)){ lpRect->left=0; lpRect->top=0; lpRect->right=dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpRect->bottom=dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("GetClientRect: fixed rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); return 1; } // proxed call return (*pGetClientRect)(hwnd, lpRect); } BOOL WINAPI extGetWindowRect(HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect) { BOOL ret; OutTraceD("GetWindowRect: hwnd=%x hWnd=%x FullScreen=%x\n", hwnd, dxw.GethWnd(), dxw.IsFullScreen()); if (lpRect && dxw.IsFullScreen() && (hwnd == dxw.GethWnd())){ // a fullscreen window should have NO BORDERS! lpRect->left = 0; lpRect->top = 0; lpRect->right = dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpRect->bottom = dxw.GetScreenHeight(); OutTraceD("GetWindowRect: fixed rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); return 1; } if (dxw.IsFullScreen() && ((*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD)){ // a child win should return the original supposed size // so you basically revert here the coordinates compensation. // Used by "Road Rash" to blit graphic on top of child windows POINT upleft={0,0}; RECT client; (*pClientToScreen)(dxw.GethWnd(),&upleft); (*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(),&client); // using GetWindowRect and compensate for displacement..... ret=(*pGetWindowRect)(hwnd, lpRect); if (client.right && client.bottom){ // avoid divide by 0 lpRect->left = ((lpRect->left - upleft.x) * dxw.GetScreenWidth()) / client.right; lpRect->top = ((lpRect->top - upleft.y) * dxw.GetScreenHeight()) / client.bottom; lpRect->right = ((lpRect->right - upleft.x) * dxw.GetScreenWidth()) / client.right; lpRect->bottom = ((lpRect->bottom - upleft.y) * dxw.GetScreenHeight()) / client.bottom; OutTraceD("GetWindowRect: fixed CHILD rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); } return ret; } ret=(*pGetWindowRect)(hwnd, lpRect); OutTraceD("GetWindowRect: rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); return ret; } int WINAPI extMapWindowPoints(HWND hWndFrom, HWND hWndTo, LPPOINT lpPoints, UINT cPoints) { // a rarely used API, but responsible for a painful headache: needs hooking for "Commandos 2". OutTraceD("MapWindowPoints: hWndFrom=%x hWndTo=%x cPoints=%d FullScreen=%x\n", hWndFrom, hWndTo, cPoints, dxw.IsFullScreen()); if((hWndTo==HWND_DESKTOP) && (hWndFrom==dxw.GethWnd()) && dxw.IsFullScreen()){ OutTraceD("MapWindowPoints: fullscreen condition\n"); SetLastError(0); return 0; // = 0,0 shift } else{ // just proxy it return (*pMapWindowPoints)(hWndFrom, hWndTo, lpPoints, cPoints); } } BOOL WINAPI extPeekMessage(LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hwnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg) { BOOL res; res=(*pPeekMessage)(lpMsg, hwnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg); OutTraceW("PeekMessage: lpmsg=%x hwnd=%x filter=(%x-%x) remove=%x msg=%x(%s) wparam=%x, lparam=%x pt=(%d,%d) res=%x\n", lpMsg, lpMsg->hwnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg, lpMsg->message, ExplainWinMessage(lpMsg->message & 0xFFFF), lpMsg->wParam, lpMsg->lParam, lpMsg->pt.x, lpMsg->pt.y, res); // v2.1.74: skip message fix for WM_CHAR to avoid double typing bug switch(lpMsg->message){ //case WM_CHAR: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: return res; } // fix to avoid crash in Warhammer Final Liberation, that evidently intercepts mouse position by // peeking & removing messages from window queue and considering the lParam parameter. // v2.1.100 - never alter the mlMsg, otherwise the message is duplicated in the queue! Work on a copy of it. if(wRemoveMsg){ static MSG MsgCopy; MsgCopy=*lpMsg; MsgCopy.pt=FixMessagePt(dxw.GethWnd(), MsgCopy.pt); if((MsgCopy.message <= WM_MOUSELAST) && (MsgCopy.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST)) MsgCopy.lParam = MAKELPARAM(MsgCopy.pt.x, MsgCopy.pt.y); OutTraceC("PeekMessage: fixed lparam/pt=(%d,%d)\n", MsgCopy.pt.x, MsgCopy.pt.y); lpMsg=&MsgCopy; } return res; } BOOL WINAPI extGetMessage(LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hwnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax) { BOOL res; HWND FixedHwnd; res=(*pGetMessage)(lpMsg, hwnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax); OutTraceW("GetMessage: lpmsg=%x hwnd=%x filter=(%x-%x) msg=%x(%s) wparam=%x, lparam=%x pt=(%d,%d) res=%x\n", lpMsg, lpMsg->hwnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, lpMsg->message, ExplainWinMessage(lpMsg->message & 0xFFFF), lpMsg->wParam, lpMsg->lParam, lpMsg->pt.x, lpMsg->pt.y, res); // V2.1.68: processing ALL mouse events, to sync mouse over and mouse click events // in "Uprising 2", now perfectly working. DWORD Message; Message=lpMsg->message & 0xFFFF; if((Message <= WM_MOUSELAST) && (Message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST)){ FixedHwnd=(hwnd)?hwnd:dxw.GethWnd(); lpMsg->pt=FixMessagePt(FixedHwnd, lpMsg->pt); lpMsg->lParam = MAKELPARAM(lpMsg->pt.x, lpMsg->pt.y); OutTraceC("PeekMessage: fixed lparam/pt=(%d,%d)\n", lpMsg->pt.x, lpMsg->pt.y); } return res; } // intercept GetProcAddress to initialize DirectDraw hook pointers. // This is necessary in "The Sims" game, that loads DirectDraw dinamically #define SYSLIBIDX_KERNEL32 0 #define SYSLIBIDX_USER32 1 #define SYSLIBIDX_GDI32 2 #define SYSLIBIDX_OLE32 3 #define SYSLIBIDX_DIRECTDRAW 4 #define SYSLIBIDX_OPENGL 5 #define SYSLIBIDX_MAX 6 // array size HMODULE SysLibs[SYSLIBIDX_MAX]; char *SysNames[SYSLIBIDX_MAX]={ "kernel32.dll", "USER32.dll", "GDI32.dll", "ole32.dll", "ddraw.dll", "opengl32.dll" }; char *SysNames2[SYSLIBIDX_MAX]={ "kernel32", "USER32", "GDI32", "ole32", "ddraw", "opengl32" }; extern void HookModule(char *, int); HMODULE WINAPI extLoadLibraryA(LPCTSTR lpFileName) { HMODULE ret; int idx; char *lpName, *lpNext; ret=(*pLoadLibraryA)(lpFileName); OutTraceD("LoadLibraryA: FileName=%s hmodule=%x\n", lpFileName, ret); lpName=(char *)lpFileName; while (lpNext=strchr(lpName,'\\')) lpName=lpNext+1; for(idx=0; idxFileName=%s\n", ret, lpFileName); SysLibs[idx]=ret; break; } } // handle custom OpenGL library if(!lstrcmpi(lpName,dxw.CustomOpenGLLib)){ idx=SYSLIBIDX_OPENGL; SysLibs[idx]=ret; } if(idx==SYSLIBIDX_MAX) { OutTraceD("LoadLibraryA: hook %s\n", lpFileName); HookModule((char *)lpFileName, 0); } return ret; } HMODULE WINAPI extLoadLibraryExA(LPCTSTR lpFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags) { HMODULE ret; int idx; ret=(*pLoadLibraryExA)(lpFileName, hFile, dwFlags); OutTraceD("LoadLibraryExA: FileName=%s hFile=%x Flags=%x hmodule=%x\n", lpFileName, hFile, dwFlags, ret); for(idx=0; idxFileName=%s\n", ret, lpFileName); SysLibs[idx]=ret; break; } } if(idx==SYSLIBIDX_MAX) { OutTraceD("LoadLibraryExA: hook %s\n", lpFileName); HookModule((char *)lpFileName, 0); } return ret; } extern DirectDrawCreate_Type pDirectDrawCreate; extern DirectDrawCreateEx_Type pDirectDrawCreateEx; extern HRESULT WINAPI extDirectDrawCreate(GUID FAR *, LPDIRECTDRAW FAR *, IUnknown FAR *); extern HRESULT WINAPI extDirectDrawCreateEx(GUID FAR *, LPDIRECTDRAW FAR *, REFIID, IUnknown FAR *); extern GetProcAddress_Type pGetProcAddress; //extern HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE extCoCreateInstance(REFCLSID, LPUNKNOWN, DWORD, REFIID, LPVOID FAR*); int WINAPI extIsDebuggerPresent(void) { OutTraceD("extIsDebuggerPresent: return FALSE\n"); return FALSE; } FARPROC WINAPI extGetProcAddress(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR proc) { FARPROC ret; int idx; // WARNING: seems to be called with bad LPCSTR value.... // from MSDN: // The function or variable name, or the function's ordinal value. // If this parameter is an ordinal value, it must be in the low-order word; // the high-order word must be zero. OutTraceD("GetProcAddress: hModule=%x proc=%s\n", hModule, ProcToString(proc)); for(idx=0; idx%x\n", hwnd, dxw.GethWnd()); lochwnd=dxw.GethWnd(); } ret=(*pGDIGetDC)(lochwnd); if(ret){ OutTraceD("GDI.GetDC: hwnd=%x ret=%x\n", lochwnd, ret); } else{ int err; err=GetLastError(); OutTraceE("GDI.GetDC ERROR: hwnd=%x err=%d at %d\n", lochwnd, err, __LINE__); if((err==ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE) && (lochwnd!=hwnd)){ ret=(*pGDIGetDC)(hwnd); if(ret) OutTraceD("GDI.GetDC: hwnd=%x ret=%x\n", hwnd, ret); else OutTraceE("GDI.GetDC ERROR: hwnd=%x err=%d at %d\n", hwnd, GetLastError(), __LINE__); } } return ret; } HDC WINAPI extGDIGetWindowDC(HWND hwnd) { HDC ret; HWND lochwnd; OutTraceD("GDI.GetWindowDC: hwnd=%x\n", hwnd); lochwnd=hwnd; if ((hwnd==0) || (hwnd==(*pGetDesktopWindow)())) { OutTraceD("GDI.GetWindowDC: desktop remapping hwnd=%x->%x\n", hwnd, dxw.GethWnd()); lochwnd=dxw.GethWnd(); } ret=(*pGDIGetWindowDC)(lochwnd); if(ret){ OutTraceD("GDI.GetWindowDC: hwnd=%x ret=%x\n", lochwnd, ret); } else{ int err; err=GetLastError(); OutTraceE("GDI.GetWindowDC ERROR: hwnd=%x err=%d at %d\n", lochwnd, err, __LINE__); if((err==ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE) && (lochwnd!=hwnd)){ ret=(*pGDIGetWindowDC)(hwnd); if(ret) OutTraceD("GDI.GetWindowDC: hwnd=%x ret=%x\n", hwnd, ret); else OutTraceE("GDI.GetWindowDC ERROR: hwnd=%x err=%d at %d\n", hwnd, GetLastError(), __LINE__); } } return ret; } int WINAPI extGDIReleaseDC(HWND hwnd, HDC hDC) { int res; OutTraceD("GDI.ReleaseDC: hwnd=%x hdc=%x\n", hwnd, hDC); if (hwnd==0) hwnd=dxw.GethWnd(); res=(*pGDIReleaseDC)(hwnd, hDC); if (!res) OutTraceE("GDI.ReleaseDC ERROR: err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return(res); } HDC WINAPI extGDICreateDC(LPSTR Driver, LPSTR Device, LPSTR Output, CONST DEVMODE *InitData) { HDC WinHDC, RetHDC; OutTraceD("GDI.CreateDC: Driver=%s Device=%s Output=%s InitData=%x\n", Driver?Driver:"(NULL)", Device?Device:"(NULL)", Output?Output:"(NULL)", InitData); if (!Driver || !strncmp(Driver,"DISPLAY",7)) { OutTraceD("GDI.CreateDC: returning window surface DC\n"); WinHDC=(*pGDIGetDC)(dxw.GethWnd()); RetHDC=(*pGDICreateCompatibleDC)(WinHDC); (*pGDIReleaseDC)(dxw.GethWnd(), WinHDC); } else{ RetHDC=(*pGDICreateDC)(Driver, Device, Output, InitData); } if(RetHDC) OutTraceD("GDI.CreateDC: returning HDC=%x\n", RetHDC); else OutTraceE("GDI.CreateDC ERROR: err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return RetHDC; } HDC WINAPI extGDICreateCompatibleDC(HDC hdc) { HDC RetHdc, SrcHdc; extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSHDC; extern GetDC_Type pGetDC; DWORD LastError; OutTraceD("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC: hdc=%x\n", hdc); if(hdc==0){ SrcHdc=(*pGDIGetDC)(dxw.GethWnd()); OutTraceD("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC: duplicating win HDC hWnd=%x\n", dxw.GethWnd()); } // eliminated error message for errorcode 0. SetLastError(0); RetHdc=(*pGDICreateCompatibleDC)(hdc); LastError=GetLastError(); if(!LastError) OutTraceD("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC: returning HDC=%x\n", RetHdc); else OutTraceE("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC ERROR: err=%d at %d\n", LastError, __LINE__); return RetHdc; } BOOL WINAPI extGDIBitBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, DWORD dwRop) { BOOL res; extern BOOL isWithinDialog; OutTraceD("GDI.BitBlt: HDC=%x nXDest=%d nYDest=%d nWidth=%d nHeight=%d hdcSrc=%x nXSrc=%d nYSrc=%d dwRop=%x(%s)\n", hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, dwRop, ExplainROP(dwRop)); if (dxw.HandleFPS()) return TRUE; // beware: HDC could refer to screen DC that are written directly on screen, or memory DC that will be scaled to // the screen surface later on, on ReleaseDC or ddraw Blit / Flip operation. Scaling of rect coordinates is // needed only in the first case, and must be avoided on the second, otherwise the image would be scaled twice! if (dxw.IsFullScreen() && (OBJ_DC == GetObjectType(hdcDest))){ int nWDest, nHDest; nWDest= nWidth; nHDest= nHeight; dxw.MapRect(&nXDest, &nYDest, &nWDest, &nHDest); if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SHOWFPSOVERLAY) dxw.ShowFPS(hdcDest); res=(*pGDIStretchBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWDest, nHDest, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, nWidth, nHeight, dwRop); } else { res=(*pGDIBitBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, dwRop); } if(!res) OutTraceE("GDI.BitBlt: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } BOOL WINAPI extGDIPatBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, DWORD dwRop) { BOOL res; OutTraceD("GDI.PatBlt: HDC=%x nXDest=%d nYDest=%d nWidth=%d nHeight=%d dwRop=%x(%s)\n", hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, dwRop, ExplainROP(dwRop)); if (dxw.HandleFPS()) return TRUE; if (dxw.IsFullScreen() && (OBJ_DC == GetObjectType(hdcDest))){ int nWDest, nHDest; dxw.MapRect(&nXDest, &nYDest, &nWDest, &nHDest); if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SHOWFPSOVERLAY) dxw.ShowFPS(hdcDest); res=(*pGDIPatBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWDest, nHDest, dwRop); } else { res=(*pGDIPatBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, dwRop); } if(!res) OutTraceE("GDI.PatBlt: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } BOOL WINAPI extGDIStretchBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int nWSrc, int nHSrc, DWORD dwRop) { BOOL res; OutTraceD("GDI.StretchBlt: HDC=%x nXDest=%d nYDest=%d nWidth=%d nHeight=%d hdcSrc=%x nXSrc=%d nYSrc=%d nWSrc=%d nHSrc=%d dwRop=%x(%s)\n", hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, nWSrc, nHSrc, dwRop, ExplainROP(dwRop)); if (dxw.HandleFPS()) return TRUE; // to do: what happend if StretchBlt is applied on screen DC ? if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SHOWFPSOVERLAY) dxw.ShowFPS(hdcDest); res=(*pGDIStretchBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, nWSrc, nHSrc, dwRop); if(!res) OutTraceE("GDI.StretchBlt: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } BOOL WINAPI extGDIDeleteDC(HDC hdc) { BOOL res; OutTraceD("GDI.DeleteDC: hdc=%x\n", hdc); res=(*pGDIDeleteDC)(hdc); if(!res) OutTraceE("GDI.DeleteDC: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } static HANDLE AutoRefreshThread; static DWORD dwThrdId; void AutoRefresh(HDC hdc) { while(1){ (*pSleep)(10); (*pInvalidateRect)(dxw.GethWnd(), 0, FALSE); } } int WINAPI extGDISaveDC(HDC hdc) { int ret; ret=(*pGDISaveDC)(hdc); //ret=1; OutTraceD("GDI.SaveDC: hdc=%x ret=%x\n", hdc, ret); //AutoRefreshThread=CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)AutoRefresh, (LPVOID)hdc, 0, &dwThrdId); return ret; } BOOL WINAPI extGDIRestoreDC(HDC hdc, int nSavedDC) { BOOL ret; ret=(*pGDIRestoreDC)(hdc, nSavedDC); //ret=1; OutTraceD("GDI.RestoreDC: hdc=%x nSavedDC=%x ret=%x\n", hdc, nSavedDC, ret); //TerminateThread(AutoRefreshThread, 0); return ret; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // directdraw supported GDI calls /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // PrimHDC: DC handle of the selected DirectDraw primary surface. NULL when invalid. static HDC PrimHDC=NULL; HDC WINAPI extDDCreateCompatibleDC(HDC hdc) { HDC RetHdc, SrcHdc; extern GetDC_Type pGetDC; OutTraceD("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC: hdc=%x\n", hdc); if(hdc==0 && pGetDC && dxw.IsFullScreen()){ dxw.SetPrimarySurface(); (*pGetDC)(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC,&SrcHdc); OutTraceD("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC: duplicating screen HDC lpDDSPrimHDC=%x\n", dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC); RetHdc=(*pGDICreateCompatibleDC)(SrcHdc); (*pReleaseDC)(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC,SrcHdc); } else RetHdc=(*pGDICreateCompatibleDC)(hdc); if(RetHdc) OutTraceD("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC: returning HDC=%x\n", RetHdc); else OutTraceE("GDI.CreateCompatibleDC ERROR: err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return RetHdc; } BOOL WINAPI extDDDeleteDC(HDC hdc) { BOOL res; OutTraceD("GDI.DeleteDC: hdc=%x\n", hdc); res=(*pGDIDeleteDC)(hdc); if(!res) OutTraceE("GDI.DeleteDC: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return res; } static HDC WINAPI winDDGetDC(HWND hwnd, char *api) { HDC hdc; HRESULT res; extern HRESULT WINAPI extGetDC(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, HDC FAR *); OutTraceD("%s: hwnd=%x\n", api, hwnd); dxw.ResetPrimarySurface(); dxw.SetPrimarySurface(); if(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC){ if (PrimHDC){ OutTraceD("%s: reusing primary hdc\n", api); (*pUnlockMethod(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC))(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, NULL); hdc=PrimHDC; } else{ OutTraceD("%s: get hdc from PRIMARY surface lpdds=%x\n", api, dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC); res=extGetDC(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC,&hdc); if(res) { OutTraceE("%s: GetDC(%x) ERROR %x(%s) at %d\n", api, dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, res, ExplainDDError(res), __LINE__); if(res==DDERR_DCALREADYCREATED){ // try recovery.... (*pReleaseDC)(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC,NULL); res=extGetDC(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC,&hdc); } if(res)return 0; } PrimHDC=hdc; } } else { hdc=(*pGDIGetDC)(hwnd ? hwnd : dxw.GethWnd()); OutTraceD("%s: returning window DC handle hwnd=%x hdc=%x\n", api, hwnd, hdc); PrimHDC=NULL; } if(hdc) OutTraceD("%s: hwnd=%x hdc=%x\n", api, hwnd, hdc); else OutTraceE("%s: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", api, GetLastError, __LINE__); return(hdc); } HDC WINAPI extDDCreateDC(LPSTR Driver, LPSTR Device, LPSTR Output, CONST DEVMODE *InitData) { HDC RetHDC; OutTraceD("GDI.CreateDC: Driver=%s Device=%s Output=%s InitData=%x\n", Driver?Driver:"(NULL)", Device?Device:"(NULL)", Output?Output:"(NULL)", InitData); if (!Driver || !strncmp(Driver,"DISPLAY",7)) { //HDC PrimHDC; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpdds; OutTraceD("GDI.CreateDC: returning primary surface DC\n"); lpdds=dxw.GetPrimarySurface(); (*pGetDC)(lpdds, &PrimHDC); RetHDC=(*pGDICreateCompatibleDC)(PrimHDC); (*pReleaseDC)(lpdds, PrimHDC); } else{ RetHDC=(*pGDICreateDC)(Driver, Device, Output, InitData); } if(RetHDC) OutTraceD("GDI.CreateDC: returning HDC=%x\n", RetHDC); else OutTraceE("GDI.CreateDC ERROR: err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return RetHDC; } HDC WINAPI extDDGetDC(HWND hwnd) { HDC ret; ret=winDDGetDC(hwnd, "GDI.GetDC"); return ret; } HDC WINAPI extDDGetWindowDC(HWND hwnd) { HDC ret; ret=winDDGetDC(hwnd, "GDI.GetWindowDC"); return ret; } int WINAPI extDDReleaseDC(HWND hwnd, HDC hDC) { int res; extern HRESULT WINAPI extReleaseDC(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, HDC); OutTraceD("GDI.ReleaseDC: hwnd=%x hdc=%x\n", hwnd, hDC); res=0; if ((hDC == PrimHDC) || (hwnd==0)){ dxw.SetPrimarySurface(); OutTraceD("GDI.ReleaseDC: refreshing primary surface lpdds=%x\n",dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC); if(!dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC) return 0; extReleaseDC(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, hDC); PrimHDC=NULL; res=1; // 1 = OK } else { res=(*pGDIReleaseDC)(hwnd, hDC); if (!res) OutTraceE("GDI.ReleaseDC: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); } return(res); } BOOL WINAPI extDDBitBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, DWORD dwRop) { BOOL ret; HRESULT res; extern HRESULT WINAPI extGetDC(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, HDC FAR *); OutTraceD("GDI.BitBlt: HDC=%x nXDest=%d nYDest=%d nWidth=%d nHeight=%d hdcSrc=%x nXSrc=%d nYSrc=%d dwRop=%x(%s)\n", hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, dwRop, ExplainROP(dwRop)); ret=1; // OK if(hdcDest==0) hdcDest=PrimHDC; if(hdcDest==0) { dxw.ResetPrimarySurface(); dxw.SetPrimarySurface(); res=extGetDC(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, &PrimHDC); hdcDest=PrimHDC; } res=(*pGDIBitBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, dwRop); if(!res) OutTraceE("GDI.BitBlt: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); res=(*pGDIBitBlt)(NULL, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, dwRop); if(!res) ret=0; return ret; } BOOL WINAPI extDDStretchBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int nWSrc, int nHSrc, DWORD dwRop) { BOOL ret; HRESULT res; RECT ClientRect; OutTraceD("GDI.StretchBlt: HDC=%x nXDest=%d nYDest=%d nWidth=%d nHeight=%d hdcSrc=%x nXSrc=%d nYSrc=%d nWSrc=%x nHSrc=%x dwRop=%x\n", hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, nWSrc, nHSrc, dwRop); if(hdcDest != hdcSrc){ (*pGetClientRect)(dxw.GethWnd(),&ClientRect); ret=(*pGDIStretchBlt)(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, nWidth, nHeight, dwRop); if(!ret) { OutTraceE("GDI.StretchBlt: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); return ret; } } dxw.SetPrimarySurface(); OutTraceD("GDI.StretchBlt: refreshing primary surface lpdds=%x\n",dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC); sBlt("GDI.StretchBlt", dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, NULL, dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); res=(*pUnlockMethod(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC))(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC, NULL); return ret; } HDC WINAPI extBeginPaint(HWND hwnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint) { HDC hdc; extern HRESULT WINAPI extGetDC(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, HDC FAR *); // proxy part ... OutTraceD("GDI.BeginPaint: hwnd=%x lpPaint=%x FullScreen=%x\n", hwnd, lpPaint, dxw.IsFullScreen()); hdc=(*pBeginPaint)(hwnd, lpPaint); // if not in fullscreen mode, that's all! if(!dxw.IsFullScreen()) return hdc; // on MAPGDITOPRIMARY, return the PrimHDC handle instead of the window DC if(dxw.dwFlags1 & MAPGDITOPRIMARY) { if(pGetDC && dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC){ extGetDC(dxw.lpDDSPrimHDC,&PrimHDC); OutTraceD("GDI.BeginPaint: redirect hdc=%x -> PrimHDC=%x\n", hdc, PrimHDC); hdc=PrimHDC; } else { OutTraceD("GDI.BeginPaint: hdc=%x\n", hdc); } } // on CLIENTREMAPPING, resize the paint area to virtual screen size if(dxw.dwFlags1 & CLIENTREMAPPING){ lpPaint->rcPaint.top=0; lpPaint->rcPaint.left=0; lpPaint->rcPaint.right=dxw.GetScreenWidth(); lpPaint->rcPaint.bottom=dxw.GetScreenHeight(); } return hdc; } BOOL WINAPI extEndPaint(HWND hwnd, const PAINTSTRUCT *lpPaint) { BOOL ret; // proxy part ... OutTraceD("GDI.EndPaint: hwnd=%x lpPaint=%x\n", hwnd, lpPaint); ret=(*pEndPaint)(hwnd, lpPaint); OutTraceD("GDI.EndPaint: hwnd=%x ret=%x\n", hwnd, ret); if(!ret) OutTraceE("GDI.EndPaint ERROR: err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); // if not in fullscreen mode, that's all! if(!dxw.IsFullScreen()) return ret; return ret; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // C&C Tiberian Sun: mixes DirectDraw with GDI Dialogues. // To make them visible, the lpDialog call had to be hooked to insert a periodic // InvalidateRect call to make GDI appear on screen /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ BOOL __cdecl TraceChildWin(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos={0,0}; RECT child; (*pGetClientRect)(hwnd, &child); (*pClientToScreen)(hwnd,&pos); OutTraceD("Father hwnd=%x has child=%x pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", HWND(lParam), hwnd, pos.x, pos.y, child.right, child.bottom); return TRUE; } BOOL isWithinDialog=FALSE; HWND WINAPI extCreateDialogIndirectParam(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpTemplate, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM lParamInit) { HWND RetHWND; isWithinDialog=TRUE; OutTraceD("CreateDialogIndirectParam: hInstance=%x lpTemplate=%s hWndParent=%x lpDialogFunc=%x lParamInit=%x\n", hInstance, "tbd", hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit); if(hWndParent==NULL) hWndParent=dxw.GethWnd(); RetHWND=(*pCreateDialogIndirectParam)(hInstance, lpTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit); WhndStackPush(RetHWND, (WNDPROC)lpDialogFunc); if(!(*pSetWindowLong)(RetHWND, DWL_DLGPROC, (LONG)extDialogWindowProc)) OutTraceE("SetWindowLong: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); OutTraceD("CreateDialogIndirectParam: hwnd=%x\n", RetHWND); isWithinDialog=FALSE; //if (IsDebug) EnumChildWindows(RetHWND, (WNDENUMPROC)TraceChildWin, (LPARAM)RetHWND); return RetHWND; } HWND WINAPI extCreateDialogParam(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpTemplateName, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM lParamInit) { HWND RetHWND; isWithinDialog=TRUE; OutTraceD("CreateDialogParam: hInstance=%x lpTemplateName=%s hWndParent=%x lpDialogFunc=%x lParamInit=%x\n", hInstance, "tbd", hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit); if(hWndParent==NULL) hWndParent=dxw.GethWnd(); RetHWND=(*pCreateDialogParam)(hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit); WhndStackPush(RetHWND, (WNDPROC)lpDialogFunc); if(!(*pSetWindowLong)(RetHWND, DWL_DLGPROC, (LONG)extDialogWindowProc)) OutTraceE("SetWindowLong: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); OutTraceD("CreateDialogParam: hwnd=%x\n", RetHWND); isWithinDialog=FALSE; //if (IsDebug) EnumChildWindows(RetHWND, (WNDENUMPROC)TraceChildWin, (LPARAM)RetHWND); return RetHWND; } BOOL WINAPI extDDInvalidateRect(HWND hwnd, RECT *lpRect, BOOL bErase) { if(lpRect) OutTraceD("InvalidateRect: hwnd=%x rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) erase=%x\n", hwnd, lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom, bErase); else OutTraceD("InvalidateRect: hwnd=%x rect=NULL erase=%x\n", hwnd, bErase); return (*pInvalidateRect)(hwnd, NULL, bErase); } BOOL WINAPI extInvalidateRect(HWND hwnd, RECT *lpRect, BOOL bErase) { if(lpRect) OutTraceD("InvalidateRect: hwnd=%x rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) erase=%x\n", hwnd, lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom, bErase); else OutTraceD("InvalidateRect: hwnd=%x rect=NULL erase=%x\n", hwnd, bErase); return (*pInvalidateRect)(hwnd, NULL, bErase); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // v2.1.75: Hooking for GDI32 CreatePalette, SelectPalette, RealizePalette: // maps the GDI palette to the buffered DirectDraw one. This fixes the screen // output for "Dementia" (a.k.a. "Armed & Delirious"). HPALETTE WINAPI extGDICreatePalette(CONST LOGPALETTE *plpal) { HPALETTE ret; int idx; dxw.IsGDIPalette=TRUE; OutTraceD("GDI.CreatePalette: plpal=%x version=%x NumEntries=%x\n", plpal, plpal->palVersion, plpal->palNumEntries); ret=(*pGDICreatePalette)(plpal); if(IsDebug){ OutTraceD("PalEntry[%x]= ", plpal->palNumEntries); for(idx=0; idxpalNumEntries; idx++) OutTraceD("(%x)", plpal->palPalEntry[idx]); OutTraceD("\n"); } dxw.palVersion=plpal->palVersion; dxw.palNumEntries=plpal->palNumEntries; if(dxw.palNumEntries>256) dxw.palNumEntries=256; for(idx=0; idxpalPalEntry[idx]; OutTraceD("GDI.CreatePalette: hPalette=%x\n", ret); return ret; } HPALETTE WINAPI extSelectPalette(HDC hdc, HPALETTE hpal, BOOL bForceBackground) { HPALETTE ret; ret=(*pGDISelectPalette)(hdc, hpal, bForceBackground); OutTraceD("GDI.SelectPalette: hdc=%x hpal=%x ForceBackground=%x ret=%x\n", hdc, hpal, bForceBackground, ret); return ret; } UINT WINAPI extRealizePalette(HDC hdc) { UINT ret; extern void mySetPalette(int, int, LPPALETTEENTRY); ret=(*pGDIRealizePalette)(hdc); OutTraceD("GDI.RealizePalette: hdc=%x ret=%x\n", hdc, ret); if(!dxw.IsGDIPalette) return ret; // quick & dirty implementation through a nasty global: // if the SelectPalette didn't force to the background (arg bForceBackground==FALSE) // then don't override the current palette set by the DirectDrawPalette class. // should be cleaned up a little.... // maybe not: now both Diablo & Dementia colors are working... if(dxw.dwFlags1 & EMULATESURFACE) mySetPalette(0, dxw.palNumEntries, dxw.palPalEntry); // DEBUGGING if(IsDebug){ int idx; OutTraceD("PaletteEntries[%x]= ", dxw.palNumEntries); for(idx=0; idx(%d,%d)\n", hwnd, prev.x, prev.y, curr.x, curr.y); break; default: break; } } ret=(*pSendMessage)(hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); OutTraceW("SendMessage: lresult=%x\n", ret); return ret; } DWORD WINAPI extGetTickCount(void) { return dxw.GetTickCount(); } void WINAPI extGetSystemTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime) { dxw.GetSystemTime(lpSystemTime); if (IsDebug) OutTrace("GetSystemTime: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\n", lpSystemTime->wHour, lpSystemTime->wMinute, lpSystemTime->wSecond, lpSystemTime->wMilliseconds); } void WINAPI extGetLocalTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; dxw.GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &SystemTime, lpLocalTime); if (IsDebug) OutTrace("GetLocalTime: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\n", lpLocalTime->wHour, lpLocalTime->wMinute, lpLocalTime->wSecond, lpLocalTime->wMilliseconds); } UINT_PTR WINAPI extSetTimer(HWND hWnd, UINT_PTR nIDEvent, UINT uElapse, TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc) { UINT uShiftedElapse; // beware: the quicker the time flows, the more the time clicks are incremented, // and the lesser the pauses must be lasting! Shift operations are reverted in // GetSystemTime vs. Sleep or SetTimer uShiftedElapse = dxw.StretchTime(uElapse); if (IsDebug) OutTrace("SetTimer: elapse=%d->%d timeshift=%d\n", uElapse, uShiftedElapse, dxw.TimeShift); return (*pSetTimer)(hWnd, nIDEvent, uShiftedElapse, lpTimerFunc); } VOID WINAPI extSleep(DWORD dwMilliseconds) { DWORD dwNewDelay; dwNewDelay=dwMilliseconds; if (dwMilliseconds!=INFINITE && dwMilliseconds!=0){ dwNewDelay = dxw.StretchTime(dwMilliseconds); if (dwNewDelay==0){ // oh oh! troubles... if (dxw.TimeShift > 0) dwNewDelay=1; // minimum allowed... else dwNewDelay = INFINITE-1; // maximum allowed !!! } } if (IsDebug) OutTrace("Sleep: msec=%d->%d timeshift=%d\n", dwMilliseconds, dwNewDelay, dxw.TimeShift); (*pSleep)(dwNewDelay); } DWORD WINAPI extSleepEx(DWORD dwMilliseconds, BOOL bAlertable) { DWORD dwNewDelay; dwNewDelay=dwMilliseconds; if (dwMilliseconds!=INFINITE && dwMilliseconds!=0){ dwNewDelay = dxw.StretchTime(dwMilliseconds); if (dwNewDelay==0){ // oh oh! troubles... if (dxw.TimeShift > 0) dwNewDelay=1; // minimum allowed... else dwNewDelay = INFINITE-1; // maximum allowed !!! } } if (IsDebug) OutTrace("SleepEx: msec=%d->%d alertable=%x, timeshift=%d\n", dwMilliseconds, dwNewDelay, bAlertable, dxw.TimeShift); return (*pSleepEx)(dwNewDelay, bAlertable); } DWORD WINAPI exttimeGetTime(void) { if (IsDebug) OutTrace("timeGetTime\n"); return dxw.GetTickCount(); } void WINAPI extGetSystemTimeAsFileTime(LPFILETIME lpSystemTimeAsFileTime) { if (IsDebug) OutTrace("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime\n"); dxw.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime); } int WINAPI extShowCursor(BOOL bShow) { static int iFakeCounter; int ret; OutTraceD("ShowCursor: bShow=%x\n", bShow); if (bShow){ if (dxw.dwFlags1 & HIDEHWCURSOR){ iFakeCounter++; OutTraceD("ShowCursor: HIDEHWCURSOR ret=%x\n", iFakeCounter); return iFakeCounter; } } else { if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SHOWHWCURSOR){ iFakeCounter--; OutTraceD("ShowCursor: SHOWHWCURSOR ret=%x\n", iFakeCounter); return iFakeCounter; } } ret=(*pShowCursor)(bShow); OutTraceD("ShowCursor: ret=%x\n", ret); return ret; } /* From MSDN: Operating system Version number dwMajorVersion dwMinorVersion Other Windows 8 6.2 6 2 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION Windows Server 2012 6.2 6 2 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType != VER_NT_WORKSTATION Windows 7 6.1 6 1 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 6 1 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType != VER_NT_WORKSTATION Windows Server 2008 6.0 6 0 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType != VER_NT_WORKSTATION Windows Vista 6.0 6 0 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION Windows Server 2003 R2 5.2 5 2 GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) != 0 Windows Home Server 5.2 5 2 OSVERSIONINFOEX.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER Windows Server 2003 5.2 5 2 GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) == 0 Windows XP Pro x64 Ed. 5.2 5 2 (OSVERSIONINFOEX.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) && (SYSTEM_INFO.wProcessorArchitecture==PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) Windows XP 5.1 5 1 Not applicable Windows 2000 5.0 5 0 Not applicable */ static struct {char bMajor; char bMinor; char *sName;} WinVersions[6]= { {5, 0, "Windows 2000"}, {5, 1, "Windows XP"}, {5, 2, "Windows Server 2003"}, {6, 0, "Windows Vista"}, {6, 1, "Windows 7"}, {6, 2, "Windows 8"} }; BOOL WINAPI extGetVersionEx(LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo) { BOOL ret; ret=(*pGetVersionEx)(lpVersionInfo); if(!ret) { OutTraceE("GetVersionEx: ERROR err=%d\n", GetLastError()); return ret; } OutTraceD("GetVersionEx: version=%d.%d build=(%d)\n", lpVersionInfo->dwMajorVersion, lpVersionInfo->dwMinorVersion, lpVersionInfo->dwBuildNumber); if(dxw.dwFlags2 & FAKEVERSION) { // fake Win XP build 0 lpVersionInfo->dwMajorVersion = WinVersions[dxw.FakeVersionId].bMajor; lpVersionInfo->dwMinorVersion = WinVersions[dxw.FakeVersionId].bMinor; lpVersionInfo->dwBuildNumber = 0; OutTraceD("GetVersionEx: FIXED version=%d.%d build=(%d) os=\"%s\"\n", lpVersionInfo->dwMajorVersion, lpVersionInfo->dwMinorVersion, lpVersionInfo->dwBuildNumber, WinVersions[dxw.FakeVersionId].sName); } return TRUE; } DWORD WINAPI extGetVersion(void) { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwMajorVersion; DWORD dwMinorVersion; DWORD dwBuild = 0; dwVersion = (*pGetVersion)(); // Get the Windows version. dwMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); dwMinorVersion = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); // Get the build number. if (dwVersion < 0x80000000) dwBuild = (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwVersion)); OutTraceD("GetVersion: version=%d.%d build=(%d)\n", dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuild); if(dxw.dwFlags2 & FAKEVERSION) { dwVersion = WinVersions[dxw.FakeVersionId].bMajor | (WinVersions[dxw.FakeVersionId].bMinor << 8); dwMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); dwMinorVersion = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); dwBuild = (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwVersion)); OutTraceD("GetVersion: FIXED version=%d.%d build=(%d) os=\"%s\"\n", dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuild, WinVersions[dxw.FakeVersionId].sName); } return dwVersion; }