// hotpatch compiled system dlls come with Windows XP SP2 or later // return: // 0 = patch failed // 1 = already patched // addr = address of the original function #include #include "dxwnd.h" #include "dxwcore.hpp" void *HotPatch(void *apiproc, const char *apiname, void *hookproc) { DWORD dwPrevProtect; BYTE* patch_address; void *orig_address; OutTraceH("HotPatch: api=%s addr=%x hook=%x\n", apiname, apiproc, hookproc); if(!strcmp(apiname, "GetProcAddress")) return 0; // do not mess with this one! patch_address = ((BYTE *)apiproc) - 5; orig_address = (BYTE *)apiproc + 2; // entry point could be at the top of a page? so VirtualProtect first to make sure patch_address is readable //if(!VirtualProtect(patch_address, 7, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwPrevProtect)){ if(!VirtualProtect(patch_address, 12, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, &dwPrevProtect)){ OutTraceH("HotPatch: access denied. err=%x\n", GetLastError()); return (void *)0; // access denied } // some calls (QueryPerformanceCounter) are sort of hot patched already.... if(!memcmp( "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xEB\x05\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", patch_address, 12)){ *patch_address = 0xE9; // jmp (4-byte relative) *((DWORD *)(patch_address + 1)) = (DWORD)hookproc - (DWORD)patch_address - 5; // relative address *((WORD *)apiproc) = 0xF9EB; // should be atomic write (jmp $-5) VirtualProtect( patch_address, 12, dwPrevProtect, &dwPrevProtect ); // restore protection OutTrace("HotPatch: api=%s addr=%x->%x hook=%x\n", apiname, apiproc, orig_address, hookproc); return orig_address; } // make sure it is a hotpatchable image... check for 5 nops followed by mov edi,edi if(memcmp( "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x8B\xFF", patch_address, 7) && memcmp( "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x89\xFF", patch_address, 7)){ VirtualProtect( patch_address, 12, dwPrevProtect, &dwPrevProtect ); // restore protection // check it wasn't patched already if((*patch_address==0xE9) && (*(WORD *)apiproc == 0xF9EB)){ // should never go through here ... OutTraceH("HotPatch: patched already\n"); return (void *)1; } else{ OutTraceH("HotPatch: not patch aware.\n"); return (void *)0; // not hot patch "aware" } } *patch_address = 0xE9; // jmp (4-byte relative) *((DWORD *)(patch_address + 1)) = (DWORD)hookproc - (DWORD)patch_address - 5; // relative address *((WORD *)apiproc) = 0xF9EB; // should be atomic write (jmp $-5) VirtualProtect( patch_address, 12, dwPrevProtect, &dwPrevProtect ); // restore protection OutTrace("HotPatch: api=%s addr=%x->%x hook=%x\n", apiname, apiproc, orig_address, hookproc); return orig_address; }