#include "stdafx.h" #include "dxwndhost.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "dxwndhostDoc.h" #include "dxwndhostView.h" extern BOOL IsProcessElevated(); extern BOOL IsUserInAdminGroup(); BOOL DxSelfElevate() { BOOL const fInAdminGroup = IsUserInAdminGroup(); if(!fInAdminGroup) return TRUE; // Get and display the process elevation information. BOOL const fIsElevated = IsProcessElevated(); BOOL MustRestart; if(fIsElevated) return TRUE; MustRestart=MessageBoxLang(DXW_STRING_ADMINCAP, DXW_STRING_WARNING, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION); if(MustRestart==IDOK){ extern HANDLE GlobalLocker; CloseHandle(GlobalLocker); char szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath))) { // Launch itself as administrator. SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = { sizeof(sei) }; CString args; sei.lpVerb = "runas"; sei.lpFile = szPath; //sei.hwnd = (HWND)this->GetMainWnd(); sei.hwnd = (HWND)NULL; // set to NULL to force the confirmation dialog on top of everything... sei.nShow = SW_NORMAL; args = ""; for(int i=1; i<=__argc; i++) { args += (LPCSTR)(__argv[i]); args += " "; } sei.lpParameters = args; if (!ShellExecuteEx(&sei)){ DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError == ERROR_CANCELLED){ // The user refused the elevation. // Do nothing ... } } else{ exit(0); // Quit itself } } } return TRUE; }