#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include "dxwnd.h" #include "dxwcore.hpp" #include "shareddc.hpp" #include "dxhook.h" #include "glhook.h" #include "glidehook.h" #include "msvfwhook.h" #define DXWDECLARATIONS 1 #include "syslibs.h" #undef DXWDECLARATIONS #include "dxhelper.h" #include "Ime.h" #include "Winnls32.h" #include "Mmsystem.h" #include "disasm.h" #include "MinHook.h" #define SKIPIMEWINDOW TRUE dxwCore dxw; dxwSStack dxwss; dxwWStack dxwws; dxwCapsDB dxwcdb; dxwSDC sdc; GetWindowLong_Type pGetWindowLong; SetWindowLong_Type pSetWindowLong; HWND hTrayWnd; extern LRESULT CALLBACK MessageHook(int, WPARAM, LPARAM); extern DWORD WINAPI CpuLimit(LPVOID); extern DWORD WINAPI CpuSlow(LPVOID); extern HMODULE SysLibs[]; typedef char *(*Geterrwarnmessage_Type)(unsigned long, unsigned long); typedef int (*Preparedisasm_Type)(void); typedef void (*Finishdisasm_Type)(void); typedef unsigned long (*Disasm_Type)(const unsigned char *, unsigned long, unsigned long, t_disasm *, int, t_config *, int (*)(tchar *, unsigned long)); Geterrwarnmessage_Type pGeterrwarnmessage; Preparedisasm_Type pPreparedisasm; Finishdisasm_Type pFinishdisasm; Disasm_Type pDisasm; extern void InitScreenParameters(int); extern void *HotPatch(void *, const char *, void *); extern void *IATPatch(HMODULE, DWORD, char *, void *, const char *, void *); void HookModule(HMODULE, int); void RecoverScreenMode(); static void LockScreenMode(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); extern HANDLE hTraceMutex; CRITICAL_SECTION TraceCS; static char *FlagNames[32]={ "UNNOTIFY", "EMULATESURFACE", "CLIPCURSOR", "NEEDADMINCAPS", "HOOKDI", "MODIFYMOUSE", "HANDLEEXCEPTIONS", "SAVELOAD", "EMULATEBUFFER", "HOOKDI8", "BLITFROMBACKBUFFER", "SUPPRESSCLIPPING", "AUTOREFRESH", "FIXWINFRAME", "HIDEHWCURSOR", "SLOWDOWN", "ENABLECLIPPING", "LOCKWINSTYLE", "MAPGDITOPRIMARY", "FIXTEXTOUT", "KEEPCURSORWITHIN", "USERGB565", "SUPPRESSDXERRORS", "PREVENTMAXIMIZE", "LOCKEDSURFACE", "FIXPARENTWIN", "SWITCHVIDEOMEMORY", "CLIENTREMAPPING", "HANDLEALTF4", "LOCKWINPOS", "HOOKCHILDWIN", "MESSAGEPROC" }; static char *Flag2Names[32]={ "RECOVERSCREENMODE", "REFRESHONRESIZE", "BACKBUFATTACH", "MODALSTYLE", "KEEPASPECTRATIO", "INIT8BPP", "FORCEWINRESIZE", "INIT16BPP", "KEEPCURSORFIXED", "DISABLEGAMMARAMP", "INDEPENDENTREFRESH", "FIXNCHITTEST", "LIMITFPS", "SKIPFPS", "SHOWFPS", "HIDEMULTIMONITOR", "TIMESTRETCH", "HOOKOPENGL", "LOCKEDSIZE", "SHOWHWCURSOR", "GDISTRETCHED", "SHOWFPSOVERLAY", "FAKEVERSION", "FULLRECTBLT", "NOPALETTEUPDATE", "SUPPRESSIME", "NOBANNER", "WINDOWIZE", "LIMITRESOURCES", "STARTDEBUG", "SETCOMPATIBILITY", "WIREFRAME", }; static char *Flag3Names[32]={ "FORCEHOOKOPENGL", "MARKBLIT", "HOOKDLLS", "SUPPRESSD3DEXT", "HOOKENABLED", "FIXD3DFRAME", "FORCE16BPP", "BLACKWHITE", "MARKLOCK", "SINGLEPROCAFFINITY", "EMULATEREGISTRY", "CDROMDRIVETYPE", "NOWINDOWMOVE", "FORCECLIPPER", "LOCKSYSCOLORS", "GDIEMULATEDC", "FULLSCREENONLY", "FONTBYPASS", "MINIMALCAPS", "DEFAULTMESSAGES", "BUFFEREDIOFIX", "FILTERMESSAGES", "PEEKALLMESSAGES", "SURFACEWARN", "ANALYTICMODE", "FORCESHEL", "CAPMASK", "COLORFIX", "NODDRAWBLT", "NODDRAWFLIP", "NOGDIBLT", "NOPIXELFORMAT", }; static char *Flag4Names[32]={ "NOALPHACHANNEL", "SUPPRESSCHILD", "FIXREFCOUNTER", "SHOWTIMESTRETCH", "ZBUFFERCLEAN", "ZBUFFER0CLEAN", "ZBUFFERALWAYS", "DISABLEFOGGING", "NOPOWER2FIX", "NOPERFCOUNTER", "BILINEAR2XFILTER", "INTERCEPTRDTSC", "LIMITSCREENRES", "NOFILLRECT", "HOOKGLIDE", "HIDEDESKTOP", "STRETCHTIMERS", "NOFLIPEMULATION", "NOTEXTURES", "RETURNNULLREF", "FINETIMING", "NATIVERES", "SUPPORTSVGA", "SUPPORTHDTV", "RELEASEMOUSE", "ENABLETIMEFREEZE", "HOTPATCH", "ENABLEHOTKEYS", "HOTPATCHALWAYS", "NOD3DRESET", "OVERRIDEREGISTRY", "HIDECDROMEMPTY", }; static char *Flag5Names[32]={ "DIABLOTWEAK", "CLEARTARGET", "NOWINPOSCHANGES", "ANSIWIDE", "NOBLT", "USELASTCORE", "DOFASTBLT", "AEROBOOST", "QUARTERBLT", "NOIMAGEHLP", "BILINEARFILTER", "REPLACEPRIVOPS", "REMAPMCI", "TEXTUREHIGHLIGHT", "TEXTUREDUMP", "TEXTUREHACK", "TEXTURETRANSP", "NORMALIZEPERFCOUNT", "HYBRIDMODE", "GDICOLORCONV", "INJECTSON", "ENABLESONHOOK", "FREEZEINJECTEDSON", "GDIMODE", "CENTERTOWIN", "STRESSRESOURCES", "MESSAGEPUMP", "TEXTUREFORMAT", "DEINTERLACE", "LOCKRESERVEDPALETTE", "UNLOCKZORDER", "EASPORTSHACK", }; static char *Flag6Names[32]={ "FORCESWAPEFFECT", "LEGACYALLOC", "NODESTROYWINDOW", "NOMOVIES", "SUPPRESSRELEASE", "FIXMOVIESCOLOR", "WOW64REGISTRY", "DISABLEMAXWINMODE", "FIXPITCH", "POWER2WIDTH", "HIDETASKBAR", "ACTIVATEAPP", "NOSYSMEMPRIMARY", "NOSYSMEMBACKBUF", "CONFIRMONCLOSE", "TERMINATEONCLOSE", "FLIPEMULATION", "SETZBUFFERBITDEPTHS", "SHAREDDC", "WOW32REGISTRY", "STRETCHMOVIES", "BYPASSMCI", "FIXPIXELZOOM", "---REUSEEMULATEDDC---", "CREATEDESKTOP", "NOWINDOWHOOKS", "SYNCPALETTE", "VIRTUALJOYSTICK", "UNACQUIRE", "HOOKGOGLIBS", "BYPASSGOGLIBS", "EMULATERELMOUSE", }; static char *Flag7Names[32]={ "LIMITDDRAW", "DISABLEDISABLEALTTAB", "FIXCLIPPERAREA", "HOOKDIRECTSOUND", "HOOKSMACKW32", "BLOCKPRIORITYCLASS", "CPUSLOWDOWN", "CPUMAXUSAGE", "NOWINERRORS", "SUPPRESSOVERLAY", "INIT24BPP", "INIT32BPP", "FIXGLOBALUNLOCK", "SHOWHINTS", "SKIPDEVTYPEHID", "INJECTSUSPENDED", "SSUPPRESSDIERRORS", "HOOKNORUN", "FIXBINDTEXTURE", "ENUM16BITMODES", "SHAREDKEYBOARD", "HOOKNOUPDATE", "HOOKGLUT32", "INITIALRES", "MAXIMUMRES", "LOCKCOLORDEPTH", "FIXSMACKLOOP", "FIXFREELIBRARY", "ANCHORED", "CLEARTEXTUREFOURCC", "NODDEXCLUSIVEMODE", "COPYNOSHIMS", }; static char *Flag8Names[32]={ "FORCEWAIT", "FORCENOWAIT", "FORCEVSYNC", "FORCENOVSYNC", "VSYNCSCANLINES", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; static char *TFlagNames[32]={ "OUTTRACE", "OUTDDRAWTRACE", "OUTWINMESSAGES", "OUTCURSORTRACE", "OUTSEPARATED", "**", "ASSERTDIALOG", "OUTIMPORTTABLE", "OUTDEBUG", "OUTREGISTRY", "TRACEHOOKS", "OUTD3DTRACE", "OUTDXWINTRACE", "ADDTIMESTAMP", "OUTDEBUGSTRING", "ERASELOGFILE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; char *GetDxWndPath() { static BOOL DoOnce = TRUE; static char sFolderPath[MAX_PATH]; if(DoOnce){ DWORD dwAttrib; dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes("dxwnd.dll"); //if (dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // MessageBox(0, "DXWND: ERROR can't locate itself", "ERROR", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // exit(0); //} GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle("dxwnd"), sFolderPath, MAX_PATH); sFolderPath[strlen(sFolderPath)-strlen("dxwnd.dll")] = 0; // terminate the string just before "dxwnd.dll" DoOnce = FALSE; } return sFolderPath; } static void OutTraceHeader(FILE *fp) { SYSTEMTIME Time; char Version[20+1]; int i; DWORD dword; GetLocalTime(&Time); GetDllVersion(Version); fprintf(fp, "*** DxWnd %s log BEGIN: %02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d ***\n", Version, Time.wDay, Time.wMonth, Time.wYear, Time.wHour, Time.wMinute, Time.wSecond); fprintf(fp, "*** Flags= "); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags1; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", FlagNames[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags2; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag2Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags3; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag3Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags4; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag4Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags5; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag5Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags6; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag6Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags7; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag7Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwFlags8; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", Flag8Names[i]); for(i=0, dword=dxw.dwTFlags; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) fprintf(fp, "%s ", TFlagNames[i]); fprintf(fp, "***\n"); } #define DXWMAXLOGSIZE 4096 void OutTrace(const char *format, ...) { va_list al; static char path[MAX_PATH]; static FILE *fp=NULL; // GHO: thread safe??? char sBuf[DXWMAXLOGSIZE+1]; DWORD tFlags; static GetTickCount_Type pGetTick; // check global log flag if(!(dxw.dwTFlags & (OUTTRACE|OUTDEBUGSTRING))) return; tFlags = dxw.dwTFlags; dxw.dwTFlags = 0x0; // to avoid possible log recursion while loading C runtime libraries!!! WaitForSingleObject(hTraceMutex, INFINITE); if (fp == NULL){ char *OpenMode = (tFlags & ERASELOGFILE) ? "w+" : "a+"; pGetTick = GetTickCount; // save function pointer GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, path); if(tFlags & OUTSEPARATED){ char *p = path + strlen(path); strcat(path, "\\dxwnd.log"); if(fp = fopen(path, "r")){ fclose(fp); for (int i=1; ; i++){ sprintf(p, "\\dxwnd(%d).log", i); if(fp = fopen(path, "r")) fclose(fp); else break; } } } else { strcat(path, "\\dxwnd.log"); } fp = fopen(path, OpenMode); if (fp==NULL){ // in case of error (e.g. current dir on unwritable CD unit)... strcpy(path, GetDxWndPath()); strcat(path, "\\dxwnd.log"); fp = fopen(path, OpenMode); } if (fp==NULL) return; // last chance: do not log... else OutTraceHeader(fp); } va_start(al, format); //vfprintf(fp, format, al); vsprintf_s(sBuf, DXWMAXLOGSIZE, format, al); sBuf[DXWMAXLOGSIZE]=0; // just in case of log truncation va_end(al); if(tFlags & OUTTRACE) { if(tFlags & ADDTIMESTAMP) { DWORD tCount = (*pGetTick)(); if (tFlags & ADDRELATIVETIME){ static DWORD tLastCount = 0; DWORD tNow; tNow = tCount; tCount = tLastCount ? (tCount - tLastCount) : 0; tLastCount = tNow; } fprintf(fp, "%08.8d: ", tCount); } fputs(sBuf, fp); fflush(fp); } if(tFlags & OUTDEBUGSTRING) OutputDebugString(sBuf); ReleaseMutex(hTraceMutex); dxw.dwTFlags = tFlags; // restore settings } // from MSDN: // GetVersionEx may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, use the Version Helper functions // // With the release of Windows 8.1, the behavior of the GetVersionEx API has changed in the value it will return for the // operating system version. The value returned by the GetVersionEx function now depends on how the application is manifested. // // Applications not manifested for Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 will return the Windows 8 OS version value (6.2). // Once an application is manifested for a given operating system version, GetVersionEx will always return the version // that the application is manifested for in future releases. // To manifest your applications for Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, refer to Targeting your application for Windows. static BOOL CheckCompatibilityFlags() { typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetFileVersionInfoSizeA_Type)(LPCSTR, LPDWORD); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetFileVersionInfoA_Type)(LPCSTR, DWORD, DWORD, LPVOID); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *VerQueryValueA_Type)(LPCVOID, LPCSTR, LPVOID, PUINT); VerQueryValueA_Type pVerQueryValueA; GetFileVersionInfoA_Type pGetFileVersionInfoA; GetFileVersionInfoSizeA_Type pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA; HMODULE VersionLib; DWORD dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion; DWORD dwHandle = 0; int size; UINT len = 0; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* vsfi = NULL; OSVERSIONINFO vi; if(!(VersionLib=LoadLibrary("Version.dll"))) return FALSE; pGetFileVersionInfoA=(GetFileVersionInfoA_Type)GetProcAddress(VersionLib, "GetFileVersionInfoA"); if(!pGetFileVersionInfoA) return FALSE; pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA=(GetFileVersionInfoSizeA_Type)GetProcAddress(VersionLib, "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA"); if(!pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA) return FALSE; pVerQueryValueA=(VerQueryValueA_Type)GetProcAddress(VersionLib, "VerQueryValueA"); if(!pVerQueryValueA) return FALSE; size = (*pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA)("kernel32.dll", &dwHandle); BYTE* VersionInfo = new BYTE[size]; (*pGetFileVersionInfoA)("kernel32.dll", dwHandle, size, VersionInfo); (*pVerQueryValueA)(VersionInfo, "\\", (void**)&vsfi, &len); dwMajorVersion=HIWORD(vsfi->dwProductVersionMS); dwMinorVersion=LOWORD(vsfi->dwProductVersionMS); delete[] VersionInfo; vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize=sizeof(vi); GetVersionExA(&vi); if((vi.dwMajorVersion!=dwMajorVersion) || (vi.dwMinorVersion!=dwMinorVersion)) { ShowHint(HINT_FAKEOS); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void OutTraceHex(BYTE *bBuf, int iLen) { for(int i=0; ie_lfanew); if(!pnth) { OutTraceH("HookDlls: ERROR no pnth at %d\n", __LINE__); return; } rva = pnth->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress; if(!rva) { OutTraceH("HookDlls: ERROR no rva at %d\n", __LINE__); return; } for(pidesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)(base + rva); pidesc->FirstThunk; pidesc++){ HMODULE DllBase; int idx; extern HMODULE SysLibs[]; impmodule = (PSTR)(base + pidesc->Name); // skip dxwnd and system dll if(!lstrcmpi(impmodule, "DxWnd")) continue; idx=dxw.GetDLLIndex(impmodule); if(!lstrcmpi(impmodule,dxw.CustomOpenGLLib))idx=SYSLIBIDX_OPENGL; if(idx != -1) { DllBase=GetModuleHandle(impmodule); SysLibs[idx]=DllBase; OutTraceH("HookDlls: system module %s at %x\n", impmodule, DllBase); continue; } OutTraceH("HookDlls: ENTRY timestamp=%x module=%s forwarderchain=%x\n", pidesc->TimeDateStamp, impmodule, pidesc->ForwarderChain); if(pidesc->OriginalFirstThunk) { ptname = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)(base + (DWORD)pidesc->OriginalFirstThunk); } else{ ptname = 0; OutTraceH("HookDlls: no PE OFTs - stripped module=%s\n", impmodule); } DllBase=GetModuleHandle(impmodule); if(DllBase) HookModule(DllBase, 0); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { OutTraceDW("HookDlls: EXCEPTION\n"); } return; } // Note: when pidesc->OriginalFirstThunk is NULL, the pidesc->FirstThunk points to an array of // RVA for imported function names in the PE file, but when the loader loads the program these // values gets replaced by the function addresses. The only way to retrieve the function names // after that event is to point to the dll name and get the list of the followin strings sequentially // taking in account that the function names have variable length and are aligned to a DWORD // boundary, so that a practical way to retrieve the next name is this piece of code: // for(; *fname; fname++); for(; !*fname; fname++); void DumpImportTable(HMODULE module) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pnth; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pidesc; DWORD base, rva; PSTR impmodule; PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA ptaddr; PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA ptname; PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME piname; base=(DWORD)module; OutTrace("DumpImportTable: base=%x\n", base); __try{ pnth = PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS(PBYTE(base) + PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(base)->e_lfanew); if(!pnth) { OutTrace("DumpImportTable: ERROR no pnth at %d\n", __LINE__); return; } rva = pnth->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress; if(!rva) { OutTrace("DumpImportTable: ERROR no rva at %d\n", __LINE__); return; } pidesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)(base + rva); while(pidesc->FirstThunk){ char *fname; impmodule = (PSTR)(base + pidesc->Name); OutTrace("DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=%x module=%s forwarderchain=%x\n", pidesc->TimeDateStamp, impmodule, pidesc->ForwarderChain); if(pidesc->OriginalFirstThunk) { ptname = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)(base + (DWORD)pidesc->OriginalFirstThunk); } else{ ptname = 0; fname = impmodule; for(; *fname; fname++); for(; !*fname; fname++); OutTrace("DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=%s\n", impmodule); } ptaddr = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)(base + (DWORD)pidesc->FirstThunk); while(ptaddr->u1.Function){ OutTrace("addr=%x", ptaddr->u1.Function); ptaddr ++; if(ptname){ if(!IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(ptname->u1.Ordinal)){ piname = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME)(base + (DWORD)ptname->u1.AddressOfData); OutTrace(" hint=%x name=%s", piname->Hint, piname->Name); ptname ++; } } else { OutTrace(" name=%s", fname); for(; *fname; fname++); for(; !*fname; fname++); } OutTrace("\n"); } OutTrace("*** EOT ***\n", ptaddr->u1.Function); pidesc ++; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { OutTraceDW("DumpImportTable: EXCEPTION\n"); } return; } // CheckImportTable: a good enough criteria to detect obfuscated executables is to count the entries in the most common // and somehow mandatory system dlls such as kernel32.dll, user32.dll and gdi32.dll // the routine counsts the kernel32.dll overall entries (they could be split in different sections!) and if lesser than 3 // a warning message is shown. void CheckImportTable(HMODULE module) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pnth; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pidesc; DWORD base, rva; PSTR impmodule; PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA ptaddr; int Kernel32Count = 0; base=(DWORD)module; __try{ pnth = PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS(PBYTE(base) + PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(base)->e_lfanew); if(!pnth) { return; } rva = pnth->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress; if(!rva) { return; } pidesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)(base + rva); while(pidesc->FirstThunk){ impmodule = (PSTR)(base + pidesc->Name); if(!_stricmp (impmodule, "kernel32.dll")){ ptaddr = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)(base + (DWORD)pidesc->FirstThunk); while(ptaddr->u1.Function){ ptaddr ++; Kernel32Count++; } } // warning: do not confuse "dplayerx.dll" (SafeDisk) with "dplayx.dll" (DirectPlay)! if(!_stricmp (impmodule, "dplayerx.dll")) ShowHint(HINT_SAFEDISC); if(!_stricmp (impmodule, "cms_95.dll")) ShowHint(HINT_SECUROM); if(!_stricmp (impmodule, "cms_NT.dll")) ShowHint(HINT_SECUROM); if(!_stricmp (impmodule, "cms16.dll")) ShowHint(HINT_SECUROM); pidesc ++; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { OutTraceDW("CheckImportTable: EXCEPTION\n"); } OutTraceDW("CheckImportTable: found %d entries for kernel32.dll\n", Kernel32Count); if(Kernel32Count <= 3) ShowHint(HINT_OBFUSCATED); return; } void SetHook(void *target, void *hookproc, void **hookedproc, char *hookname) { void *tmp; char msg[201]; DWORD dwTmp, oldprot; OutTraceH("SetHook: DEBUG target=%x, proc=%x name=%s\n", target, hookproc, hookname); // keep track of hooked call range to avoid re-hooking of hooked addresses !!! dwTmp = *(DWORD *)target; if(dwTmp == (DWORD)hookproc) { OutTraceH("target already hooked\n"); return; // already hooked } if(*(DWORD *)hookedproc == (DWORD)hookproc) { OutTraceH("hook already hooked\n"); return; // already hooked } if(dwTmp == 0){ sprintf(msg,"SetHook ERROR: NULL target for %s\n", hookname); OutTraceDW(msg); if (IsAssertEnabled) MessageBox(0, msg, "SetHook", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; // error condition } if(!VirtualProtect(target, 4, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldprot)) { sprintf(msg,"SetHook ERROR: target=%x err=%d\n", target, GetLastError()); OutTraceDW(msg); if (IsAssertEnabled) MessageBox(0, msg, "SetHook", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; // error condition } *(DWORD *)target = (DWORD)hookproc; if(!VirtualProtect(target, 4, oldprot, &oldprot)){ OutTrace("SetHook: VirtualProtect ERROR target=%x, err=%x\n", target, GetLastError()); return; // error condition } if(!FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), target, 4)){ OutTrace("SetHook: FlushInstructionCache ERROR target=%x, err=%x\n", target, GetLastError()); return; // error condition } tmp=(void *)dwTmp; __try { if (*hookedproc && (*hookedproc)!=tmp) { sprintf(msg,"SetHook: proc=%s oldhook=%x->%x newhook=%x\n", hookname, hookedproc, *(DWORD *)hookedproc, tmp); OutTraceDW(msg); if (IsAssertEnabled) MessageBox(0, msg, "SetHook", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); if (dxw.bHintActive) ShowHint(HINT_HOOKUPDATE); // v2.03.83: updating the pointer sometimes is good, sometimes is bad! if(!(dxw.dwFlags7 & HOOKNOUPDATE)) tmp = *hookedproc; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER){ OutTrace("SetHook: %s exception\n", hookname); }; *hookedproc = tmp; OutTraceH("SetHook: *hookedproc=%x, name=%s\n", tmp, hookname); } // v2.02.53: thorough scan - the IAT is scanned considering the possibility to have each dll module // replicated also many times. It may depend upon the compiling environment? // So far, it makes the difference for Dungeon Odissey void *HookAPI(HMODULE module, char *dll, void *apiproc, const char *apiname, void *hookproc) { if(dxw.dwTFlags & OUTIMPORTTABLE) OutTrace("HookAPI: module=%x dll=%s apiproc=%x apiname=%s hookproc=%x\n", module, dll, apiproc, apiname, hookproc); if(!*apiname) { // check char *sMsg="HookAPI: NULL api name\n"; OutTraceE(sMsg); if (IsAssertEnabled) MessageBox(0, sMsg, "HookAPI", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 0; } if(dxw.dwFlags4 & HOTPATCHALWAYS) { void *orig; orig=HotPatch(apiproc, apiname, hookproc); if(orig) return orig; } return IATPatch(module, 0, dll, apiproc, apiname, hookproc); } void AdjustWindowPos(HWND hwnd, DWORD width, DWORD height) { WINDOWPOS wp; OutTraceDW("AdjustWindowPos: hwnd=%x, size=(%d,%d)\n", hwnd, width, height); dxw.CalculateWindowPos(hwnd, width, height, &wp); OutTraceDW("AdjustWindowPos: fixed pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", wp.x, wp.y, wp.cx, wp.cy); //if(!pSetWindowPos) pSetWindowPos=SetWindowPos; //OutTraceDW("pSetWindowPos=%x\n", pSetWindowPos); OutTraceDW("hwnd=%x pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", pSetWindowPos, wp.x, wp.y, wp.cx, wp.cy); if(!(*pSetWindowPos)(hwnd, 0, wp.x, wp.y, wp.cx, wp.cy, 0)){ OutTraceE("AdjustWindowPos: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); } dxw.UpdateDesktopCoordinates(); if(dxw.dwFlags2 & SUPPRESSIME) SuppressIMEWindow(); if(dxw.dwFlags4 & HIDEDESKTOP) dxw.HideDesktop(hwnd); dxw.ShowBanner(hwnd); return; } void HookWindowProc(HWND hwnd) { WNDPROC pWindowProc; if(dxw.dwFlags6 & NOWINDOWHOOKS) return; pWindowProc = (WNDPROC)(*pGetWindowLong)(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC); // don't hook twice .... if ((pWindowProc == extWindowProc) || (pWindowProc == extChildWindowProc) || (pWindowProc == extDialogWindowProc) || (pWindowProc == dw_Hider_Message_Handler)){ // hooked already !!! OutTraceDW("GetWindowLong: hwnd=%x WindowProc HOOK already in place\n", hwnd); return; } // v2.03.22: don't remap WindowProc in case of special address 0xFFFFnnnn. // This makes "The Hulk demo" work avoiding WindowProc recursion and stack overflow // v2.03.99.rc1: commented out, issue fixed by addition below! //if (((DWORD)pWindowProc & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xFFFF0000){ // OutTraceDW("GetWindowLong: hwnd=%x WindowProc HOOK %x not updated\n", hwnd, pWindowProc); // return; //} // v2.03.99.rc1: always remap WindowProc, but push to call stack the previous value // depending on whether the window was hooked already or not! long lres; if(lres=(long)dxwws.GetProc(hwnd)) dxwws.PutProc(hwnd, (WNDPROC)lres); else dxwws.PutProc(hwnd, pWindowProc); lres=(*pSetWindowLongA)(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)extWindowProc); OutTraceDW("SetWindowLong: HOOK hwnd=%x WindowProc=%x->%x\n", hwnd, lres, (LONG)extWindowProc); } void AdjustWindowFrame(HWND hwnd, DWORD width, DWORD height) { HRESULT res=0; LONG style, exstyle; OutTraceDW("AdjustWindowFrame hwnd=%x, size=(%d,%d) coord=%d\n", hwnd, width, height, dxw.Coordinates); dxw.SetScreenSize(width, height); if (hwnd==NULL) return; style = dxw.FixWinStyle(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); exstyle = dxw.FixWinExStyle(0); (*pSetWindowLongA)(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, style); (*pSetWindowLongA)(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle); (*pShowWindow)(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); OutTraceDW("AdjustWindowFrame hwnd=%x, set style=%s extstyle=0\n", hwnd, (style == 0) ? "0" : "WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW"); if (dxw.Windowize) AdjustWindowPos(hwnd, width, height); // fixing windows message handling procedure HookWindowProc(hwnd); // fixing cursor view and clipping region if ((dxw.dwFlags1 & HIDEHWCURSOR) && dxw.IsFullScreen()) while ((*pShowCursor)(0) >= 0); if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SHOWHWCURSOR) while((*pShowCursor)(1) < 0); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & CLIPCURSOR) { OutTraceDW("AdjustWindowFrame: setting clip region\n"); dxw.SetClipCursor(); } (*pInvalidateRect)(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } void HookSysLibsInit() { static BOOL DoOnce = FALSE; if(DoOnce) return; DoOnce=TRUE; HookKernel32Init(); HookUser32Init(); HookGDI32Init(); HookImagehlpInit(); } DEVMODE InitDevMode; static void SaveScreenMode() { static BOOL DoOnce=FALSE; if(DoOnce) return; DoOnce=TRUE; (*pEnumDisplaySettings)(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &InitDevMode); OutTraceDW("DXWND: Initial display mode WxH=(%dx%d) BitsPerPel=%d\n", InitDevMode.dmPelsWidth, InitDevMode.dmPelsHeight, InitDevMode.dmBitsPerPel); } void RecoverScreenMode() { DEVMODE CurrentDevMode; BOOL res; (*pEnumDisplaySettings)(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &CurrentDevMode); OutTraceDW("ChangeDisplaySettings: recover CURRENT WxH=(%dx%d) BitsPerPel=%d TARGET WxH=(%dx%d) BitsPerPel=%d\n", CurrentDevMode.dmPelsWidth, CurrentDevMode.dmPelsHeight, CurrentDevMode.dmBitsPerPel, InitDevMode.dmPelsWidth, InitDevMode.dmPelsHeight, InitDevMode.dmBitsPerPel); InitDevMode.dmFields = (DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT); res=(*pChangeDisplaySettingsExA)(NULL, &InitDevMode, NULL, 0, NULL); if(res) OutTraceE("ChangeDisplaySettings: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); } void SwitchTo16BPP() { DEVMODE CurrentDevMode; BOOL res; (*pEnumDisplaySettings)(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &CurrentDevMode); OutTraceDW("ChangeDisplaySettings: CURRENT wxh=(%dx%d) BitsPerPel=%d -> 16\n", CurrentDevMode.dmPelsWidth, CurrentDevMode.dmPelsHeight, CurrentDevMode.dmBitsPerPel); CurrentDevMode.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; CurrentDevMode.dmBitsPerPel = 16; res=(*pChangeDisplaySettingsExA)(NULL, &CurrentDevMode, NULL, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY, NULL); if(res) OutTraceE("ChangeDisplaySettings: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); } static void LockScreenMode(DWORD dmPelsWidth, DWORD dmPelsHeight, DWORD dmBitsPerPel) { DEVMODE InitDevMode; BOOL res; OutTraceDW("ChangeDisplaySettings: LOCK wxh=(%dx%d) BitsPerPel=%d -> wxh=(%dx%d) BitsPerPel=%d\n", InitDevMode.dmPelsWidth, InitDevMode.dmPelsHeight, InitDevMode.dmBitsPerPel, dmPelsWidth, dmPelsHeight, dmBitsPerPel); if( (dmPelsWidth != InitDevMode.dmPelsWidth) || (dmPelsHeight !=InitDevMode.dmPelsHeight) || (dmBitsPerPel != InitDevMode.dmBitsPerPel)){ res=(*pChangeDisplaySettingsExA)(NULL, &InitDevMode, NULL, 0, NULL); if(res) OutTraceE("ChangeDisplaySettings: ERROR err=%d at %d\n", GetLastError(), __LINE__); } } static HMODULE LoadDisasm() { HMODULE disasmlib; disasmlib=(*pLoadLibraryA)("disasm.dll"); if(!disasmlib) { OutTraceDW("DXWND: Load lib=\"%s\" failed err=%d\n", "disasm.dll", GetLastError()); return NULL; } pGeterrwarnmessage=(Geterrwarnmessage_Type)(*pGetProcAddress)(disasmlib, "Geterrwarnmessage"); pPreparedisasm=(Preparedisasm_Type)(*pGetProcAddress)(disasmlib, "Preparedisasm"); pFinishdisasm=(Finishdisasm_Type)(*pGetProcAddress)(disasmlib, "Finishdisasm"); pDisasm=(Disasm_Type)(*pGetProcAddress)(disasmlib, "Disasm"); //OutTraceDW("DXWND: Load disasm.dll ptrs=%x,%x,%x,%x\n", pGeterrwarnmessage, pPreparedisasm, pFinishdisasm, pDisasm); return disasmlib; } LONG WINAPI myUnhandledExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo) { OutTrace("UnhandledExceptionFilter: exception code=%x flags=%x addr=%x\n", ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags, ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress); DWORD oldprot; static HMODULE disasmlib = NULL; PVOID target = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress; switch(ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode){ case 0xc0000094: // IDIV reg (Ultim@te Race Pro) case 0xc0000095: // DIV by 0 (divide overflow) exception (SonicR) case 0xc0000096: // CLI Priviliged instruction exception (Resident Evil), FB (Asterix & Obelix) case 0xc000001d: // FEMMS (eXpendable) case 0xc0000005: // Memory exception (Tie Fighter) int cmdlen; t_disasm da; if(!disasmlib){ if (!(disasmlib=LoadDisasm())) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; (*pPreparedisasm)(); } if(!VirtualProtect(target, 10, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldprot)) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; // error condition cmdlen=(*pDisasm)((BYTE *)target, 10, 0, &da, 0, NULL, NULL); OutTrace("UnhandledExceptionFilter: NOP opcode=%x len=%d\n", *(BYTE *)target, cmdlen); memset((BYTE *)target, 0x90, cmdlen); VirtualProtect(target, 10, oldprot, &oldprot); if(!FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), target, cmdlen)) OutTrace("UnhandledExceptionFilter: FlushInstructionCache ERROR target=%x, err=%x\n", target, GetLastError()); // v2.03.10 skip replaced opcode ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Eip += cmdlen; // skip ahead op-code length return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; break; default: return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } } LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER WINAPI extSetUnhandledExceptionFilter(LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER lpTopLevelExceptionFilter) { OutTraceDW("SetUnhandledExceptionFilter: lpExceptionFilter=%x\n", lpTopLevelExceptionFilter); extern LONG WINAPI myUnhandledExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS); return (*pSetUnhandledExceptionFilter)(myUnhandledExceptionFilter); } //#define USEPERFCOUNTERS unsigned __int64 inline GetRDTSC() { __asm { ; Flush the pipeline XOR eax, eax CPUID ; Get RDTSC counter in edx:eax RDTSC } } LONG CALLBACK Int3Handler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo) { // Vectored Handler routine to intercept INT3 opcodes replacing RDTSC if (ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == 0x80000003){ LARGE_INTEGER myPerfCount; #ifdef USEPERFCOUNTERS if(!pQueryPerformanceCounter) pQueryPerformanceCounter=QueryPerformanceCounter; (*pQueryPerformanceCounter)(&myPerfCount); #else __asm { ; Flush the pipeline XOR eax, eax CPUID ; Get RDTSC counter in edx:eax RDTSC mov myPerfCount.LowPart, eax mov myPerfCount.HighPart, edx } #endif //myPerfCount = dxw.StretchCounter(myPerfCount); myPerfCount = dxw.StretchLargeCounter(myPerfCount); OutTraceDW("Int3Handler: INT3 at=%x tick=%x RDTSC=%x:%x\n", ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, (*pGetTickCount)(), myPerfCount.HighPart, myPerfCount.LowPart); ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Edx = myPerfCount.HighPart; ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Eax = myPerfCount.LowPart; ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Eip++; // skip ahead one-byte ( jump over 0xCC op-code ) ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Eip++; // skip ahead one-byte ( jump over 0x90 op-code ) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } void HookExceptionHandler(void) { void *tmp; HMODULE base; OutTraceDW("Set exception handlers\n"); base=GetModuleHandle(NULL); pSetUnhandledExceptionFilter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter; //v2.1.75 override default exception handler, if any.... LONG WINAPI myUnhandledExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS); tmp = HookAPI(base, "KERNEL32.dll", UnhandledExceptionFilter, "UnhandledExceptionFilter", myUnhandledExceptionFilter); // so far, no need to save the previous handler, but anyway... tmp = HookAPI(base, "KERNEL32.dll", SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter", extSetUnhandledExceptionFilter); if(tmp) pSetUnhandledExceptionFilter = (SetUnhandledExceptionFilter_Type)tmp; SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX|SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX|SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); (*pSetUnhandledExceptionFilter)((LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER)myUnhandledExceptionFilter); } static void InitModuleHooks() { for (int i=0; ifnc=IME_SETLEVEL; imes->fnc=7; imes->wParam=1; SetLastError(0); res=(*pSendIMEMessage)(dxw.GethWnd(), (LPARAM)imeh); OutTrace("res=%x error=%d\n", res, GetLastError()); #endif } void SetSingleProcessAffinity(BOOL first) { int i; DWORD ProcessAffinityMask, SystemAffinityMask; if(!GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &ProcessAffinityMask, &SystemAffinityMask)) OutTraceE("GetProcessAffinityMask: ERROR err=%d\n", GetLastError()); OutTraceDW("Process affinity=%x\n", ProcessAffinityMask); if(first){ for (i=0; i<(8 * sizeof(DWORD)); i++){ if (ProcessAffinityMask & 0x1) break; ProcessAffinityMask >>= 1; } OutTraceDW("First process affinity bit=%d\n", i); ProcessAffinityMask = 0x1; for (; i; i--) ProcessAffinityMask <<= 1; OutTraceDW("Process affinity=%x\n", ProcessAffinityMask); } else { for (i=0; i<(8 * sizeof(DWORD)); i++){ if (ProcessAffinityMask & 0x80000000) break; ProcessAffinityMask <<= 1; } i = 31 - i; OutTraceDW("Last process affinity bit=%d\n", i); ProcessAffinityMask = 0x1; for (; i; i--) ProcessAffinityMask <<= 1; OutTraceDW("Process affinity=%x\n", ProcessAffinityMask); } if (!SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), ProcessAffinityMask)) OutTraceE("SetProcessAffinityMask: ERROR err=%d\n", GetLastError()); } static BOOL GetTextSegment(char *module, unsigned char **start, DWORD *len) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetModuleInformation_Type)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD); MODULEINFO mi; HMODULE psapilib; GetModuleInformation_Type pGetModuleInformation; // getting segment size psapilib=(*pLoadLibraryA)("psapi.dll"); if(!psapilib) { OutTraceDW("DXWND: Load lib=\"%s\" failed err=%d\n", "psapi.dll", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } pGetModuleInformation=(GetModuleInformation_Type)(*pGetProcAddress)(psapilib, "GetModuleInformation"); (*pGetModuleInformation)(GetCurrentProcess(), GetModuleHandle(NULL), &mi, sizeof(mi)); FreeLibrary(psapilib); typedef IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *(WINAPI *ImageNtHeader_Type)(PVOID); ImageNtHeader_Type pImageNtHeader = NULL; HMODULE hDbgLib = LoadLibrary("dbghelp.dll"); if(!hDbgLib) { OutTraceDW("DXWND: Load lib=\"%s\" failed err=%d\n", "dbghelp.dll", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } pImageNtHeader = (ImageNtHeader_Type)GetProcAddress(hDbgLib, "ImageNtHeader"); if (!pImageNtHeader) return FALSE; *start = NULL; *len = 0; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pNtHdr = (*pImageNtHeader)(GetModuleHandle(module)); IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *pSectionHdr = (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)(pNtHdr+1); OutTrace("sections=%d\n", pNtHdr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections); for(int i=0; iFileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++){ char *name = (char *)pSectionHdr->Name; if ((memcmp(name, ".text", 5) == 0) || (memcmp(name, "CODE", 4) == 0)){ *start = (unsigned char *)mi.lpBaseOfDll + pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress; *len = pSectionHdr->SizeOfRawData; break; } } FreeLibrary(hDbgLib); return (*start != NULL); } static void ReplaceRDTSC() { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetModuleInformation_Type)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPMODULEINFO, DWORD); HMODULE disasmlib; unsigned char *opcodes; t_disasm da; DWORD dwSegSize; DWORD oldprot; if (!(disasmlib=LoadDisasm())) return; (*pPreparedisasm)(); if(!GetTextSegment(NULL, &opcodes, &dwSegSize)) return; unsigned int offset = 0; BOOL cont = TRUE; OutTraceDW("DXWND: ReplaceRDTSC starting at addr=%x size=%x\n", opcodes, dwSegSize); while (cont) { int cmdlen = 0; __try{ cmdlen=(*pDisasm)(opcodes+offset,20,offset,&da,0,NULL,NULL); //OutTrace("offset=%x opcode=%x\n", offset, *(opcodes+offset)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER){ OutTrace("exception at offset=%x\n", offset); cont=FALSE; } if (cmdlen==0) break; // search for RDTSC opcode 0x0F31 if((*(opcodes+offset) == 0x0F) && (*(opcodes+offset+1) == 0x31)){ OutTraceDW("DXWND: RDTSC opcode found at addr=%x\n", (opcodes+offset)); if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(opcodes+offset), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldprot)) { OutTrace("VirtualProtect ERROR: target=%x err=%d at %d\n", opcodes+offset, GetLastError(), __LINE__); return; // error condition } *(opcodes+offset) = 0xCC; // __asm INT3 *(opcodes+offset+1) = 0x90; // __asm NOP if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(opcodes+offset), 4, oldprot, &oldprot)){ OutTrace("VirtualProtect ERROR; target=%x, err=%d at %d\n", opcodes+offset, GetLastError(), __LINE__); return; // error condition } } // search for RDTSCP opcode 0x0F01F9 if((*(opcodes+offset) == 0x0F) && (*(opcodes+offset+1) == 0x01) && (*(opcodes+offset+2) == 0xF9)){ OutTraceDW("DXWND: RDTSC opcode found at addr=%x\n", (opcodes+offset)); if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(opcodes+offset), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldprot)) { OutTrace("VirtualProtect ERROR: target=%x err=%d at %d\n", opcodes+offset, GetLastError(), __LINE__); return; // error condition } *(opcodes+offset) = 0xCC; // __asm INT3 *(opcodes+offset+1) = 0x90; // __asm NOP *(opcodes+offset+2) = 0x90; // __asm NOP if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(opcodes+offset), 4, oldprot, &oldprot)){ OutTrace("VirtualProtect ERROR; target=%x, err=%d at %d\n", opcodes+offset, GetLastError(), __LINE__); return; // error condition } } offset+=cmdlen; if((offset+0x10) > dwSegSize) break; // skip last 16 bytes, just in case.... } return; (*pFinishdisasm)(); FreeLibrary(disasmlib); } static void ReplacePrivilegedOps() { HMODULE disasmlib; unsigned char *opcodes; t_disasm da; DWORD dwSegSize; DWORD oldprot; static BOOL bDoOnce=FALSE; if(bDoOnce) return; bDoOnce = TRUE; if (!(disasmlib=LoadDisasm())) return; (*pPreparedisasm)(); if(!GetTextSegment(NULL, &opcodes, &dwSegSize)) return; unsigned int offset = 0; BOOL cont = TRUE; OutTraceDW("DXWND: ReplacePrivilegedOps starting at addr=%x size=%x\n", opcodes, dwSegSize); while (cont) { int cmdlen = 0; char *sOpcode; BOOL bPriv; __try{ cmdlen=(*pDisasm)(opcodes+offset,20,offset,&da,0,NULL,NULL); //OutTrace("offset=%x opcode=%x\n", offset, *(opcodes+offset)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER){ OutTrace("exception at offset=%x\n", offset); cont=FALSE; } if (cmdlen==0) break; // search for following opcodes: // 0xEC (IN AL, DX) // 0x6D (INS DWORD PTR ES:[EDI],DX) // 0x6E (OUTS DX,BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]) bPriv = FALSE; switch(*(opcodes+offset)){ case 0x6D: sOpcode = "INS"; bPriv=TRUE; break; case 0x6E: sOpcode = "OUTS"; bPriv=TRUE; break; case 0xEC: sOpcode = "IN"; bPriv=TRUE; break; } if(bPriv){ OutTraceDW("DXWND: %s opcode found at addr=%x\n", sOpcode, (opcodes+offset)); if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(opcodes+offset), 8, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldprot)) { OutTrace("VirtualProtect ERROR: target=%x err=%d at %d\n", opcodes+offset, GetLastError(), __LINE__); return; // error condition } *(opcodes+offset) = 0x90; // __asm NOP if((*(opcodes+offset+1) == 0xA8) && ((*(opcodes+offset+3) == 0x75) || (*(opcodes+offset+3) == 0x74))) { // both JNZ and JZ OutTraceDW("DXWND: IN loop found at addr=%x\n", (opcodes+offset)); memset((opcodes+offset+1), 0x90, 4); // Ubik I/O loop offset+=4; } if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(opcodes+offset), 8, oldprot, &oldprot)){ OutTrace("VirtualProtect ERROR; target=%x, err=%d at %d\n", opcodes+offset, GetLastError(), __LINE__); return; // error condition } } offset+=cmdlen; if((offset+0x10) > dwSegSize) break; // skip last 16 bytes, just in case.... } return; (*pFinishdisasm)(); FreeLibrary(disasmlib); } #if 0 // from https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-users/2002-April/007910.html // // There is no publicaly available version numbering for SafeDisc. However, it // seems that the version number is stored in the executable as 3 unsigned 32-bit // integers. Using an hexadecimal editor, locate the following byte pattern in // the wrapper (game.exe) // // > 426f475f 202a3930 2e302621 21202059 BoG_ *90.0&!! Y // > 793e0000 y>.. // // There should be 3 unsigned integers right after that, which are respectively // the version, subversion an revision number. // // On some versions of SafeDisc there are 3 null integers following the pattern, // before the version number. You'll then have to look at the 3 unsigned 32-bit // integers right after // // > 426f475f 202a3930 2e302621 21202059 BoG_ *90.0&!! Y // > 793e0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 y>.............. static void CheckSafeDiscVersion() { unsigned char *opcode; DWORD dwSegSize; static BOOL bDoOnce=FALSE; DWORD dwVersion, dwSubversion, dwRevision; if(bDoOnce) return; bDoOnce = TRUE; if(!GetTextSegment(NULL, &opcode, &dwSegSize)) return; unsigned int offset = 0; BOOL cont = TRUE; OutTraceDW("DXWND: CheckSafeDiscVersion starting at addr=%x size=%x\n", opcode, dwSegSize); for(; dwSegSize > 40;) { // fast way to make 20 char comparisons ..... if(*(DWORD *)opcode ==0x5F476F42) if(*(DWORD *)(opcode+4) ==0x30392A20) if(*(DWORD *)(opcode+8) ==0x2126302E) if(*(DWORD *)(opcode+12)==0x59202021) if(*(DWORD *)(opcode+16)==0x00003E79){ dwVersion = *(DWORD *)(opcode+20); dwSubversion = *(DWORD *)(opcode+24); dwRevision = *(DWORD *)(opcode+28); if(dwVersion == 0){ dwVersion = *(DWORD *)(opcode+32); dwSubversion = *(DWORD *)(opcode+36); dwRevision = *(DWORD *)(opcode+40); } OutTrace("Safedisk %d.%d.%d detected\n"); ShowHint(HINT_SAFEDISC); break; } dwSegSize -= 4; opcode += 4; } } #endif HWND hDesktopWindow = NULL; // Message poller: its only purpose is to keep sending messages to the main window // so that the message loop is kept running. It is a trick necessary to play // smack videos with smackw32.dll and AUTOREFRESH mode set DWORD WINAPI MessagePoller(LPVOID lpParameter) { #define DXWREFRESHINTERVAL 20 while(TRUE){ Sleep(DXWREFRESHINTERVAL); if(dxw.dwFlags2 & INDEPENDENTREFRESH) dxw.ScreenRefresh(); else SendMessage(dxw.GethWnd(), WM_NCHITTEST, 0, 0); } return 0; } DWORD WINAPI TimeFreezePoller(LPVOID lpParameter) { #define DXWREFRESHINTERVAL 20 extern UINT VKeyConfig[]; UINT FreezeToggleKey; FreezeToggleKey = VKeyConfig[DXVK_FREEZETIME]; while(TRUE){ Sleep(DXWREFRESHINTERVAL); if(GetAsyncKeyState(FreezeToggleKey) & 0xF000) dxw.ToggleFreezedTime(); } return 0; } static void MemoryReserve() { VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x4000000, 0x04000000, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x5000000, 0x00F00000, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x6000000, 0x00F00000, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x7000000, 0x00F00000, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x8000000, 0x00F00000, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); } extern HHOOK hMouseHook; void HookInit(TARGETMAP *target, HWND hwnd) { static BOOL DoOnce = TRUE; HMODULE base; char *sModule; char sModuleBuf[60+1]; char sSourcePath[MAX_PATH+1]; static char *dxversions[14]={ "Automatic", "DirectX1~6", "", "", "", "", "", "DirectX7", "DirectX8", "DirectX9", "DirectX10", "DirectX11", "None", "" }; static char *Resolutions[]={ "unlimited", "320x200", "400x300", "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768", "1280x960", "1280x1024", "" // terminator }; dxw.InitTarget(target); // reserve legacy memory segments if(dxw.dwFlags6 & LEGACYALLOC) MemoryReserve(); // add the DxWnd install dir to the search path, to make all included dll linkable DWORD dwAttrib; dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes("dxwnd.dll"); //if (dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // MessageBox(0, "DXWND: ERROR can't locate itself", "ERROR", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // exit(0); //} GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle("dxwnd"), sSourcePath, MAX_PATH); sSourcePath[strlen(sSourcePath)-strlen("dxwnd.dll")] = 0; // terminate the string just before "dxwnd.dll" SetDllDirectory(sSourcePath); if(dxw.bHintActive) ShowHint(HINT_HINT); if(dxw.dwFlags5 & HYBRIDMODE) { // special mode settings .... dxw.dwFlags1 |= EMULATESURFACE; dxw.dwFlags2 |= SETCOMPATIBILITY; dxw.dwFlags5 &= ~(BILINEARFILTER | AEROBOOST); } if(dxw.dwFlags5 & GDIMODE) dxw.dwFlags1 |= EMULATESURFACE; if(dxw.dwFlags5 & STRESSRESOURCES) dxw.dwFlags5 |= LIMITRESOURCES; if(DoOnce){ DoOnce = FALSE; InitModuleHooks(); dxw.VirtualDesktop.left = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); dxw.VirtualDesktop.top = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); dxw.VirtualDesktop.right = dxw.VirtualDesktop.left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); dxw.VirtualDesktop.bottom = dxw.VirtualDesktop.top + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); OutTraceDW("Virtual Desktop: monitors=%d area=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS), dxw.VirtualDesktop.left, dxw.VirtualDesktop.top, dxw.VirtualDesktop.right, dxw.VirtualDesktop.bottom); if(dxw.bHintActive) { CheckCompatibilityFlags(); // v2.02.83: Check for change of OS release // CheckSafeDiscVersion(); // v2.03.78: Detects SafeDisk references and version - moved to DxWnd.exe } hTrayWnd = FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", NULL); } if(hwnd){ // v2.02.32: skip this when in code injection mode. // v2.1.75: is it correct to set hWnd here? //dxw.SethWnd(hwnd); dxw.hParentWnd=GetParent(hwnd); dxw.hChildWnd=hwnd; // v2.02.31: set main win either this one or the parent! dxw.SethWnd((dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXPARENTWIN) ? GetParent(hwnd) : hwnd); if(dxw.dwFlags4 & ENABLEHOTKEYS) dxw.MapKeysInit(); } if(IsTraceDW){ char sInfo[1024]; OSVERSIONINFO osinfo; strcpy(sInfo, ""); if(hwnd) sprintf(sInfo, " hWnd=%x ParentWnd=%x desktop=%x", hwnd, dxw.hParentWnd, GetDesktopWindow()); OutTrace("HookInit: path=\"%s\" module=\"%s\" dxversion=%s pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d) init-max=(%d,%d) monitor=%d%s\n", target->path, target->module, dxversions[dxw.dwTargetDDVersion], target->posx, target->posy, target->sizx, target->sizy, target->resw, target->resh, target->monitorid, sInfo); osinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if(GetVersionEx(&osinfo)){ OutTrace("OS=(%d.%d) build=%d platform=%d service pack=%s\n", osinfo.dwMajorVersion, osinfo.dwMinorVersion, osinfo.dwPlatformId, osinfo.dwPlatformId, osinfo.szCSDVersion); } if (dxw.dwFlags4 & LIMITSCREENRES) OutTrace("HookInit: max resolution=%s\n", (dxw.MaxScreenRes<6)?Resolutions[dxw.MaxScreenRes]:"unknown"); if (dxw.dwFlags7 & MAXIMUMRES) OutTrace("HookInit: max resolution=(%dx%d)\n", dxw.iMaxW, dxw.iMaxH); if (dxw.dwFlags7 & LIMITDDRAW) OutTrace("HookInit: max supported IDidrectDrawInterface=%d\n", dxw.MaxDdrawInterface); if (dxw.dwFlags7 & CPUSLOWDOWN) OutTrace("HookInit: CPU slowdown ratio 1:%d\n", dxw.SlowRatio); if (dxw.dwFlags7 & CPUMAXUSAGE) OutTrace("HookInit: CPU maxusage ratio 1:%d\n", dxw.SlowRatio); if (dxw.dwFlags8 & VSYNCSCANLINE) OutTrace("HookInit: VSync Scanline=%d\n", dxw.ScanLine); } if (hwnd && IsDebug){ DWORD dwStyle, dwExStyle; char ClassName[81]; char WinText[81]; dwStyle=GetWindowLong(dxw.GethWnd(), GWL_STYLE); dwExStyle=GetWindowLong(dxw.GethWnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE); GetClassName(dxw.GethWnd(), ClassName, sizeof(ClassName)); GetWindowText(dxw.GethWnd(), WinText, sizeof(WinText)); OutTrace("HookInit: dxw.hChildWnd=%x class=\"%s\" text=\"%s\" style=%x(%s) exstyle=%x(%s)\n", dxw.hChildWnd, ClassName, WinText, dwStyle, ExplainStyle(dwStyle), dwExStyle, ExplainExStyle(dwExStyle)); dwStyle=GetWindowLong(dxw.hParentWnd, GWL_STYLE); dwExStyle=GetWindowLong(dxw.hParentWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); GetClassName(dxw.hParentWnd, ClassName, sizeof(ClassName)); GetWindowText(dxw.hParentWnd, WinText, sizeof(WinText)); OutTrace("HookInit: dxw.hParentWnd=%x class=\"%s\" text=\"%s\" style=%x(%s) exstyle=%x(%s)\n", dxw.hParentWnd, ClassName, WinText, dwStyle, ExplainStyle(dwStyle), dwExStyle, ExplainExStyle(dwExStyle)); OutTrace("HookInit: target window pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d)\n", dxw.iPosX, dxw.iPosY, dxw.iSizX, dxw.iSizY); dxw.DumpDesktopStatus(); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *DwmIsCompositionEnabled_Type)(BOOL *); DwmIsCompositionEnabled_Type pDwmIsCompositionEnabled = NULL; HMODULE DwnApiHdl; DwnApiHdl = LoadLibrary("Dwmapi.dll"); if (DwnApiHdl) pDwmIsCompositionEnabled = (DwmIsCompositionEnabled_Type)GetProcAddress(DwnApiHdl, "DwmIsCompositionEnabled"); char *sRes; if(pDwmIsCompositionEnabled){ HRESULT res; BOOL val; res = (*pDwmIsCompositionEnabled)(&val); if(res==S_OK) sRes = val ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED"; else sRes = "ERROR"; } else sRes = "Unknown"; OutTrace("HookInit: DWMComposition %s\n", sRes); } if (hwnd) { char ClassName[8+1]; GetClassName(hwnd, ClassName, sizeof(ClassName)); if(!strcmp(ClassName, "IME")){ dxw.hChildWnd=GetParent(hwnd); dxw.hParentWnd=GetParent(dxw.hChildWnd); if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SUPPRESSIME) DestroyWindow(hwnd); // v2.02.31: set main win either this one or the parent! dxw.SethWnd((dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXPARENTWIN) ? dxw.hParentWnd : dxw.hChildWnd); hwnd = dxw.GethWnd(); if(hwnd) OutTraceDW("HookInit: skipped IME window. current hWnd=%x(hdc=%x) dxw.hParentWnd=%x(hdc=%x)\n", hwnd, GetDC(hwnd), dxw.hParentWnd, GetDC(dxw.hParentWnd)); } } HookSysLibsInit(); // this just once... if(dxw.dwFlags4 & HOOKGLIDE) { dxw.PushDLL("glide", SYSLIBIDX_GLIDE); dxw.PushDLL("glide2x", SYSLIBIDX_GLIDE2); dxw.PushDLL("glide3x", SYSLIBIDX_GLIDE3); } if(dxw.dwFlags7 & HOOKSMACKW32) { dxw.PushDLL("smackw32", SYSLIBIDX_SMACKW32); // SMACKW32.DLL } base=GetModuleHandle(NULL); if (dxw.dwFlags3 & SINGLEPROCAFFINITY) SetSingleProcessAffinity(TRUE); if (dxw.dwFlags5 & USELASTCORE) SetSingleProcessAffinity(FALSE); if (dxw.dwFlags4 & INTERCEPTRDTSC) AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, Int3Handler); // 1 = first call, 0 = call last if (dxw.dwFlags1 & HANDLEEXCEPTIONS) HookExceptionHandler(); if (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTIMPORTTABLE) DumpImportTable(base); if (dxw.dwFlags2 & SUPPRESSIME) DisableIME(); if (dxw.dwFlags4 & INTERCEPTRDTSC) ReplaceRDTSC(); if (dxw.dwFlags5 & REPLACEPRIVOPS) ReplacePrivilegedOps(); if(dxw.bHintActive) CheckImportTable(base); // make InitPosition used for both DInput and DDraw if(dxw.Windowize) dxw.InitWindowPos(target->posx, target->posy, target->sizx, target->sizy); OutTraceB("HookInit: base hmodule=%x\n", base); HookModule(base, dxw.dwTargetDDVersion); if (dxw.dwFlags3 & HOOKDLLS) HookDlls(base); strncpy(sModuleBuf, dxw.gsModules, 60); sModule=strtok(sModuleBuf," ;"); while (sModule) { base=(*pLoadLibraryA)(sModule); if(!base){ OutTraceE("HookInit: LoadLibrary ERROR module=%s err=%d\n", sModule, GetLastError()); } else { OutTraceDW("HookInit: hooking additional module=%s base=%x\n", sModule, base); if (dxw.dwTFlags & OUTIMPORTTABLE) DumpImportTable(base); HookModule(base, dxw.dwTargetDDVersion); } sModule=strtok(NULL," ;"); } SaveScreenMode(); if(dxw.dwFlags2 & RECOVERSCREENMODE) RecoverScreenMode(); if(dxw.dwFlags3 & FORCE16BPP) SwitchTo16BPP(); if (dxw.dwFlags1 & MESSAGEPROC){ extern HINSTANCE hInst; typedef HHOOK (WINAPI *SetWindowsHookEx_Type)(int, HOOKPROC, HINSTANCE, DWORD); extern SetWindowsHookEx_Type pSetWindowsHookExA; hMouseHook =(*pSetWindowsHookExA)(WH_GETMESSAGE, MessageHook, hInst, GetCurrentThreadId()); if(hMouseHook==NULL) OutTraceE("SetWindowsHookEx WH_GETMESSAGE failed: error=%d\n", GetLastError()); } InitScreenParameters(0); // still unknown if(hwnd) HookWindowProc(hwnd); // in fullscreen mode, messages seem to reach and get processed by the parent window if((!dxw.Windowize) && hwnd) HookWindowProc(dxw.hParentWnd); // initialize window: if // 1) not in injection mode (hwnd != 0) and // 2) in Windowed mode and // 3) supposedly in fullscreen mode (dxw.IsFullScreen()) and // 4) configuration ask for a overlapped bordered window (dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME) then // update window styles: just this window or, when FIXPARENTWIN is set, the father one as well. if (hwnd && dxw.Windowize && dxw.IsFullScreen()) { if(dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME) dxw.FixWindowFrame(dxw.hChildWnd); AdjustWindowPos(dxw.hChildWnd, target->sizx, target->sizy); if(dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXPARENTWIN) { if(dxw.dwFlags1 & FIXWINFRAME) dxw.FixWindowFrame(dxw.hParentWnd); AdjustWindowPos(dxw.hParentWnd, target->sizx, target->sizy); } } if (dxw.dwFlags1 & AUTOREFRESH) CreateThread(NULL, 0, MessagePoller, NULL, 0, NULL); if (dxw.dwFlags4 & ENABLETIMEFREEZE) CreateThread(NULL, 0, TimeFreezePoller, NULL, 0, NULL); if(dxw.dwFlags7 & CPUSLOWDOWN) CreateThread(NULL, 0, CpuSlow, NULL, 0, NULL); else if(dxw.dwFlags7 & CPUMAXUSAGE) CreateThread(NULL, 0, CpuLimit, NULL, 0, NULL); } LPCSTR ProcToString(LPCSTR proc) { static char sBuf[24+1]; if(((DWORD)proc & 0xFFFF0000) == 0){ sprintf_s(sBuf, 24, "#0x%x", proc); return sBuf; } else return proc; } FARPROC RemapLibraryEx(LPCSTR proc, HMODULE hModule, HookEntryEx_Type *Hooks) { void *remapped_addr; for(; Hooks->APIName; Hooks++){ if (!strcmp(proc,Hooks->APIName)){ if ((Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_REQUIRED) || ((dxw.dwFlags4 & HOTPATCH) && (Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE)) || // hot patch candidate still to process - or ((dxw.dwFlags4 & HOTPATCHALWAYS) && (Hooks->HookStatus != HOOK_HOT_LINKED))){ // force hot patch and not already hooked if(!Hooks->OriginalAddress) { Hooks->OriginalAddress=(*pGetProcAddress)(hModule, Hooks->APIName); if(!Hooks->OriginalAddress) continue; } remapped_addr = HotPatch(Hooks->OriginalAddress, Hooks->APIName, Hooks->HookerAddress); if(remapped_addr == (void *)1) { // should never go here ... Hooks->HookStatus = HOOK_HOT_LINKED; continue; // already hooked } if(remapped_addr) { Hooks->HookStatus = HOOK_HOT_LINKED; if(Hooks->StoreAddress) *(Hooks->StoreAddress) = (FARPROC)remapped_addr; } } if(Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_LINKED) { OutTraceDW("GetProcAddress: hot patched proc=%s addr=%x\n", ProcToString(proc), Hooks->HookerAddress); return Hooks->HookerAddress; } if (Hooks->StoreAddress) *(Hooks->StoreAddress)=(*pGetProcAddress)(hModule, proc); OutTraceDW("GetProcAddress: hooking proc=%s addr=%x->%x\n", ProcToString(proc), (Hooks->StoreAddress) ? *(Hooks->StoreAddress) : 0, Hooks->HookerAddress); return Hooks->HookerAddress; } } return NULL; } void HookLibraryEx(HMODULE hModule, HookEntryEx_Type *Hooks, char *DLLName) { HMODULE hDLL = NULL; //OutTrace("HookLibrary: hModule=%x dll=%s\n", hModule, DLLName); for(; Hooks->APIName; Hooks++){ void *remapped_addr; if(Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_LINKED) continue; // skip any hot-linked entry if(((Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_REQUIRED) || ((dxw.dwFlags4 & HOTPATCH) && (Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE)) || // hot patch candidate still to process - or ((dxw.dwFlags4 & HOTPATCHALWAYS) && (Hooks->HookStatus != HOOK_HOT_LINKED))) // force hot patch and not already hooked && Hooks->StoreAddress){ // and save ptr available // Hot Patch - beware! This way you're likely to hook unneeded libraries. if(!Hooks->OriginalAddress) { if(!hDLL) { hDLL = (*pLoadLibraryA)(DLLName); if(!hDLL) { OutTrace("HookLibrary: LoadLibrary failed on DLL=%s err=%x\n", DLLName, GetLastError()); continue; } } Hooks->OriginalAddress=(*pGetProcAddress)(hDLL, Hooks->APIName); if(!Hooks->OriginalAddress) { OutTraceB("HookLibrary: GetProcAddress failed on API=%s err=%x\n", Hooks->APIName, GetLastError()); continue; } } remapped_addr = HotPatch(Hooks->OriginalAddress, Hooks->APIName, Hooks->HookerAddress); if(remapped_addr == (void *)1) { // should never go here ... Hooks->HookStatus = HOOK_HOT_LINKED; continue; // already hooked } if(remapped_addr) { Hooks->HookStatus = HOOK_HOT_LINKED; *(Hooks->StoreAddress) = (FARPROC)remapped_addr; continue; } } remapped_addr = IATPatch(hModule, Hooks->ordinal, DLLName, Hooks->OriginalAddress, Hooks->APIName, Hooks->HookerAddress); if(remapped_addr) { Hooks->HookStatus = HOOK_IAT_LINKED; if (Hooks->StoreAddress) *(Hooks->StoreAddress) = (FARPROC)remapped_addr; } } } void PinLibraryEx(HookEntryEx_Type *Hooks, char *DLLName) { HMODULE hModule = NULL; hModule = (*pLoadLibraryA)(DLLName); if(!hModule) { OutTrace("PinLibrary: LoadLibrary failed on DLL=%s err=%x\n", DLLName, GetLastError()); return; } for(; Hooks->APIName; Hooks++){ if (Hooks->StoreAddress) *(Hooks->StoreAddress) = (*pGetProcAddress)(hModule, Hooks->APIName); } } BOOL IsHotPatchedEx(HookEntryEx_Type *Hooks, char *ApiName) { for(; Hooks->APIName; Hooks++){ if(!strcmp(Hooks->APIName, ApiName)) return (Hooks->HookStatus == HOOK_HOT_LINKED); } return FALSE; } void HookLibInitEx(HookEntryEx_Type *Hooks) { for(; Hooks->APIName; Hooks++) if (Hooks->StoreAddress) *(Hooks->StoreAddress) = Hooks->OriginalAddress; }