The following flags have an effect only when the "run in window" option is selected (with the WINDOWIZE flag).
Keep aspect ratio |
When the window is resized, the aspect ratio set by the window initial size is preserved (by default the 4:3 aspect ratio such as 800x600). Selecting a fake fullscreen mode calculates the aspect ratio according to the window's initial aspect ratio. This way, you can have fake fullscreen modes with ratios other than 4:3 - for example, set a width of 16 and a height of 9 to fill a 16:9 widescreen monitor. |
Window initial position & size |
Four values for the initial X, Y coordinates of the upperleft window corner and the window width and height. All values are referred to the window client area rather than the outside border. The values are used depending on the Position selection: for "X, Y" coordinates they are all used, for "Desktop center" DxWnd automatically centers the position and uses only the height and width, and in the remaining fake-fullscreen modes the height and width are used only as a reference for the desired aspect ratio when "Keep aspect ratio" (the KEEPASPECTRATIO flag) is set (if it has not been set, the height and width are ignored). |
Position |
A selection of 4 possible cases:
Note that the first two modes are windowed modes, while the last two modes can be considered fake fullscreen modes. This is because the behavior of the KEEPASPECTRATIO flag changes along with this classification. |