Color management

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Simulate 8BPP desktop


Some games pretends you switch the video mode to 8BPP before you activate them, making it useless the 8BPP emulated mode. This flag just let the program believe that the desktop setting is in 8BPP mode already.

Simulate 16BPP desktop


Same as above, but declaring a 16BPP setting. These two flags should not be set together.

Forces 16BPP desktop


In some cases, the game really needs a 16BPP desktop, but does not contain the code for activate this color depth, and on modern platforms, though supported, it is very difficult (Win7) when not impossible (Win8) to do it manually. This flag switched the desktop to 16BPP before the game would complain.

Simulate BW monitor


Activate a tweak in the palette handling that causes all colors to be replaced with the corresponding grayscale color. It works only on 8BPP palettized games or emulating 16BPP on a 32BPP desktop.

Set 16BPP RGB565 encoding


By default, DxWnd emulates 16BPP color with RGB555 encoding. The option forces RGB565. Thi option, of course, impacts the video only in emulation mode and for 16BPP color depth.

Lock Sys Colors



Disable setting gamma ramp


Disables API trying to alter the default gamma ramp making the screen lighter or darker. Since there API affect the whole screen, this flag is mainly useful to avoid the background desktop to be affected.