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Handles dxwnd.log logs.

Enable Trace


This works as a global flag that enables/disables all subsequent traces. If unchecked, no output is written. If checked, error messages, plus the specific messages related to other flags (see below) are written in the dxwnd.log file in the program's execution directory.

DxWnd hacks


Enables the operation logging of all significant events that DxWnd performs to bring the fullscreen program in windowed mode.

DirectDraw trace


Enables the operation logging of DirectDraw operations.

Direct3D trace


Enables the operation logging of Direct3D operations.

DirectX full trace


Enables extended logging of all DirectX operations, no matter whether they are related to fullscreen / windowed mode or not.

Win Events


Enables logging of all Window messages intercepted in the application's queues, together with events that are generated or processed internally by the Peek/GetMessage APIs.

Cursor / Mouse


Enables extended logging of all cursor or mouse related operations.

** BEWARE ** some old games don't mind the possibility of concurrent use and perform mouse/cursor operations in close loops, so that this type of log can quickly grow quite big in size. In this case, consider the possibility to slow down the program by using the “Slow Down” flag.

Import Table


Enables extended logging of the Import Table as seen by the DxWnd program.  This can be quite useful to analyse and troubleshoot uncommon executables (e.g. when copy protections are applied).



Writes some more detailed information for diagnostic purposes.

Registry op.


Enables the operation logging of registry operations.

Hook op.


Enables the operation logging of hooking operations.