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Saves the current configuration to disk.

Sort program list

Arranges the program list in ascending alphabetical order (sort).


Imports one program configuration from an external .dxw exported file.

Clear all logs

Turns all tracing options off for all games in the list and deletes any dxwnd.log file.


See Hook.


See Process.

Desktop color depth

On recent platforms, low color depths are no longer supported for the desktop, though still working. This menu let you ask the system to set the current color depth to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits per pixel. Of course, it is possible that some color / resolution combinations are not supported.

Move to Tray

Move DxWnd in the System Tray, where a dedicated icon will show its state and allow a few commands, including the possibility to show the application window again. Note that once DxWnd goes in the System Tray, it always stays there also when it is made visible again.


Exits DxWnd. Beware that if a game was activated while DxWnd was active, it will very likely crash after the DxWnd termination, so a check is made and you'd be prompted to confirm the operation.