Direct3D tweaks

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Textures not power of 2 fix


Some games don't properly check whether the hardware can properly manage textures whose sizes are not a power of 2 (e.g. 16, 32, 64, 128 bits). If textures of a different size are processed by hardware without this capability, you get diagonal effects on the rendered image. The option fixes this problem.

Clean ZBUFFER @0.0 fix


Some games don't properly clear the zeta buffer between frames, producing incorrect surface z-ordering and other issues. This flag fixes this problem.

Clean ZBUFFER @1.0 fix


Some games don't properly clear the zeta buffer between frames, producing incorrect surface z-ordering and other issues. This flag fixes this problem. It is similar to ZBUFFER0CLEAN, but it works in different contexts.

Suppress D3D8/9 Reset


Do not perform the D3D reset operation.

Suppress d3d9 extensions


D3d9.dll comes in different versions depending on the platform: on older windows releases it exports the Direct3DCreate API, while in more recent versions there are many further exported calls. This flag suppresses the additional entries.

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