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These flags determine the strategy for managing pure GDI programs or, in the most complicated case, hybrid games that mix GDI calls with other renderers like DirectDraw or Direct3D.

No GDI handling


Disables video-related GDI/user32 API hooking.

Scaled GDI calls


Scales GDI API coordinates to fit the window stretching.

Emulated Device Context


Handle an emulated GDI device context.

Share ddraw and GDI DC



Remap Client Rect


Enabled by default. Makes DxWnd remap the window client coordinates so that the program receives the same values as if the program was running in fullscreen mode.

??? Map DC to Primary Surface


Use the ddraw primary surface device context for GDI operations.

Scale font parameters


Tries to scale font parameters to fit the window stretching.

Suppress FillRect



Reuse emulated DC



Fix clipper area in shared DC



Syncronize GDI to ddraw palette



Suppress Win common errors



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