DirectX Version Hook

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DirectX Version Hook: Sets the basic intervention strategy: depending on the game technology, a different hooking technique should be adopted. Automatic tries to find it by itself, but it doesn't always succeed! OpenGL handling require a dedicated setting (see libs tab).

Available options:

In "Automatic" (the default mode), DxWnd automatically detects DirectX calls and hooks them to track and modify the calls and their corresponding COM methods. In some cases, though, DxWnd is unable to properly detect these calls and the windowing effect can be recovered by explicitly telling DxWnd what version of DirectX it should hook. Each option corresponds to a different DLL file that is involved in the DirectX implementation. This is directed by the following options:

The last two options are generally useless since current d3d10/11 implementation seems to be based on d3d9, so hooking DirectX9 works for them as well (however, the implementation may change in the future).

It is also possible to specify the option "none" to avoid hooking DirectX at all. This could be helpful whenever you are interested in DxWnd features that are not related to the graphics (e.g. time stretching, compatibility options) and you want to leave the graphics alone.