#include #include #include "dxwnd.h" typedef int (*StartHook_)(); typedef int (*EndHook_)(); typedef int (*SetTarget_)(TARGETMAP *); BOOL DxWndEnabled = FALSE; char DxWndIniPath[] = ".\\dxwnd.dxw"; static TARGETMAP target; static HMODULE hModule; static int GetIntEntry(char *tag, int default) { return GetPrivateProfileInt("target", tag, default, DxWndIniPath); } void InitDxWnd(void) { char DxWndPath[MAX_PATH]; GetPrivateProfileString("system", "dxwndpath", ".", DxWndPath, MAX_PATH, DxWndIniPath); //MessageBox(0, DxWndPath, "dxwnd", MB_ICONERROR); sprintf(DxWndPath, "%s\\dxwnd.dll", DxWndPath); //MessageBox(0, DxWndPath, "dxwnd", MB_ICONERROR); hModule = LoadLibraryA(DxWndPath); //hModule = LoadLibraryA("dxwnd.dll"); if (hModule) { StartHook_ startHook = (StartHook_)GetProcAddress(hModule, "StartHook"); SetTarget_ setTarget = (SetTarget_)GetProcAddress(hModule, "SetTarget"); if (startHook && setTarget) { // target.path must be set to current task pathname. GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, target.path, MAX_PATH); target.FakeVersionId = GetIntEntry("winver0", 0); target.flags = GetIntEntry("flag0", EMULATESURFACE|MODIFYMOUSE|USERGB565); target.flags2 = GetIntEntry("flagg0", WINDOWIZE|SETCOMPATIBILITY); target.flags3 = GetIntEntry("flagh0", HOOKDLLS|HOOKENABLED); target.flags4 = GetIntEntry("flagi0", SUPPORTSVGA); target.flags5 = GetIntEntry("flagj0", AEROBOOST|CENTERTOWIN); target.flags6 = GetIntEntry("flagk0", 0); target.tflags = GetIntEntry("tflag0", 0); target.initx = GetIntEntry("initx0", 0); target.inity = GetIntEntry("inity0", 0); target.posx = GetIntEntry("posx0", 0); target.posy = GetIntEntry("posy0", 0); target.sizx = GetIntEntry("sizx0", 0); target.sizy = GetIntEntry("sizy0", 0); target.maxx = GetIntEntry("maxx0", 0); target.maxy = GetIntEntry("maxy0", 0); target.minx = GetIntEntry("minx0", 0); target.miny = GetIntEntry("miny0", 0); target.coordinates = GetIntEntry("coord0", 1); // centered to desktop target.MaxFPS = GetIntEntry("maxfps0", 0); target.dxversion = GetIntEntry("ver0", 0); if(target.dxversion > 1) target.dxversion += 5; target.FakeVersionId = GetIntEntry("winver0", 0); target.MaxScreenRes = GetIntEntry("maxres0", 0); target.SwapEffect = GetIntEntry("swapeffect0", 0); target.InitTS = GetIntEntry("initts0", 0); setTarget((TARGETMAP *)&target); startHook(); } } else MessageBox(0, "Cannot load dxwnd.dll library", "dxwnd", MB_ICONERROR); } void DxWndEndHook(void) { if (hModule) { EndHook_ endHook = (EndHook_)GetProcAddress(hModule, "EndHook"); if (endHook) endHook(); } }