// ViewFlagsDialog.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "dxwndhost.h" #include "ViewFlagsDialog.h" // CViewFlagsDialog dialog IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CViewFlagsDialog, CDialog) CViewFlagsDialog::CViewFlagsDialog(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CViewFlagsDialog::IDD, pParent) { } CViewFlagsDialog::~CViewFlagsDialog() { } void CViewFlagsDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CViewFlagsDialog, CDialog) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // CViewFlagsDialog message handlers BOOL CViewFlagsDialog::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here CString sflags; extern TARGETMAP *ViewTarget; // dirty !!!! int i; TARGETMAP *t; DWORD dword; t = ViewTarget; sflags.Append("Flags1: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags ; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(0,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags2: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags2; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(1,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags3: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags3; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(2,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags4: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags4; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(3,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags5: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags5; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(4,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags6: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags6; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(5,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags7: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags7; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(6,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags8: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags8; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(7,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags9: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags8; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(8,i)); sflags.Append("\nFlags10: "); for(i=0, dword = t->flags8; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(9,i)); sflags.Append("\nTFlags: "); for(i=0, dword = t->tflags; i<32; i++, dword>>=1) if(dword & 0x1) sflags.AppendFormat("%s ", GetFlagCaption(10,i)); this->SetDlgItemTextA(IDC_DESKTOPINFO, sflags); this->SetWindowTextA(t->path); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } void CViewFlagsDialog::OnOK() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class CDialog::OnOK(); }