[target] title0=Outcast 1999 CD Retail release path0=C:\Outcast\oc\Oc3.exe launchpath0=C:\Outcast\Outcast.exe module0= opengllib0= notes0=This .dxw setup is meant for the Outcast 1999 CD Retail release of the game.\nIt is not tested with the DVD release or later versions / unofficial patches.\n\nThe official Patch 3 is recommended since without it the game may not start\nwith the message "Wrong Disc inserted".\n\n\nThe slow rice paddy movement and Twon-Ha riding bug and Lighthouse jump bug\nare caused by the game running too fast on modern cpu's. This is fixed with the \noptions in the Dxwnd Timing tab.\n\nAdditionaly Dxwnd needs to be run with admin rights or the game won't start.\n registry0= ver0=0 coord0=1 flag0=136314926 flagg0=1207963664 flagh0=20 flagi0=138412036 flagj0=5248 flagk0=65536 flagl0=0 flagm0=0 tflag0=0 dflag0=0 posx0=50 posy0=50 sizx0=800 sizy0=600 maxfps0=60 initts0=0 winver0=0 maxres0=-1 swapeffect0=0 maxddinterface0=7 slowratio0=2