2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
exportpath = D:\DxWnd\v2_03_43_src\build\exports\
exepath = D:\Games\Arx Fatalis demo\
posx = 1946
posy = 567
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
sizx = 320
sizy = 200
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
title0 = Arx Fatalis demo
path0 = D:\Games\Arx Fatalis demo\ARX.exe
launchpath0 =
module0 = Athena
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
opengllib0 =
notes0 =
registry0 =
ver0 = 0
coord0 = 0
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
flag0 = 136314918
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
flagg0 = 1207959552
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
flagh0 = 65552
flagi0 = 138412036
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
flagj0 = 4224
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
flagk0 = 65536
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
tflag0 = 0
initx0 = 0
inity0 = 0
minx0 = 0
miny0 = 0
maxx0 = 0
maxy0 = 0
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
posx0 = 150
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
posy0 = 50
sizx0 = 800
sizy0 = 600
maxfps0 = 0
initts0 = 0
winver0 = 0
maxres0 = -1
swapeffect0 = 0
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
title1 = TieFighter 95
path1 = D:\Games\TIE95\TIE95.EXE
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
launchpath1 =
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
module1 =
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
opengllib1 =
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
notes1 = The game can be played also with no joystick using the DxWnd virtual one.\nIf you have a real joystick, the "Use DLL injection" flag is not necessary.\nUse "Unlock Z order" to avoid losing control of the window.
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
registry1 =
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
ver1 = 1
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
coord1 = 0
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
flag1 = 681574514
flagg1 = 1744830464
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
flagh1 = 20
flagi1 = 138412036
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
flagj1 = 1073746048
flagk1 = 136642560
tflag1 = 0
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
initx1 = 0
inity1 = 0
minx1 = 0
miny1 = 0
2015-05-11 12:42:20 -04:00
maxx1 = 800
maxy1 = 600
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
posx1 = 50
posy1 = 50
sizx1 = 800
sizy1 = 600
maxfps1 = 0
initts1 = 0
winver1 = 0
maxres1 = -1
swapeffect1 = 0