2015-06-13 12:40:54 -04:00
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
# include "dxwnd.h"
# include "dxwcore.hpp"
# include "syslibs.h"
# include "dxhook.h"
# include "Vfw.h"
# include "msvfwhook.h"
2016-06-11 12:48:04 -04:00
typedef DWORD ( WINAPIV * ICDrawBegin_Type ) ( HIC , DWORD , HPALETTE , HWND , HDC , int , int , int , int , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER , int , int , int , int , DWORD , DWORD ) ;
2015-06-30 12:41:01 -04:00
ICDrawBegin_Type pICDrawBegin = NULL ;
2016-06-11 12:48:04 -04:00
DWORD WINAPIV extICDrawBegin ( HIC , DWORD , HPALETTE , HWND , HDC , int , int , int , int , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER , int , int , int , int , DWORD , DWORD ) ;
2015-10-21 12:42:12 -04:00
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * DrawDibDraw_Type ) ( HDRAWDIB , HDC , int , int , int , int , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER , LPVOID , int , int , int , int , UINT ) ;
DrawDibDraw_Type pDrawDibDraw = NULL ;
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibDraw ( HDRAWDIB , HDC , int , int , int , int , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER , LPVOID , int , int , int , int , UINT ) ;
2015-07-11 12:42:23 -04:00
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * DrawDibBegin_Type ) ( HDRAWDIB , HDC , int , int , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER , int , int , UINT ) ;
DrawDibBegin_Type pDrawDibBegin = NULL ;
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibBegin ( HDRAWDIB , HDC , int , int , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER , int , int , UINT ) ;
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * DrawDibStart_Type ) ( HDRAWDIB , LONG ) ;
DrawDibStart_Type pDrawDibStart = NULL ;
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * DrawDibStop_Type ) ( HDRAWDIB ) ;
DrawDibStop_Type pDrawDibStop = NULL ;
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * DrawDibEnd_Type ) ( HDRAWDIB ) ;
DrawDibEnd_Type pDrawDibEnd = NULL ;
2015-06-30 12:41:01 -04:00
2016-12-03 11:45:15 -05:00
static HookEntryEx_Type Hooks [ ] = {
//{HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE, 0, "ICSendMessage", (FARPROC)NULL, (FARPROC *)&pICSendMessage, (FARPROC)extICSendMessage},
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " MCIWndCreateA " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pMCIWndCreateA , ( FARPROC ) extMCIWndCreateA } , // "Man in Black" - beware: this is NOT STDCALL!!!
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " ICGetDisplayFormat " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pICGetDisplayFormat , ( FARPROC ) extICGetDisplayFormat } , // "Man in Black" - beware: this is NOT STDCALL!!!
2016-06-11 12:48:04 -04:00
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " ICDrawBegin " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pICDrawBegin , ( FARPROC ) extICDrawBegin } , // AoE demo: not a STDCALL !!
2016-12-03 11:45:15 -05:00
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " DrawDibDraw " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pDrawDibDraw , ( FARPROC ) extDrawDibDraw } ,
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " DrawDibBegin " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pDrawDibBegin , ( FARPROC ) extDrawDibBegin } ,
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " DrawDibStart " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pDrawDibStart , ( FARPROC ) extDrawDibStart } ,
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " DrawDibStop " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pDrawDibStop , ( FARPROC ) extDrawDibStop } ,
{ HOOK_HOT_CANDIDATE , 0 , " DrawDibEnd " , ( FARPROC ) NULL , ( FARPROC * ) & pDrawDibEnd , ( FARPROC ) extDrawDibEnd } ,
{ HOOK_IAT_CANDIDATE , 0 , 0 , NULL , 0 , 0 } // terminator
2013-06-15 12:21:25 -04:00
} ;
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
FARPROC Remap_vfw_ProcAddress ( LPCSTR proc , HMODULE hModule )
2013-06-15 12:21:25 -04:00
FARPROC addr ;
2016-12-03 11:45:15 -05:00
if ( addr = RemapLibraryEx ( proc , hModule , Hooks ) ) return addr ;
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
// NULL -> keep the original call address
return NULL ;
void HookMSV4WLibs ( HMODULE module )
2016-12-03 11:45:15 -05:00
HookLibraryEx ( module , Hooks , " MSVFW32.dll " ) ;
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
LRESULT WINAPI extICSendMessage ( HIC hic , UINT wMsg , DWORD_PTR dw1 , DWORD_PTR dw2 )
2013-12-22 11:38:36 -05:00
OutTraceDW ( " ICSendMessage: hic=%x wMsg=%x dw1=%x dw2=%x \n " , hic , wMsg , dw1 , dw2 ) ;
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
res = ( * pICSendMessage ) ( hic , wMsg , dw1 , dw2 ) ;
2015-05-28 12:40:51 -04:00
OutTraceDW ( " ICSendMessage: ret=%x \n " , res ) ;
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
return res ;
HIC WINAPI extICOpen ( DWORD fccType , DWORD fccHandler , UINT wMode )
2015-05-28 12:40:51 -04:00
HIC res ;
2013-12-22 11:38:36 -05:00
OutTraceDW ( " ICOpen: fccType=%x fccHandler=%x wMode=%x \n " , fccType , fccHandler , wMode ) ;
2015-05-28 12:40:51 -04:00
res = ( * pICOpen ) ( fccType , fccHandler , wMode ) ;
OutTraceDW ( " ICOpen: ret=%x \n " , res ) ;
return res ;
2013-04-16 12:19:12 -04:00
2013-07-25 12:38:10 -04:00
ICDrawBegin function
The ICDrawBegin function initializes the renderer and prepares the drawing destination for drawing .
DWORD ICDrawBegin (
HIC hic ,
DWORD dwFlags ,
HWND hwnd ,
HDC hdc ,
int xDst ,
int yDst ,
int dxDst ,
int dyDst ,
int xSrc ,
int ySrc ,
int dxSrc ,
int dySrc ,
DWORD dwRate ,
DWORD dwScale
) ;
hic Handle to the decompressor to use .
Decompression flags . The following values are defined .
Value Meaning
ICDRAW_ANIMATE Application can animate the palette .
ICDRAW_CONTINUE Drawing is a continuation of the previous frame .
ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN Draws the decompressed data on the full screen .
ICDRAW_HDC Draws the decompressed data to a window or a DC .
ICDRAW_MEMORYDC DC is off - screen .
ICDRAW_QUERY Determines if the decompressor can decompress the data . The driver does not decompress the data .
ICDRAW_UPDATING Current frame is being updated rather than played .
hpal Handle to the palette used for drawing .
hwnd Handle to the window used for drawing .
hdc DC used for drawing .
xDst The x - coordinate of the upper right corner of the destination rectangle .
yDst The y - coordinate of the upper right corner of the destination rectangle .
dxDst Width of the destination rectangle .
dyDst Height of the destination rectangle .
lpbi Pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure containing the format of the input data to be decompressed .
xSrc The x - coordinate of the upper right corner of the source rectangle .
ySrc The y - coordinate of the upper right corner of the source rectangle .
dxSrc Width of the source rectangle .
dySrc Height of the source rectangle .
dwRate Frame rate numerator . The frame rate , in frames per second , is obtained by dividing dwRate by dwScale .
dwScale Frame rate denominator . The frame rate , in frames per second , is obtained by dividing dwRate by dwScale .
Return value
Returns ICERR_OK if the renderer can decompress the data or ICERR_UNSUPPORTED otherwise .
The ICDRAW_HDC and ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN flags are mutually exclusive . If an application sets the ICDRAW_HDC flag in dwFlags , the decompressor uses hwnd , hdc , and the parameters defining the destination rectangle ( xDst , yDst , dxDst , and dyDst ) . Your application should set these parameters to the size of the destination rectangle . Specify destination rectangle values relative to the current window or DC .
If an application sets the ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN flag in dwFlags , the hwnd and hdc parameters are not used and should be set to NULL . Also , the destination rectangle is not used and its parameters can be set to zero .
The source rectangle is relative to the full video frame . The portion of the video frame specified by the source rectangle is stretched or shrunk to fit the destination rectangle .
The dwRate and dwScale parameters specify the decompression rate . The integer value specified for dwRate divided by the integer value specified for dwScale defines the frame rate in frames per second . This value is used by the renderer when it is responsible for timing frames during playback .
Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional [ desktop apps only ]
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [ desktop apps only ]
Header Vfw . h
Library Vfw32 . lib
DLL Msvfw32 . dll
2015-06-13 12:40:54 -04:00
static char * ExplainMCIWndCreateFlags ( DWORD c )
static char eb [ 256 ] ;
unsigned int l ;
strcpy ( eb , " MCIWNDF_ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR ) strcat ( eb , " NOPLAYBAR+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOMENU ) strcat ( eb , " NOMENU+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_SHOWNAME ) strcat ( eb , " SHOWNAME+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_SHOWPOS ) strcat ( eb , " SHOWPOS+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_SHOWMODE ) strcat ( eb , " SHOWMODE+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMODE ) strcat ( eb , " NOTIFYMODE+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOTIFYPOS ) strcat ( eb , " NOTIFYPOS+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOTIFYSIZE ) strcat ( eb , " NOTIFYSIZE+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOTIFYERROR ) strcat ( eb , " NOTIFYERROR+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMEDIAW ) strcat ( eb , " NOTIFYMEDIAW+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOTIFYANSI ) strcat ( eb , " NOTIFYANSI+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_RECORD ) strcat ( eb , " RECORD+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOERRORDLG ) strcat ( eb , " NOERRORDLG+ " ) ;
if ( c & MCIWNDF_NOOPEN ) strcat ( eb , " NOOPEN+ " ) ;
l = strlen ( eb ) ;
if ( l > strlen ( " MCIWNDF_ " ) ) eb [ l - 1 ] = 0 ; // delete last '+' if any
else eb [ 0 ] = 0 ;
return ( eb ) ;
HWND extMCIWndCreateA ( HWND hwndParent , HINSTANCE hInstance , DWORD dwStyle , LPCTSTR szFile )
HWND g_hwndMCIWnd ;
OutTraceDW ( " MCIWndCreateA: hwnd=%x hInst=%x style=%x(%s) file=%s \n " ,
hwndParent , hInstance , dwStyle , ExplainMCIWndCreateFlags ( dwStyle ) , szFile ) ;
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
if ( dxw . dwFlags6 & NOMOVIES ) {
OutTraceDW ( " MCIWndCreateA: SUPPRESSED \n " ) ;
return NULL ;
2015-06-13 12:40:54 -04:00
g_hwndMCIWnd = ( * pMCIWndCreateA ) ( hwndParent , hInstance , dwStyle , szFile ) ;
// look at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd757178%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
if ( dxw . dwFlags5 & REMAPMCI ) {
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
// since there seem to be no way to stretch the movie, we do an attempt to center
// the movie on the screen by shifting the video window.
// We assume (but we don't really know for sure ...) that the movie was to be rendered
// fulscreen using the size of the virtual desktop
RECT client ;
OutTraceDW ( " MCIWndCreateA: CENTERED \n " ) ;
( * pGetClientRect ) ( dxw . GethWnd ( ) , & client ) ;
( * pSetWindowPos ) ( g_hwndMCIWnd , // window to resize
NULL , // z-order: don't care
( client . right - dxw . GetScreenWidth ( ) ) / 2 , // X pos
( client . bottom - dxw . GetScreenHeight ( ) ) / 2 , // Y pos
dxw . GetScreenWidth ( ) , // width
dxw . GetScreenHeight ( ) , // height
2015-06-13 12:40:54 -04:00
2015-10-25 12:42:17 -04:00
2015-06-13 12:40:54 -04:00
return g_hwndMCIWnd ;
2015-06-22 12:40:59 -04:00
HIC WINAPI extICGetDisplayFormat ( HIC hic , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiIn , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut , int BitDepth , int dx , int dy )
HIC ret ;
OutTraceDW ( " ICGetDisplayFormat: hic=%x bitdepth=%d dx=%d dy=%d indepth=%d \n " , hic , BitDepth , dx , dy , lpbiIn - > biBitCount ) ;
ret = ( * pICGetDisplayFormat ) ( hic , lpbiIn , lpbiOut , BitDepth , dx , dy ) ;
if ( ret ) {
OutTraceDW ( " ICGetDisplayFormat: ret=%x outdepth=%d \n " , hic , lpbiOut - > biBitCount ) ;
if ( dxw . dwFlags6 & FIXMOVIESCOLOR ) {
lpbiOut - > biBitCount = ( WORD ) dxw . VirtualPixelFormat . dwRGBBitCount ;
OutTraceDW ( " ICGetDisplayFormat: FIXED outdepth=%d \n " , lpbiOut - > biBitCount ) ;
else {
OutTraceDW ( " ICGetDisplayFormat ERROR: err=%d \n " , GetLastError ( ) ) ;
return ret ;
2015-06-30 12:41:01 -04:00
2016-06-11 12:48:04 -04:00
DWORD WINAPIV extICDrawBegin ( HIC hic , DWORD dwFlags , HPALETTE hpal , HWND hwnd , HDC hdc , int xDst , int yDst , int dxDst , int dyDst , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi , int xSrc , int ySrc , int dxSrc , int dySrc , DWORD dwRate , DWORD dwScale )
2015-06-30 12:41:01 -04:00
OutTrace ( " ICDrawBegin \n " ) ;
2015-10-21 12:42:12 -04:00
2015-06-30 12:41:01 -04:00
return ( * pICDrawBegin ) ( hic , dwFlags , hpal , hwnd , hdc , xDst , yDst , dxDst , dyDst , lpbi , xSrc , ySrc , dxSrc , dySrc , dwRate , dwScale ) ;
2015-10-21 12:42:12 -04:00
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibDraw ( HDRAWDIB hdd , HDC hdc , int xDst , int yDst , int dxDst , int dyDst , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi , LPVOID lpBits , int xSrc , int ySrc , int dxSrc , int dySrc , UINT wFlags )
// Reah intro movie
BOOL ret ;
OutTrace ( " DrawDibDraw: hdd=%x hdc=%x DEST pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d) SRC pos=(%d,%d) size=(%d,%d) flags=%x \n " ,
hdd , hdc , xDst , yDst , dxDst , dyDst , xSrc , ySrc , dxSrc , dySrc , wFlags ) ;
ret = ( * pDrawDibDraw ) ( hdd , hdc , xDst , yDst , dxDst , dyDst , lpbi , lpBits , xSrc , ySrc , dxSrc , dySrc , wFlags ) ;
return ret ;
2015-07-11 12:42:23 -04:00
2016-06-11 12:48:04 -04:00
2015-07-11 12:42:23 -04:00
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibBegin ( HDRAWDIB hdd , HDC hdc , int dxDest , int dyDest , LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi , int dxSrc , int dySrc , UINT wFlags )
// Reah game transitions
BOOL ret ;
OutTrace ( " DrawDibBegin: hdd=%x hdc=%x DEST size=(%d,%d) SRC size=(%d,%d) flags=%x \n " ,
hdd , hdc , dxDest , dyDest , dxSrc , dySrc , wFlags ) ;
ret = ( * pDrawDibBegin ) ( hdd , hdc , dxDest , dyDest , lpbi , dxSrc , dySrc , wFlags ) ;
return ret ;
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibStart ( HDRAWDIB hdd , LONG rate )
// Reah game transitions
BOOL ret ;
OutTrace ( " DrawDibStart: hdd=%x rate=%x \n " , hdd , rate ) ;
ret = ( * pDrawDibStart ) ( hdd , rate ) ;
return ret ;
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibStop ( HDRAWDIB hdd )
// Reah game transitions
BOOL ret ;
OutTrace ( " DrawDibStop: hdd=%x \n " , hdd ) ;
ret = ( * pDrawDibStop ) ( hdd ) ;
return ret ;
BOOL WINAPI extDrawDibEnd ( HDRAWDIB hdd )
// Reah game transitions
BOOL ret ;
OutTrace ( " DrawDibEnd: hdd=%x \n " , hdd ) ;
ret = ( * pDrawDibEnd ) ( hdd ) ;
return ret ;