mirror of https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat synced 2024-12-30 08:55:36 +01:00
narzoul a573c1344c Fixed GDI interworking deadlocks
Because both the DirectDraw and GDI thread locks are held by the thread that
initially calls beginGdiRendering, a deadlock can occur if a complex rendering
operation uses synchronized worker threads for some subtasks and they also need
access to the resources locked by the initial thread.

To resolve this, the GDI thread lock is no longer held after beginGdiRendering
returns, and the DirectDraw thread lock is only taken during the initial entry.

However, this introduces another problem, because now the final endGdiRendering
might not be called by the same thread that initially called beginGdiRendering.
If this happens, a deadlock will occur because the initial thread is still
holding the DirectDraw thread lock while the other thread is trying to acquire
it to unlock the primary surface.

To resolve this, the initial thread will always be the one to release the lock
on the primary surface, waiting for other threads to finish using GDI DCs if
necessary. This also means that other threads won't be able to create new
cached DCs (as they would need the DD thread lock), so to prevent yet another
deadlock, the initial thread always preallocates a number of DCs in the cache,
and only the initial thread is allowed to extend the cache.
2016-01-19 20:08:13 +01:00

175 lines
4.6 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "CompatGdi.h"
#include "CompatGdiDc.h"
#include "CompatGdiDcCache.h"
#include "DDrawLog.h"
using CompatGdiDcCache::CachedDc;
struct CompatDc : CachedDc
CompatDc(const CachedDc& cachedDc = {}) : CachedDc(cachedDc) {}
DWORD refCount;
HDC origDc;
HGDIOBJ origFont;
HGDIOBJ origBrush;
HGDIOBJ origPen;
typedef std::unordered_map<HDC, CompatDc> CompatDcMap;
CompatDcMap g_origDcToCompatDc;
struct ExcludeClipRectsData
HDC compatDc;
POINT origin;
HWND rootWnd;
void copyDcAttributes(CompatDc& compatDc, HDC origDc, POINT& origin)
compatDc.origFont = SelectObject(compatDc.dc, GetCurrentObject(origDc, OBJ_FONT));
compatDc.origBrush = SelectObject(compatDc.dc, GetCurrentObject(origDc, OBJ_BRUSH));
compatDc.origPen = SelectObject(compatDc.dc, GetCurrentObject(origDc, OBJ_PEN));
SetArcDirection(compatDc.dc, GetArcDirection(origDc));
SetBkColor(compatDc.dc, GetBkColor(origDc));
SetBkMode(compatDc.dc, GetBkMode(origDc));
SetDCBrushColor(compatDc.dc, GetDCBrushColor(origDc));
SetDCPenColor(compatDc.dc, GetDCPenColor(origDc));
SetPolyFillMode(compatDc.dc, GetPolyFillMode(origDc));
SetROP2(compatDc.dc, GetROP2(origDc));
SetStretchBltMode(compatDc.dc, GetStretchBltMode(origDc));
SetTextAlign(compatDc.dc, GetTextAlign(origDc));
SetTextCharacterExtra(compatDc.dc, GetTextCharacterExtra(origDc));
SetTextColor(compatDc.dc, GetTextColor(origDc));
SetWindowOrgEx(compatDc.dc, -origin.x, -origin.y, nullptr);
POINT brushOrg = {};
GetBrushOrgEx(origDc, &brushOrg);
SetBrushOrgEx(compatDc.dc, brushOrg.x, brushOrg.y, nullptr);
POINT currentPos = {};
MoveToEx(origDc, 0, 0, &currentPos);
MoveToEx(origDc, currentPos.x, currentPos.y, nullptr);
MoveToEx(compatDc.dc, currentPos.x, currentPos.y, nullptr);
BOOL CALLBACK excludeClipRectsForOverlappingWindows(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
auto excludeClipRectsData = reinterpret_cast<ExcludeClipRectsData*>(lParam);
if (hwnd == excludeClipRectsData->rootWnd)
return FALSE;
if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd))
return TRUE;
RECT rect = {};
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
OffsetRect(&rect, -excludeClipRectsData->origin.x, -excludeClipRectsData->origin.y);
ExcludeClipRect(excludeClipRectsData->compatDc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
return TRUE;
void setClippingRegion(HDC compatDc, HDC origDc, POINT& origin)
HRGN clipRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
const bool isEmptyClipRgn = 1 != GetRandomRgn(origDc, clipRgn, SYSRGN);
SelectClipRgn(compatDc, isEmptyClipRgn ? nullptr : clipRgn);
HRGN origClipRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (1 == GetClipRgn(origDc, origClipRgn))
OffsetRgn(origClipRgn, origin.x, origin.y);
ExtSelectClipRgn(compatDc, origClipRgn, RGN_AND);
if (!isEmptyClipRgn)
HWND hwnd = WindowFromDC(origDc);
if (hwnd)
ExcludeClipRectsData excludeClipRectsData = { compatDc, origin, GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOT) };
namespace CompatGdiDc
HDC getDc(HDC origDc)
if (!origDc || OBJ_DC != GetObjectType(origDc) || DT_RASDISPLAY != GetDeviceCaps(origDc, TECHNOLOGY))
return nullptr;
CompatGdi::GdiScopedThreadLock gdiLock;
if (g_origDcToCompatDc.end() != std::find_if(g_origDcToCompatDc.begin(), g_origDcToCompatDc.end(),
[=](const CompatDcMap::value_type& compatDc) { return compatDc.second.dc == origDc; }))
return nullptr;
auto it = g_origDcToCompatDc.find(origDc);
if (it != g_origDcToCompatDc.end())
return it->second.dc;
CompatDc compatDc(CompatGdiDcCache::getDc());
if (!compatDc.dc)
return nullptr;
POINT origin = {};
GetDCOrgEx(origDc, &origin);
copyDcAttributes(compatDc, origDc, origin);
setClippingRegion(compatDc.dc, origDc, origin);
compatDc.refCount = 1;
compatDc.origDc = origDc;
g_origDcToCompatDc.insert(CompatDcMap::value_type(origDc, compatDc));
return compatDc.dc;
void releaseDc(HDC origDc)
CompatGdi::GdiScopedThreadLock gdiLock;
auto it = g_origDcToCompatDc.find(origDc);
if (it == g_origDcToCompatDc.end())
CompatDc& compatDc = it->second;
if (0 == compatDc.refCount)
SelectObject(compatDc.dc, compatDc.origFont);
SelectObject(compatDc.dc, compatDc.origBrush);
SelectObject(compatDc.dc, compatDc.origPen);