"""openid.py: an openid library for web.py Notes: - This will create a file called .openid_secret_key in the current directory with your secret key in it. If someone has access to this file they can log in as any user. And if the app can't find this file for any reason (e.g. you moved the app somewhere else) then each currently logged in user will get logged out. - State must be maintained through the entire auth process -- this means that if you have multiple web.py processes serving one set of URLs or if you restart your app often then log ins will fail. You have to replace sessions and store for things to work. - We set cookies starting with "openid_". """ import os import random import hmac import __init__ as web import openid.consumer.consumer import openid.store.memstore sessions = {} store = openid.store.memstore.MemoryStore() def _secret(): try: secret = file('.openid_secret_key').read() except IOError: # file doesn't exist secret = os.urandom(20) file('.openid_secret_key', 'w').write(secret) return secret def _hmac(identity_url): return hmac.new(_secret(), identity_url).hexdigest() def _random_session(): n = random.random() while n in sessions: n = random.random() n = str(n) return n def status(): oid_hash = web.cookies().get('openid_identity_hash', '').split(',', 1) if len(oid_hash) > 1: oid_hash, identity_url = oid_hash if oid_hash == _hmac(identity_url): return identity_url return None def form(openid_loc): oid = status() if oid: return ''' <form method="post" action="%s"> <img src="http://openid.net/login-bg.gif" alt="OpenID" /> <strong>%s</strong> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="logout" /> <input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="%s" /> <button type="submit">log out</button> </form>''' % (openid_loc, oid, web.ctx.fullpath) else: return ''' <form method="post" action="%s"> <input type="text" name="openid" value="" style="background: url(http://openid.net/login-bg.gif) no-repeat; padding-left: 18px; background-position: 0 50%%;" /> <input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="%s" /> <button type="submit">log in</button> </form>''' % (openid_loc, web.ctx.fullpath) def logout(): web.setcookie('openid_identity_hash', '', expires=-1) class host: def POST(self): # unlike the usual scheme of things, the POST is actually called # first here i = web.input(return_to='/') if i.get('action') == 'logout': logout() return web.redirect(i.return_to) i = web.input('openid', return_to='/') n = _random_session() sessions[n] = {'webpy_return_to': i.return_to} c = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(sessions[n], store) a = c.begin(i.openid) f = a.redirectURL(web.ctx.home, web.ctx.home + web.ctx.fullpath) web.setcookie('openid_session_id', n) return web.redirect(f) def GET(self): n = web.cookies('openid_session_id').openid_session_id web.setcookie('openid_session_id', '', expires=-1) return_to = sessions[n]['webpy_return_to'] c = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(sessions[n], store) a = c.complete(web.input(), web.ctx.home + web.ctx.fullpath) if a.status.lower() == 'success': web.setcookie('openid_identity_hash', _hmac(a.identity_url) + ',' + a.identity_url) del sessions[n] return web.redirect(return_to)