""" simple, elegant templating (part of web.py) Template design: Template string is split into tokens and the tokens are combined into nodes. Parse tree is a nodelist. TextNode and ExpressionNode are simple nodes and for-loop, if-loop etc are block nodes, which contain multiple child nodes. Each node can emit some python string. python string emitted by the root node is validated for safeeval and executed using python in the given environment. Enough care is taken to make sure the generated code and the template has line to line match, so that the error messages can point to exact line number in template. (It doesn't work in some cases still.) Grammar: template -> defwith sections defwith -> '$def with (' arguments ')' | '' sections -> section* section -> block | assignment | line assignment -> '$ ' line -> (text|expr)* text -> expr -> '$' pyexpr | '$(' pyexpr ')' | '${' pyexpr '}' pyexpr -> """ __all__ = [ "Template", "Render", "render", "frender", "ParseError", "SecurityError", "test" ] import tokenize import os import glob import re from utils import storage, safeunicode, safestr, re_compile from webapi import config from net import websafe def splitline(text): r""" Splits the given text at newline. >>> splitline('foo\nbar') ('foo\n', 'bar') >>> splitline('foo') ('foo', '') >>> splitline('') ('', '') """ index = text.find('\n') + 1 if index: return text[:index], text[index:] else: return text, '' class Parser: """Parser Base. """ def __init__(self, text, name="