function canonicalName(ref){ return ref.str.replace(/\//g,".") } var JVM = function(params,args){ this.heap = {}; this.params = params; this.args = args; this.method_area = {}; this.level = 0; this.classpath = params.classes_to_load; this.classForName = function (name){ var superClass, loaded_class = this.method_area[name]; if (!loaded_class){ loaded_class = LoadClassFile(name, this); this.method_area[name] = loaded_class; this.verifyAndLoadClass(loaded_class); log("[Loaded " + name + "]"); } return loaded_class; } this.verifyAndLoadClass = function(loaded_class){ var superClass; if(loaded_class.super_class){ // if super_class not java.lang.Object superClass = canonicalName(loaded_class.super_class.name_ref); this.classForName(superClass); } // this doesn't seem right. doing this will cause the entire JRE to be loaded // as soon as you start JVM. /* var that = this; loaded_class.constantPool.each(function(constant){ if (constant.name_ref.str.charAt(0) == "[") { return; } that.verifyAndLoadClass(canonicalName(constant.name_ref)); }, CONSTANT_Class);*/ }; = function (){ this.java_lang_object = this.classForName("java.lang.Object"); this.java_lang_cloneable = this.classForName("java.lang.Cloneable"); this.java_io_serializable = this.classForName(""); var mainClass = this.args[0]; this.classForName(mainClass); }; }; var JVMThread = function(){ this.pc = null; this.stack = []; } var JVMFrame = function(){ this.local_variables = []; this.operand_stack = []; } function JVM_THROWS_NEW(exception){ throw "VER: throws new " + exception; } function interpret(frame){ var operand_stack = frame.operand_stack; var local_variables = frame.local_variables; var code = 0; //resolve code from method; switch(opcode){ case 0x32: // aaload var index = operand_stack.pop(); var arrayref = operand_stack.pop(); if (arrayref == NULL){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.NullPointerException"); } if (index >= arrayref.length){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } operand_stack.push(arrayref.value[index.value]); break; case 0x53: // aastore var value = operand_stack.pop(); var index = operand_stack.pop(); var arrayref = operand_stack.pop(); if (arrayref == NULL){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.NullPointerException"); } if (index >= arrayref.length){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } if (!arrayref.classRef.isAssignable({ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.ArrayStoreException"); } break; case 0x1: //aconst_null operand_stack.push(null); break; case 0x19: //aload var i = operand_stack.pop(); operand_stack.push(local_variables[i]) break; case 0x2a: case 0x2b: case 0x2c: case 0x2d: // aload_ operand_stack.push(local_variables[opcode - 0x2a]); break; case 0xbd: // anewarray var indexbyte1 = code.pop(); var indexbyte2 = code.pop(); var count = operand_stack.pop(); if (count < 0){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException"); } var clRef = frame.classRef.constantPool.get((indexbyte1 << 8) | indexbyte2); var instance = {length:count, value:[], classRef:this.jvm.classForName(clRef)}; operand_stack.push(instance); break; case 0xb0: // areturn var objectref = operand_stack.pop(); return {return_object: objectref} case 0xbe: // arraylength var arrayref = operand_stack.pop(); operand_stack.push(arrayref.length); break; case 0x3a: // astore var objectref = operand_stack.pop(); local_variables[code.pop()] = objectref; break; case 0x4b: case 0x4c: case 0x4d: case 0x4e: // astore_ var objectref = operand_stack.pop(); local_variables[opcode-0x4b] = objectref; break; case 0xbf: // athrow var objectref = operand_stack.pop(); if (objectref == null){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.NullPointerException"); } throw [objectref.classRef.name_ref.str,objectref]; case 0x33: // baload var value = operand_stack.pop(); var index = operand_stack.pop(); var arrayref = operand_stack.pop(); if (arrayref == NULL){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.NullPointerException"); } if (index >= arrayref.length){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } arrayref.value[index] = value; break; case 0x10: // bipush operand_stack.push(code.pop()); break; case 0x34: // caload var index = operand_stack.pop(); var arrayref = operand_stack.pop(); operand_stack.push(arrayref.value[index]); break; case 0x55: // castore var value = operand_stack.pop(); var index = operand_stack.pop(); var arrayref = operand_stack.pop(); if (arrayref == NULL){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.NullPointerException"); } if (index >= arrayref.length){ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } arrayref.value[index] = value; break; case 0xc0: // checkcast var objectref = operand_stack.pop(); var indexbyte1 = code.pop(); var indexbyte2 = code.pop(); var clRef = frame.classRef.constantPool.get((indexbyte1 << 8) | indexbyte2); if (objectref.classRef.isAssignable(clRef)){ operand_stack.push(objectref); }else{ JVM_THROWS_NEW("java.lang.ClassCastException"); } } }