2011-07-04 18:20:27 +01:00
// access flags DEFINE
var ACC_PUBLIC = 0x0001; // Declared public; may be accessed from outside its package.
var ACC_PRIVATE = 0x0002; // Declared private; usable only within the defining class.
var ACC_PROTECTED = 0x0004; // Declared protected; may be accessed within subclasses.
var ACC_STATIC = 0x0008; // Declared static.
var ACC_FINAL = 0x0010; // Declared final; no subclasses allowed.
var ACC_SUPER = 0x0020; // Treat superclass methods specially when invoked by the invokespecial instruction.
var ACC_VOLATILE = 0x0040; // Declared volatile; cannot be cached.
var ACC_NATIVE = 0x0100; // Declared native; implemented in a language other than Java.
var ACC_INTERFACE = 0x0200; // Is an interface, not a class.
var ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x0400; // Declared abstract; may not be instantiated.
var ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x0080; // Declared transient; not written or read by a persistent object manager.
function slurpFile (filename, fa) {
var xmlHttpRequest, response, result ;
// ie support if (typeof ActiveXObject == "function") return this.load_binary_ie9(filename, fa);
xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttpRequest.open('GET', "testRuntime/" + filename, false);
if ('mozResponseType' in xmlHttpRequest) {
xmlHttpRequest.mozResponseType = 'arraybuffer';
} else if ('responseType' in xmlHttpRequest) {
xmlHttpRequest.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
} else {
xmlHttpRequest.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
if (xmlHttpRequest.status != 200 && xmlHttpRequest.status != 0) {
throw "Error while loading " + filename;
bf = true;
if ('mozResponse' in xmlHttpRequest) {
response = xmlHttpRequest.mozResponse;
} else if (xmlHttpRequest.mozResponseArrayBuffer) {
response = xmlHttpRequest.mozResponseArrayBuffer;
} else if ('responseType' in xmlHttpRequest) {
response = xmlHttpRequest.response;
} else {
response = xmlHttpRequest.responseText;
bf = false;
if (bf) {
result = [response.byteLength, response];
} else {
throw "No typed arrays";
return result;
var log = function (msg){
if (console){
2011-07-06 16:30:18 +01:00
var ClassDefinition = function (file,jvm){
2011-07-04 18:20:27 +01:00
var dataStream = new DataStream(slurpFile(file)[1]);
this.magic = dataStream.getU4();
if (this.magic != 0xCAFEBABE){
throw "Invalid Class Magic (" + this.magic + ")" ;
this.minorVersion = dataStream.getU2();
this.majorVersion = dataStream.getU2();
if (this.majorVersion > 50 || this.majorVersion < 45){
throw "Unsuported java class file format version";
this.constantPool = new ConstantPool(dataStream);
this.access_flags = dataStream.getU2();
this.this_class = ConstantPoolRef(dataStream.getU2(), this.constantPool, CONSTANT_Class);
var superClassRef = dataStream.getU2();
if (superClassRef){
this.super_class = ConstantPoolRef(superClassRef, this.constantPool, CONSTANT_Class);
this.super_class = null;
this.interface_count = dataStream.getU2();
this.interfaces = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.interface_count; i++){
this.interfaces[i] = ConstantPoolRef(dataStream.getU2(), this.constantPool,CONSTANT_Class);
this.fields_count = dataStream.getU2();
this.fields = []
for(var i=0; i<this.fields_count; i++){
this.fields[i] = new FieldInfo(dataStream,this.constantPool);
this.methods_count = dataStream.getU2();
for(var i=0; i<this.methods_count; i++){
this.methods[i] = new MethodInfo(dataStream, this.constantPool);
2011-07-06 16:30:18 +01:00
// Post added info;
this.jvm = jvm;
this className = this.this_class.name_ref.str.replace(/\//g,".");
ClassDefinition.prototype.isInterface = function () {
return ACC_INTERFACE & this.access_flags;
ClassDefinition.prototype.isArrayClass = function (){
return false;
ClassDefinition.prototype.isAssignable = function (T) {
// 2.6.7 Assignment Conversion
if (this.isInterface()){
if (T.isInterface()){
return this.isInterfaceOrSuperInterface(T);
return T == this.jvm.java_lang_object;
}else if(this.isArrayClass()){
if (T.isInterface()){
return (T == this.jvm.java_lang_cloneable || T == this.jvm.java_io_serializable);
}else if (T.isArrayClass()){
return T == this.jvm.java_lang_object;
if (T.isInterface()){
return this.isInterfaceOrSuperInterface(T);
return this.isClassOrSuperClass(T);
ClassDefinition.prototype.isClassOrSuperClass = function(C){
if (this == C){
return true;
if (this.jvm.java_lang_object == this){
return false;
ClassDefinition.prototype.isInterfaceOrSuperInterface = function(I){
if (this == I){
return true;
for(var i; i<this.interface_count; i++){
if (this.interfaces[i].isInterfaceOrSuperInterface(I)){
return true;
return false;
2011-07-04 18:20:27 +01:00
2011-07-06 16:30:18 +01:00
function LoadClassFile (x,jvm){
return new ClassDefinition(x,jvm);